posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 04:14 AM
Hello all, don’t know if this topic has been covered before, if it gets deleted so be it. I want to propose the idea that the government or
governments plural and trying to subliminally communicate something to us. Have you ever noticed the general themes of computer games, movies, sci-fi
series etc. There seems to be a recurrent plot, of man against aliens, nearly always fighting them. Personally I think that we are been gently
introduced to the idea of an outside alien threat, and a trait is being instilled in the populace through gentle behind the scenes manipulation. The
trait and quality they want is RESISTANCE. Just yesterday I was in a kiddies department store, shopping for my kids by the way, but I spotted a little
jumper on the shelf with a picture of Earth and the slogan “Get off my planet”. Judging by the size of it it must have been for a five year old,
but it got me thinking. This theme is recurrent everywhere. Grant it there are exceptions to the rule, but if you think about it, the government (both
US and others) don’t usually make a solid effort to suppress unusual circumstances. Of course the threaten witnesses, manipulate evidence and even
hide it, but all in all there efforts are not convincing. If the government really want to bury something they could do it. By often giving no comment
and releasing some of these documents of suspicious projects, they are slowly but surely introducing us to the truth, in a way that is less shocking.
I don’t know the figures nowadays but something like 40 percent of people genuinely believe in the existence of extra-terrestrials. Also if you
think about it, if they were hostile, or even benignly so, what benefit would the government gain by coming straight out with it. If they are hostile
and the government is resisting in secret, going public would not benefit, even though their funding might go up, their projects would be under
extreme independent scrutiny, meaning less morale flexibility to get the job done at all costs. At the same time imagine if they did come out with it,
imagine the public outcry at being faced with an enemy that could take anyone at any time out of their beds without the government having the ability
or technology to stop it. Political and social anarchy would soon follow. For the sake of stability and control I believe they would keep such a thing
under wraps, but not airtight so that the public might slowly realise what’s going on without as much of a shock.
Any and all comments welcome.