posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 04:55 AM
Hey Saphronia, thanks for checking in. Even though I don't want to limit this conversation to the religious aspect, it does seem to be the most
glaring example of the problem.
If it's about repsect, well, then in certain nations we must respect their customs if we choose to go there. But at the same time, respecting others
religious beliefs in the US has become a crock as far as I'm concerned, because it has been taken to the extreme to avoid "possible offense" to
differring beliefs.
My point being, in the US, our customs dictate the rights of freedom of religion, religious expression and freedom of speach. Therefore religious
tolerance (political correctness) has actually gone way too far. It should be expected that exposure to all different belief systems in the US is a
given and not an offense. If you live here, you should understand that this is part of our culture - religious diversity.
In fact, the way I view it, if I am wishing someone a Merry Christmas, regardless of whether or not the other person recognizes that holiday, it
should be perceived as a gesture of good will, not an insult.
What I am saying if I wish you a Merry Christmas is, as I celebrate my holiday, I include you in the well wishes for that holiday. Why should that be
a problem? Why can't one person say Merry Christmas and the other respond Happy Kwanza? What is the problem here? I think that would go a long way
towards unity rather than the trend we are currently witnessing where you can't just blurt out what your nature (from your own beliefs) dictate.