posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Oh, heh, guess it would have been nice if I'd told you what to do after that eh?
There should be a ber with a white button that says "Browse..." on the right hand side. Next to the Browse button, there should be another grey
button that says "upload"
You need to first find an image the you want, (and remember, size matters. Avatar's can't be any larger than 160 pixels wide and 320 pixels tall.
) then you save that image in a file somewhere. Once the image is asved, click the "Browse..." button and look for the file you saved the image in.
When you find it, click on it and click "Open" next to the "File Name" space. Once the url is in the bar next to the Browse button, hit upload.
If you need help from there, let me know.
This thread has the avatar guidelines and I believe Asala posted a link that
could be pretty helpful as well.
[edit] Sorry, 160 x 320, thanks cpr
[edit on 15/1/2006 by Kitsunegari]