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My sighting.

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posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 10:34 PM
I'm in a sharing mood today (after posting in the supernatural forum today as well) so I thought I would share a sighting that both myself and my mum experienced when I was much younger.

Mum had come to pick me up after hockey practice, on a Wednesday night at about 8:00pm. Since I played goalie, I was all the last to leave because I had to take off all of my pads.

When I finally got to the (open air) carpark, our car was one of three cars left, however the other two were empty.

When I got in mum said to me "Hey Mike, check out that light" I looked out of the front windshield over to the Moresby Ranges (a small grouping of hills on the outskirts of town).

There was a yellow light moving at incredible speeds in a direct line from south to north. After making a direct horizontal line it would stop, pulse three times then take off at another direction - sometimes straight up, sometimes diagonally, but ALWAYS in a straight line.

After watching for about 10 minutes, with a bit of dialogue between my mum and I (mostly just "wow what do you think it is" etc) the light stopped - pulsed three times then (I thought) stopped. After a few seconds both mum and I noticed that it hadnt stopped - it was getting larger.

Normally I would have stopped and waited to see what it was, however I felt really threatened by this light speeding towards us. I panicked and told mum - "lets get the hell out of here mum, we're sitting in the middle of a carpark, BY OUR SELF, with the headlights on!"

My mum is usually pretty level headed, but she looked very anxious as well.

As we started to leave the carpark I tried to keep my eye on the light, however there were a number of tall trees lining the street, so as we got out onto the street I lost sight of it behind the trees and wasnt able to find again that night.

We both got home, feeling very shaken - which was unusual because my family has a strong belief in the paranormal and in UFO's and we have often sat around late at night talking about it and never felt affected. Both mum and I agreed, that we both felt threatened by whatever it was - and there was no doubt in out mind that if we hadnt of left, we would have been much worse off.

Has anyone else had this feeling when sighting a UFO?

I had often heard that people were paralysed/dumbstruck when watching them - however we felt almost compelled to leave.

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 12:08 AM
hmmm....maybe my post wasnt sensationalist enough to generate some comments / discussion....

Would it help if i added that the UFO flew over head blasting us with ray guns, all the while my mum screaming "Oh my god! Lasers! PEW PEW PEW!"

Or possibly...

That they abducted us and took us thousands of feet below the earth to their hollow caverns while they told us their plans of world domination using a soul trapping HARP machine???


[edit on 16-1-2006 by Ezekiel]

[edit on 16-1-2006 by Ezekiel]

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 11:43 AM
You don't need to be sarcastic...

Anyway, that's cool stuff you saw there.It's normal that you felt threatned by it, it's something that we don't know, and we have fear of the unknown. About the paralysed stuff, maybe they weren't paying attention to you and your mom.They're intelligent and stuff, but they can't be that god like lol.

Me too, i'm all ufo foward, and i believe in them, but i saw one, i think i'd run as well or scream as loud as i could.
Fear of the unknown is the worst fear of all.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 10:07 PM
Thanks for the reply Playguy.

Sorry about the Sarcasm. Just seems that people round here dont want to discuss normal, credible ufo sightings anymore.

The only things that seem to generate discussion are silly claims like 'The Ancients' and So yeah I was adbucted by the US military this morning.....

Its really a bit dissapointing.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by playguy
Me too, i'm all ufo foward, and i believe in them, but i saw one, i think i'd run as well or scream as loud as i could.
Fear of the unknown is the worst fear of all.

Hehe yeah - seeing a light in the distance is one thing, having it bear down on you is another thing altogether =)

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 10:11 PM
i would love to see UFO in the sky also....but.....what we need to know is

where they come from.........the Governments might know...but not telling

us....but they atleast know for a fact they exist....but not telling us....why

won't they just come down and help us

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 10:11 PM
i would love to see UFO in the sky also....but.....what we need to know is

where they come from.........the Governments might know...but not telling

us....but they atleast know for a fact they exist....but not telling us....why

won't they just come down and help us

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 10:13 PM
I think what you saw was very real and needs to be shared. Some of us here are tired of being attacked and ridiculed when we respond with support or belief about this kind of incident. I haven't given up, though.
Keep up the posts. I know there are many out there who read but do not reply, and believe you.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by sexymon
I think what you saw was very real and needs to be shared. Some of us here are tired of being attacked and ridiculed when we respond with support or belief about this kind of incident. I haven't given up, though.
Keep up the posts. I know there are many out there who read but do not reply, and believe you.

Thanks for the support Sexymon!

I know that there are people here that believe in these sightings, I'm just a cranky old member who remembers when this site started and people discussed rational claims of ufo sightings with vigor and ignored the sensationalist garbage that some people come up with!

On a side note, I would never attack or demean a member who shares an experience, as long as they are genuine about what they have experienced.

I call on all members: SHARE YOUR SIGHTINGS!!!

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 12:01 AM
i believe i was in third grade..i too was sitting outside with my mom on my porch...its hard to describe im not sure what it was but i guess if i couldnt figure it out it must be a could have been a plane..buuuuut i highly doubt it cuz it moved kinda shakey not like a plane would..and it had orange lights all around it..i believe no more then id say *thinks* 9 or so..they were only lasted a few seconds and the only thing i remember afterwords was..saying..what the hell was that?!?...not really a great sighting i hardly remember much,but enjoy

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 03:02 AM
2 years ago on a dark windy night at about hmmm 11pm I saw something. I thought it was a B2 or a black mantra but i was gravely mistaken. It hovered for 2 minutes a few hundred feet up and then was gone. i was freaked. i called my friend jonathon nelson who lived down my street who also saw it briefly. he was freaked too. is this a ufo or a government black plane? thankyou for your cooperation. May the force be with you!
thankyou and goodnight

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:18 AM
a few days ago i was looking at an internet site that was selling ufo videos and various other related topics and i saw one advertising that there was a secret underground base at scott's peak in tasmania's (australia's) remote south west. well, scott's peak is the name of a hydro-electric dam on lake pedder which i used to fish regularly for trout up until my ufo sighting in 2000. as luck would have it yesterday i met an old friend who was with me that night. i asked him if he saw anything strange and he repeated the same things i had seen to me. also he was frightened and felt weird and threatened the same as me. the night we saw the ufo no-one spoke about it even on the drive home which is over 100 klms. this is what we saw , heard and felt. the ufo was silent. the only light came from the ufo and it was a red light which blinked on for 2 secs then off for 1 sec then on again etc. it gave the feeling that it was searching, it was real slow as well perhaps 30mph. we were fishing 30 metres apart.i felt confused and terrified it was really creepy. the closest inhabited place is 40klm so there is no unnatural light there. it could not be a plane ,the lake iseasily 100 miles off the air traffic routes,also it was too slow. one of the strangest things was how we never talked about it.when the light blinked on it lit up an area of about fifty yards across. to tell the truth i nearly sh*t myself.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 01:53 PM
Well, yesterday, i was reachin my home when i saw this redish orange dot going by.
It blinked a redish orange light too.I focused on for sometime, and it seemed that it would fly, and then stop for a very short time, and then continue to fly again.But it was moving very slowly.

I know planes are supposed to have more than one light, and it isn't that kind of red.I don't know if it was a ufo ship because it only seemed to stop, i'm not sure.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 12:43 AM
Hey Playguy,

Maybe a helicopter? Was it night time??

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 03:49 AM
Hey Ezekiel,
I share your frustration with this site sometimes... I myself posted an account of one of my own sightings, which turned out to be corroborated by another person's report, with little interest shown. It's frustrating when stuff about "2012 - END OF THE WORLD???" gets more interest and discussion.

Anyway, onto your account. I really don't think that feeling uneasy or frightened is abnormal at all. Some time after my first sighting (though still years ago, 1999 I think), I saw a large light in the sky, which at first seemed to be stationary and very slowly dimming and becoming bright again.
I was driving to my girlfriends place at the time and was observing it the whole time, over about 15 minutes. It must have been moving just slightly faster than my car as I drove to her place along the highway, so maybe around 120-130kph (70-80mph).
When I got to her place I immediately told her about it and we went outside onto her rooftop deck but we couldn't see it.

A few weeks later she told me she must have seen something very similar to what I did. Her mum and her were driving home from one of her basketball games one night and saw a light pretty much how I described it to her. Like myself, and you, they weren't really worried just observing it... However her story differed from mine as the light moved ahead of their car and came down behind some trees maybe 1km or so (a bit more than half a mile) ahead of them. They had to take a left turn but if they'd gone just that little bit further they would have seen it up close and on the ground.
They pretty much both said to each other "do you want to go and have a look?", and they both didn't want to and just went home. I would have done exactly the same too. I'm really curious in UFOs, fascinated really, but it would be a really tough call to actually go and seek one out by myself.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 03:16 PM
man what a crazy experience, i wish i saw that i mean it would have been so sweat if you had gotten some pics of even a video of it.

once in a life time, and if your working for the military

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 10:30 PM
Hi 4for4,

I just read your post and funnily enough, one of my friends once described a similar experience to me, although it happened over here in WA at a surf spot called Flatrocks (very good by the way, if you ever come to WA u2u me and I'll give you directions

Very interesting about your other sightings too - I dont really hear much about sightings in Aus.

I think you are right - feeling uneasy or threatened isnt really that weird. I guess it's a fear of uncertainty and not really knowing what you are going to be coming up against. To this day I wish I had stayed to see what would have happened though.

ATSGUY - I really wish i could have got a photo or video too! unfortunately it was so unexpected, and it was even in the days before Digital Cameras and Videos (at least before every man and his dog had one) so it would have been a real effort to get a camera sorted out =)

That being said, there were two witnesses to it (mum and I), so at least I know that I did really see something.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 11:45 PM
your words seem honest and truthfull... i only hope that in the coming months we all buy mini digital cameras that can be carried anywere just in case...

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