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I know 2 masons

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posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 09:42 PM
hi, i have read a lot about masons i know 2 personally ones a builder and the other is a property developer both are very nice and are open about the fact there a mason when i see them i cant help but think that Masonry really is just an old boys club where they drink some brandy and smoke cigars, the only dodgy thing they do is get rid of speeding tickets, if either of them speed they go to the lodge and it gets cleared but i mean wouldnt you if you had the chance!?


posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 10:02 PM
I know a lot of Masons, and most of them are good people.

It's still interesting to read all the things there are about them though.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 10:33 PM
i rarely say anything on a thread connected to the subject of masons/masonry just because of my own reasons, but i'd like to say here and now thanks for posting this. i'd be willing to venture you probably know more then 2 masons, you just don't know they belong to the organization, and that like the 2 you know of, are fine people. the more i read the ATS threads about masonry the more i laugh because of how truly ridicuous the accusations and beliefs are getting. it's becoming more and more apparent to me just how delusional some people have to be to believe some of the anti-masonic propaganda. they have to construct this vast world of conspiracy to believe such far fetched things. thanks for being straight, and putting forth possibly the most trustable evidence ever, pure observation.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 11:16 PM
Heres the thing about masons, they are an occult dedicated to the devil (the light as they call it) and the one quality they all share is the devils #1 quality and that is the deciever, the liar. you see the thing about deception is you do not know you are being deceived. So they play the role of nice guys, good ole boys club but in secret they do scheme some really bad things. After seeing the inside of a mason lodge im sure you will agree its more to it then just "hey bubba hows the kids" talk. Masons take an oath of secrecy and if they break that oath they face literal death. so they play the role of just a regular club but behind the scenes they partake in major current events from the "elections" as the media like to call it. freemasons decide who leads. because this world is ruled by the devil and he uses his human scumbags to do his bidding...the masons.

there are masons though that truly dont know all this evel truth thats why masons have a pyramid of degrees so they are put thru so many tests before they are shown the real stuff and only the higher ranked ones know the real deal secrets. Never forget: the nature of deception is you do not know you are being decieved.

i know too how nice a mason can be my sister married one. it wasnt until one day i was over their house watching their dogs a letter came in the mail from the freemasons to him that i did some investigating and thats where i learned all about the freemasons. My sister told me he told her he was a mason but could tell her absolutely nothing about the freemasons. anyways i opened that letter and and it was a thank you of some sort from the masons and listed my brother inlaw as a 33rd degree. Kid you not. and it said we thank you for your support in furthering our plans or something like that. wasnt very informative but "plans" soounds to me more than just a meeting of upper class people who meet up and do secret handshakes and discuss their familys.

[edit on 12-1-2006 by rowdyroddy]


posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by rowdyroddy
anyways i opened that letter and and it was a thank you of some sort from the masons and listed my brother inlaw as a 33rd degree.

You claim they worship the Devil, yet here you are posting about snooping in someones mail.

Sounds like the Devil has a good grip on you my friend.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 11:32 PM
i never said i was an angel. but i know masons are the scourge of this world.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 11:36 PM
lol cug what a comeback. come on there are lodges where lunatics were hailed as grandmaster masons.

google up aleister crowley. he attended the studholm lodge, so did the prince of england.

then he entered the golden dawn. where they worshipped satan regularly and he also admitted to sodomizing young boys. sad but true.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by rowdyroddy
i never said i was an angel. but i know masons are the scourge of this world.....

.....because this world is ruled by the devil and he uses his human scumbags to do his bidding...the masons.

Ignorant, unfounded statements like that do more damage to our world than a group of likeminded, and charitable people meeting and sharing some truly enriching experiences with one another.

Why dont you tell my next door neighbour (whose 11 year old daughter is severly physically handicapped) that the local Mason's who provided her car with a $900 chair lift - so her daughter could easily get in and out of the car - are the scourge of the world.

Saying that masons are occult and worship the devil is probably the most laughable thing I have ever heard. As a mason myself, I can assure you that in all my time as a mason I have never come across anything that could be considered "devil worshipping".

I will admit that some aspects of masonry do not mesh all that well with Christianity (which I will not go into here), however to come out and say that masons are "human scumbags" is terribly immature and innapropriate.

Also in relation to Aleister Crowley - I would like to point out that every group has their bad elements.

Dont make me bring up the Catholic church who very clearly worship god but have been in trouble more times than I've had hot meals over child abuse and sodomy.

To make a broad generalisation about any group of people only shows your ignorance and immaturity and I'm sure I'm not alone in finding your statements offensive.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by popek
hi, i have read a lot about masons i know 2 personally ones a builder and the other is a property developer both are very nice and are open about the fact there a mason when i see them i cant help but think that Masonry really is just an old boys club where they drink some brandy and smoke cigars, the only dodgy thing they do is get rid of speeding tickets, if either of them speed they go to the lodge and it gets cleared but i mean wouldnt you if you had the chance!?


To get back to the main topic of the thread, yes Freemasonry does provide you with a fun place to meet up with good people - I dont know about the speeding ticket thing, I might have to look into that =)

I do know that here in Australia, Freemasonry is being a lot more open these days with open nights that allow people to come along and join us for our festive board (known as "The South") to get an idea of what Freemason lodge meetings are like.

Of course, they are not allowed into the Lodge when the meeting is taking place however our WM (Worshipful Master) is there to answer as many questions as he is able after the meeting.

Regardless of what anyone says, there is nothing 'sinister' going on at any of our meetings - except maybe our left handed chef cutting the roast beef.....


posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
google up aleister crowley. he attended the studholm lodge, so did the prince of england.

Actually Crowley never attended a British Lodge. If fact he wrote them a nasty letter over being denied entrance. (But there is a story that he basically bluffed his way into one.. I believe he sat is a spot reserved for royalty or something like that.)

then he entered the golden dawn. where they worshipped satan regularly and he also admitted to sodomizing young boys. sad but true.

Crowley was in the Golden Dawn (and left it) before he ever attempted to join Freemasonry.

The Golden Dawn never worshiped Satan. (I'm a Former member, if they did I'd say so.. I have no problem with Satanists)

Crowley never admitted to sodomizing young boys. But he did talk about visiting some prostitutes in Africa (Algiers?) that sounded like there were in there late teens... and technically it was they who sodomized him. He took a passive role in his homosexual encounters.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:21 AM
wow popek !

nice sampling , you'd make a great statistician !

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 02:25 AM
I've looked, and I can't see the conspiratorial aspect of this thread. Can anyone enlighten me?

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 08:52 AM
There is already a thread on this, please feel free to add comments there

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