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The Rise of Rectal Journalism

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posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 11:21 AM
There are no brilliant articles on Rense.

Rense tries to pass itself off as a legitimate news source. Like wikapedea, however, they lack any sort of editorial control over the content posts on their site.

Thus, the site is flooded with opinions disguised as facts, paranoia pretending to be research, and blatant promotion of obscure agendas under the pretense of “news.”

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 11:34 AM
While I generally agree with the opinion that most material on Rense is highly, questionable.........I really liked this opinion piece and thought it had some great arguments. Journalists are getting lazy nowadays, and real hard-core reporting seems to be a lost skill.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 02:14 PM
I missed this line of thougth when you posted earlier.

You posted:

"BTW, Tara Reid is an actress from the movies "Clueless" and "Josie and The Pussycats". She was friends with Paris Hilton a year or two ago. My point is, she is more in touch with the public, than the reporters. I was just using her and the other celebrities, as examples. "

While I still am not familiar with Tara Reid...I have unfortunately been exposed via this droll media we have to this woman ..Paris Hilton.
My opinion is that if this Tara Reid is in touch with the public because she was freinds with Paris Hilton ...we've come along way the bottom ...scraping the bottom of the barrel.
If Tara Reid is more in touch than the reporters..we are once again at the bottom of the barrel..the lowest common denominator...though I agree with the point here about the media and most reporters/journalists.

Sorry bsbfan.. but my standard for being in touch with the public is not some poster girls for dumbness and runaway consumption levels. Thrills and frills. Sorry. This is the same tack that the media tries to foist on us in lieu of real news and information. It is a placebo..
I just dont think that Paris or Tara represent me as the public..nor do the media...the main point of this thread. me both groups are rectal.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 02:33 PM
"Oreilly is a man with a show that is about HIS OPINION on news stories. This has been known since the day he started his show. But dont ever accuse oreilly of lying, unless you can substanciate the claim by a REAL factual link, for that would be lying on your part. I have never seen oreilly lie to his audience, try to spin a story to a certain agenda, with baseless facts. He presents a news story, which he cites all the facts, then he usually has guests who either agree or disagree on his position of the story. Lots of people, DEMS, disagree with his OPINION, becuase they conflict with their agenda. Its that simple."


Thankyou Mrs. O'Reilly for chiming in !

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
There are no brilliant articles on Rense.

Rense tries to pass itself off as a legitimate news source. Like wikapedea, however, they lack any sort of editorial control over the content posts on their site.

Thus, the site is flooded with opinions disguised as facts, paranoia pretending to be research, and blatant promotion of obscure agendas under the pretense of “news.”

No... Rense is a compendium site. If you are too dim to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff, don't blame the source. That's on you.

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