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USA Is the Winter Over? Birds already flying North!!!

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posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Ptolomeo
I will write 3 options for this behaviour:

1. The winter is over and birds know this already.

2. The Earth´s field is getting crazy and birds are confused.

3. Birds are leaving because a major disaster is going to happen.

Which option would you select and why?

I am inclined to go with #1. My concern of course is that if the flora and fauna are wrong, it could have disastrous consequences.

#2 seems unlikely as I understand that influence to be one on navigation...not when to migrate.

#3 certainly includes the most drama as an option, but I find it difficult to even conceive of what kind of disaster could happen that would drive the birds north...

[edit on 12-1-2006 by loam]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Ptolomeo
After reading your experiences, theories and postings, may I introduce a question to this thread?

I will write 3 options for this behaviour:

1. The winter is over and birds know this already.

2. The Earth´s field is getting crazy and birds are confused.

3. Birds are leaving because a major disaster is going to happen.

Which option would you select and why?

Im just adding data from my location. Im not stupid enough to jump on any answer right now. I think most people here would be doing to same, adding information to this thread, not exactly trying to tell you what is happening.... Cause we dont know.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:28 PM
This isn't the first I've heard of odd spring-like happenings in the North East.

Right now, it feels like late March in Manhattan... it's a beautiful late-winter/early-spring day.

Also, co-workers in Connecticuit have reported seeing crocus coming up in their gardens... this is a late-winter flower.

Very odd.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:39 PM
Well, according to your experience and information posted, I would say you are confirming a change in the weather, as it should be winter and you have warm temperatures. That can be a good reason for the birds to migrate. Therefore, as stated by Loam I am declined for option 1, cause I cannot imagine which kind of disaster could make the birds fly north...

I am sure (as mentioned by Essan) that the best way to solve this mistery is by getting the answer from the American Ornithologist Union. Has someone who witnessed these migrations contacted with the Union to share info and ask?
Their opinion about this would be most helpful.

[edit on 12-1-2006 by Ptolomeo]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:46 PM
I am in central illinois about 3 weeks ago we had snow on the ground that was here almost two weeks on our lake was frozen solid with snow on top. We broke snow fall and cold records for the first part of December dating back to 1865.

As I sit here in my office today, the lake has totally melted, we have had no snow on the ground since before 12/22 and the last 2 and half weeks has been very very warm but all accounts. The sun is bright and the skys are blue, it has been pretty windy here on and off every day.

Funny thing is last weekend it was 55 degrees should be in the 20's right now. Then monday it was 29 degrees and the rest of the week so far has been pretty warm. The thousands of geese that had been here when it was extremely cold have all flown away for the most part (to the north).

I was told these are Canadian Monarchs ? that come to our lake in the winter, some of them honk ?

As this is my first winter here moving from California it feels like an early spring day.

Where is the snow... it seems the newscaster through in "well we will get some light flurries next wednesday or (a random day)" but that day comes and it turns out to be warm and windy, no chance of snow.....

I want to get my boat out of winterized storage and cruise around on the lake it is that nice....

So I agree winter I think might be over

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:53 PM
I live in Dallas and have made some observations regarding the birds that seem strange to me. This might be normal but I dont recall seeing Falcons in the city before. I live on a creek and there are Red Falcons that I have spotted on severel occasions, including today. I have also seen them close to a highway about 5 miles from here. The squirrels are still out, I do still see cardinals, my dog found a grass snake this week and a opposum ran across my front porch in the middle of the day. Those are some of my animal observations. If I start hearing the frogs croaking, I'll start to worry!!

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 02:34 PM
I haven't read this whole thread yet so excuse me if I say something stupid
. I have to smoke outside, I live in St. Louis MO....I watch all the wildlife that I can.....I see Lots of doves around here usually in groups of 10 to 15, Lots of Cardnials, and othere types...starling, small smaller species, Hawks and just a few crows....

2 days ago however I saw 2 robins...this kinda freaked me out because its Jan....not march or april.....but I haven't really seen any Flocking birds to date.

OK We have a butt load of squirrels leat 15 to 20...the last 2 weeks they have been building nests like crazy, and another the morning they are going crazy chasing each other, barking and running all over......seems like its mating season in Jan......

will post more if I see more

Good Thread

BTW the high today is in the 60'S

[edit on 12-1-2006 by LDragonFire]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Ptolomeo
After reading your experiences, theories and postings, may I introduce a question to this thread?

I will write 3 options for this behaviour:

1. The winter is over and birds know this already.

2. The Earth´s field is getting crazy and birds are confused.

3. Birds are leaving because a major disaster is going to happen.

Which option would you select and why?

I like yourself and Loam am inclined to go with option 1. I think we had winter in late fall. I believe this because I have been watching and observing the climate and animal changes in Kentucky for a long time. My observations have lead me to believe that the seasons are in fact changing and in saying that i'm not necessarily jumping the gun and saying that it is an all out climate change. I just mean I believe the seasons are changing.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 02:48 PM
im in ontario canada an yesterday was like a warm spring day i was out in a tshirt an shorts an that is really weird the previous day to yesterday it was -5 outside and lots of snow outside an yesterday it was +9 outside an bright an shiney an melted all the snow
i was like wtf this cant be
it should be freezing an lots of snow this is canada... we should be in are igloos not much of one left thanks to global warming
the day it was amazingly warm in the moarning when i went out for my moarning smoke i saw atleast 9 chemtrails big ones in the blue cloudless sky maybe that could be warming the area?

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 03:23 PM
Funny everyone should mention this. Last week (Either Tue. or Wed.) I saw at least 2 dozen V formations of birds within a 10 min period. They were flying fairly high and I was driving but they were either geese or large ducks. My kids spotted them first. At a stop light I was able to look around and see that there had to be at least 300 - 400 birds visible in the sky at one time.

The were headed South which isn't odd, but I don't usually see these large formations this time of year. This is in North Texas (Dallas area) Smaller birds like grackles and sparrows hang out here in the thousands during the winter, but large birds like I saw usually only fly through in the fall, not January. Speaking of warm weather, It's been unusually warm this winter. I've barely used a coat at all. Some people I know were talking about their pear trees starting to bloom already.

[edit on 12-1-2006 by dbates]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Ptolomeo
After reading your experiences, theories and postings, may I introduce a question to this thread?

I will write 3 options for this behaviour:

1. The winter is over and birds know this already.

2. The Earth´s field is getting crazy and birds are confused.

3. Birds are leaving because a major disaster is going to happen.

Which option would you select and why?

Good synopsis ptolomeo, thanks. But - besides adding an "all of the above" choice, I think we could find a few more...

4. The earth's axis tilted MUCH more than we were told during last December's tsunami, and we're beginning to notice the effects;


All I know is that this is well worth watching.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 06:02 PM
Wow, it's not just an isolated incident than.

This thread caught my interest because on Tuesday (Jan.10.06) I heard some Geese squawking and thought WTF, the geese should'nt be around yet, and went outside and saw a flock of them flying overhead, I live in northern Washington state.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 10:36 PM
To the person that mentioned birds building nests, this is quite early for that. This weather is twisted. Winter is only a few weeks in. We've got over two months left of Winter. That's going to be destructive if Winter comes back after all this bird migration.


posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Wow, it's not just an isolated incident than.

This thread caught my interest because on Tuesday (Jan.10.06) I heard some Geese squawking and thought WTF, the geese should'nt be around yet, and went outside and saw a flock of them flying overhead, I live in northern Washington state.

I always know our cold winter is over when the geese and all the other migratory birds arrive here in Alaska. Just perhaps, if they are in WA state- I'm getting my hopes up, lol...
Reality is though, the geese have not arrived here. When they do, I'll let all know.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 11:20 PM
I'm in Ontario Canada and yeah it was mild here too, some areas of Southern Ontario rose to the +14 and +15 range and when I was walking to work through the park I could smell the earth, gotta like that.

I still see, around the same number of geese here in the park as I have seen here since the summer and fall, almost like some never left.

The temperatures are supposed to drop again by the weekend to -12

Forgot to mention, that maybe Japan has all our snow- crazy there, some areas got dumped 13 FEET(how do they find each other:lol

[edit on 12-1-2006 by alphacenturi]

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:38 AM
Well it was 53 here in detroit today, which was only 10 degrees shy of the 1890's record of 63 for the month of january. The squirls where out again today and i heard a lot of birds swacking and singing.

It feel more like eairly spring here, this past fall was perty dam cold up here, with october temps near 32 and lots of frost.

This past summer broke allmost all of the standing records for the area.

Some one was talking about the boxing day quake and it's effects. I have a few theories on this as well.

The one thing no one has talked about is the fact that the earths diamter has changed because of the quake. Take an egg and blow air on it, the air spreds out and the air preasure is not as high, Take a sphere and blow air on it and the air psi is higher and the wind bands are not a spread out as much. (this change in wind bands was very evdent in the 2005 huricane season as the Mid lever shear winds where not present) the wind was farther north and we seen less tornados in the Tornado ally area, they where a lot farther north this year then normal.

Also take into consideration the polar ice is melting which is releaving preasure on the poles of the planet. That is suspected to let the earth become more globe like and less like an egg.

Then there is the extra wobble that has been produced by the quake also, the earth is faceing the sun more buy a few degrees, that also can lead to the earth warming up, as more of the face of the planet is tilted towards the sun.

Add on top of that, that if the diamater of the planet has changed the magneitic feild also has to change to fallow the contours of the planet.

Granted some of this is my theory but some of it is science facts that i got off the web. was working on writeing a paper on this to post on ATS but this thread has peeked my interest on this and felt this information was relvent in this post.

Sorry about the spelling. New heart meds and ADD don't like each other very much at all.


posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:41 AM
Good post zintac. I look forward to seeing all your info collected in a thread.

Please u2u me when you get it up - I'm very interested. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 10:17 AM
I find your added theory of great interest Soficrow, as well as Zintac´s.

Zintac, would you mind keeping me updated too? I am really interested and look forward to hearing about it from you.

Thank you.

[edit on 13-1-2006 by Ptolomeo]

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 10:20 AM

I also agree...your thoughts would make a great thread.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 10:25 AM
My aunt in North Carolina also confirms, birds flying north and unseasonal appearance of song birds in her garden...hope they don't die if the weather all of a sudden turns cold...

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