posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 09:42 PM
similar to the 'get to know each other better' game.
i want to know u guys a little better. but the twist is i wanna do that through what u r most afraid of?
me : ever since i was a wee kid, i have always been scared of waking up alone, with no living soul on this planet except me. i have this re-occurring
nightmare i get sometimes when i am sick.
its about me being stuck on a sort of an island, very small and cramp. there is just a tree on it and thats all. i cant scream, cant cry, cant do
nothing, sooo helpless. there is miles and miles of nothing except water, endless and endless amount of water; sort of like an abyss. the worst part
is the whole picture/ view is spinning and water is very turbulent. the view is also like from a sky point of view at an 45 degree angle. very tiny
always wake up sweating like a pig.
so what r u afraid of? try to be as description as possible thanks.
ps world peace
[edit on 13-1-2006 by rottonralph101]