posted on Oct, 1 2003 @ 02:19 AM
This doesn't have to be just about black people. Anyone here ever heard of the Jomon? They were the people that the Japanese did wrong. Quite like
the way that the Americans destroyed Native cultures, so did the Japanese to the Jomon. The Jomon were peaceful, and worshipped a single goddess, and
then, there was a food shortage on mainland asia. A massive number of chinese migrants pushed the Jomon into the sea, almost literally. They pressed
the belief of Shinto onto them, and eventually, all remnants of the Jomon culture was wiped out. It's pretty sad, really, but I theorize that that
sort of behaviour is, in a way, human nature. Everyone has the need to be right, always. It's just the way things are. That is shown on a
macrocultural scale, in examples such as that one. Even entire cultures do that, even the US, which is the land of tolerance, supposedly. We have
young people being raised by ultra-conservative, pro-bush, super-republicans, who would rather eat their own feces than recognize the rights of the
lower-class worker to the over one trillion dollars stolen from them in the last fiscal year. This is an example of highly defined class division, and
to a lesser extent the erasure of lower class (traditionally Immigrants and their families) identity. The US has a culture all it's own, albeit
borrowed and stolen from several others...and we are expected to conform in such a way as to erase our own personal heritages. Let's be honest, how
many of you actually belive that George W. Bush, or anyone who is within one mile of him has ever enjoyed some of the customs of a minority group? Has
he ever gone on christmas eve to ligt Luminarias? Has he ever eaten a Latke? I'm of the opinion that we need to come together to preserve our
culture, and as I'm lower class myself, I want that trillion in deficit back. Most of it won't even come back to the US economy. It's not my
parents' problem, it's mine, and I refuse to be lumped together with the rest of my countrymen as an "American". I will be my own person, and I
encourage you to be too. By losing a trillion dollars this year, we've been forced to accept it as 'good for the country.', being fed the same line
of rhetoric over and over again about how it's important that we all be the same. How the odd child in elementary school never gets picked for
something, because his beliefs prevent him from making christmas trees with the rest of his class, or because he can't say the pledge of allegiance.
These are just tools used to make us all one race, divided by the economic status quo only, with one set of beliefs.
Sorry about that. i started to ramble. Shutting up now. Peace.