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The Proper Way to Get Rid of a Ouija Board?

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 03:40 PM
Obstinate and naive at best to consider the Ouija just a toy or a game. The fact that it's sold as a "game" is ludicrous. The board itself, sure, cardboard, plastic sticker, etc. It's not necessarily the "tool" initially, but how this item is used. I am a firm believer in its ability to attract the negative, to open doors/portals.

I always find it amusing when people start to throw around the "it's just a game, hee hee" banter. Do more research. Penn and Teller are great. I loved their whole deal on "which is dirtier, my butt or my hands?" but there is more evidence to look at than that which is produced for a single, hour-long show on a cable channel. If this is all your counter arguments are, then it's sadly lacking. The information about the Ouija (or message boards, automatic writing, divining) is out there. There are quacks, sure, and you learn how to sort through those and weed the proverbial garden so to say (in regard to information.)

As for getting rid of it, I would not bury it in someone else's yard or your own. With the crap going into products today, you might create a small hole in the ozone layer if you set that sucker on fire. I would, as people suggested, just toss it out, but I personally would paint it over or ruin it so it can't be used again. That's just me, not wanting to send that juju out into the world.

Cleanse the house, not the board. Go to your local mystical/occult bookstore and ask for a book on cleansing rituals or look on the internet for some kind of simple ritual.

Final note: Ignore the 'tards. There sure are a lot on the board.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by JungianQueen]

[edit on 8-7-2008 by JungianQueen]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Wow..So all of you guys are pretty much RETARDED!!!
You are not supposed to BURN it or SELL it or THROW IT AWAY!
All of these things will make the demonic spirits even more mad if you have already let something negative in by using itt.!
You don't even have to use it..Sometimes just letting it be in your possession makes it useful.
Be Carefull.


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by jeepin4x4girl

The only proper way to rid yourself of an ouija board and get rid of the bad luck is to break the board burn sage over it and then burn the board. after you have done this i think you will find a change in your luck

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Azathoth

did throwing away the ouija board do anything... bad/good?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:56 PM
I would suggest giving it away. If you sell it whatever is attached to it will stick with you and when we burnt mine we still had to do some cleansing and other things of that nature to really get whatever it was gone.

That being said I can't be 100% certain that it was with the board and not us but from past experiance when you ive something away the person is willingly taking it and whatever comes with it but when greed is a motivater then it will stay with you.

Where you from if your close or will pay postage I may take it off your hands.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:16 AM
I believe the correct method is to have the board blessed then binded within a box with linen and holy rock salt then burried.But that should be done by a practiced and knowlegable person.


Just my opinion.


[edit on 21-1-2009 by parker]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Alot of people on here have a very good point but I know from experience, DO NOT BURN THE OUIJA BOARD. This is why...

The Ouija board itself is not harmless or bad at all... it isnt... but the ouija board is an opportunity... it is a door. think of it this way.... your in your home in your bedroom... your bedroom door is shut and there is a killer on the other side..... now this door is beefed up with every alarm system and lock you can think of... but your stupid enough to unlock it and the murderer gets in and kills you.... now.... whos fault is it? The door's fault or your fault? I think we all know the answer to that one....
In basic context an ouija board is a doorway. now if a person does not own this doorway then most likely there is no active danger... but once you have bought the ouija board your basically screwed.

So to clear up all of that, the ouija board itself is not evil... it is a doorway that we were dumb enough to make in mass and then sell to 5 years across the country.

Now the reason we do not burn the ouija board is, again looking at this like a door, what is the point of a door if your just oging to burn it? that completely kills the point of the door.... now its just a hole in your wall that things can openly come and go through... doesnt make much sense now does it? say it with me.... no... no it doesnt sound very senseful... So as wonderful a preoblem solver burning the board may seem... it actually could make things WORSE. Ive tried different things and from what ive seen different ouija boards go different ways (none of which include being burned, left at a house when your move, or thrown away). I just leave it outside and keep my house blessed. If the ouija board gets the feeling its not with you it freaks out..... if your try and leave it at schooll... well good luck with that itll be in your backpack when you ge home i assure you.

The best procedure ive heard of so far that works is cutting the board into 7 peices sprinkling it in holy water and then burying it wuite deep within earthern soil.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by jeepin4x4girl

Whatever you do, DON'T burn it. Burning an ouija board destroys the board and, if it was used, LEAVES THE RELM OPEN, enabling demons, spritis and all that to freely move from one to the other. And once the board is destroyed and the relm left open, i am not sure if you can close it. If indeed though you can't close it after burning the board, the house or place where the relm was opened would most likely be plauged by demons for, well, preety long. I have an ouija board myself and am not sure what to do with it and it creeps me out sometimes at night knowing its underneth my bed
. please feel free to correct me where i am wrong.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by MagicaRose

burn it and be certain you scatter the ashes far away

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:30 PM
I had a Ouija board that i stored upstairs for years then one summer i did some spring cleaning with my niece and she wanted to play with it i said NO i took it and burned it outside in the fire pit just incase there was some unknown evil attached to it..I don't believe the board to be anymore then a game but i wasn't takeing any chances ..(Burn it) Peace,sugarcookie1

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:15 PM
I messed around with the Ouija Board a couple of years back when I was into the paranormal phenomena. Couple of my friends and I would go to Enchanted Forest here in LA, and we would contact with all kinds of spirits of sort. Then one day I just decided to get rid of it, I didn't know there was a proper way to get rid of it back then so I just threw it in the trash. No I was not possessed by the Ouija Board demon that night just because I threw it in the trash and not the correct way. Maybe just my luck.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by jeepin4x4girl

burn it, exorcise it, or give it to your mother in law. Those best ways to get rid of it in my book
. To be serious though, put some aloe around your house, aloe attracts good luck and removes bad.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Regardless, they say to burn it. Somehow I know that, I don't know why I know that I just do. Then do a salt pour around your living quarters.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by jeepin4x4girl

Law of creation. If u believe it is causing bad luck chances are it will. I would just burn it. Def get rid of it.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 09:11 PM

Well just to inform you, but Penn and Teller did a episode of their mythbusting show about the ouija board. Their studies concluded that the board is nothing more then a rectangular object at which many people play with themsleves in a spiritual game of russian roulette except with a gun full of blanks. They did a test with a group of people and let them play with the board normally. After that they blindfolded everyone and had them try again ...but they switched the board upsidedown to trip them up and see if spirit were using the board. Well the people were still going to the position they thought the answer was (i.e. going up to the yes when the yes question was clearly on the bottom now.) Now they just used ordinary people , so if you are psychically inclined you might have a different expierence. But otherwise you can throw it away. It is just a board game.


I need to find that episode on Youtube.

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