I’m back from the dead, and I have time now, so everybody look out, The eyeofhorus is watching, and plotting.
Originally posted by Mayet
I can't answer from a freemasons point of view, I am a woman but here is some idea of why there could be 33 degrees...
Finally, somebody looks at an ancient craft with ancient eyes. Is it possible that Mayet's post is true? Possibly, the method she is using is
symbolic of the ancient texts, which Albert pike writes about in his book "morals and dogma" In the second or third chapter (i can't remember
which) he discusses the significance of the ancient alphabets, and how numbers and letters are represented by the same symbols. This suggests
mathematics and literature were one language with two separate meanings or a sort of code or doublespeak if you will.
Pike also discuses the significance of these numbers, the most basic being the symbolism of the single, the duad and the triad. All of the symbols
for these numbers were representative of some alphabetic character, which had some greater meaning. This is a very basic outline of the system of
ancient language. In all reality the context of words is not even close to the contexts of mathematics. As an engineering major, and avid conspiracy
buff, I get to mess with numbers all of the time, and I still am working on a paper involving mathematics and contexts of ancient languages.
Some good introduction to ancient language is compiled at
From what I have found the best Language to look at is one of the more modern of the ancient languages, similar to Greek, it is the Coptic alphabet.
One of the possible ancient traditions shared amongst the history of the Masonic brotherhood.
Back to the original post I go....
Calling Icke a "legally retarded" person my be pushing it, as much as I tend to sometimes agree. He is simply acting in the basic manner, and
attacking that which he does not understand. It is the easiest way to appeal to the idiot masses. Using shock value he slowly builds wild theories
that are hard to disprove, however unlikely. This tends to make me angry considering that I know in my heart that they are largely untrue.
He would gain larger credibility if attempted to reach out and understand the Masonic tradition, first understanding the ideologies and languages of
the masons. Above, I use pike as an example in significance of ancient alphabets. Pike may just be one of the most misunderstood authors in our
country's history. His work "morals and dogma" is a transcendental/philosophical work; each degree of the "ancient and accepted rite" is
outlined by a philosophy on governance, opposing tyranny, freedom, history, and life in general.
Pikes work is one of the most attacked pieces of literature in the Masonic organization. Today It is not even used in any mainstream way amongst
masonry. One of the most attacked passages in the literature contains the word "Lucifer, bringer of light" Icke, and most "legal retards"
immediately make the modern connection, assuming that it means Satan. WRONG. It is a simple pagan reference to the planet Venus, the morning
star/evening star. Pike uses Venus to emphasize the topic of balance; which is the main motif and lesson of M&D.
Those who do not understand Pike are those who have not researched him well enough to know what he was and who he became. Rumors of a bracelet, which
had the power to summon the devil, as well as many other ties to Satan, are gross oversights of the ignorant. He was simply living the balance, which
is the lesson of the 33rd degree in M&D. Truthfully he was not a Satanist, nor did he know the prince of darkness. He is a man who unified the
philosophical works of the ancients into one unified text for his brothers. He was an incredibly bright, master of ancient languages and arcane
texts. He was stranded in the wilderness for a long time, and he became a transcendental survivalist. Anyone who knows the transcendental authors
knows that until you remove yourself from society as a whole, and disconnect with the language of the people; you cannot truly understand the language
of the earth and of nature. Pike spoke the language of the earth and trees, he told of his struggle with nature, and he used it to build his
knowledge of his surroundings. Rather opposite of Icke and his followers, who cling to society for answers, and the result, is the blind leading the
Of those who read pike's "morals and dogma" less than 10% finish it, less then 10% of those who finish it understand what he is truly saying, and
even less practice what he preaches in the text. He must be laughing at all the mason haters, as they make themselves look like idiots, and the
people that hang on their every word.
Half as high as heaven, twice as loud as reason.
[edit on 16-1-2006 by Eyeofhorus]