posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 10:54 PM
i can tell you why i don't like him,
all personal opinions but, he stole the election with help from brother in florida. the whole war on terrorism was staged to open the door for the nsa
to monitor our everyday activity invading our privacy. bush clearly had ties to 911, bush said he saw the first plane hit the building on the news(
there wasn't any footage of this until days later) , bush has ties to the freemason and skull and bones cult at yale, the war on iraq was not a war
on terror sadam had no ties to 911, the war on iraq was a war of population control and attaining more oil. anthrax scare was from a us military
strain. columbia shuttle more then likely was brought down my harrp which im sure everone noticed it crashed in bush's
home state in PAKISTAN county TEXAS, this all happend right before we go into the middle east to fight terror a coincidence at best.
shall i go on? i am ashamed in ignorance i voted for him, it will not happen again, i just hope he hasn't already stole the next