posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 03:07 PM
18 people, 8 men, 5 women, and 5 children, were killed yesterday as the American forces launched an air strike on a small village on the
Afghan-Pakistan border.
The US claims that they've received intelligence which led them to believe that Osama Bin Laden's deputy, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, was present in the
village at the time of the bombing.
Villagers have said that he wasnt there, his body was not found among the dead, which of course means that he wasnt there. Another ''screw up'' by
the Americans.
Heres an article about it.
Now, when you think about the fact that Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri are puppets,and that Al Queda is funded and controlled by the CIA, it would seem
maybe it wasnt such a screw up after all.....