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Any bases or underground Facilities in South Africa�

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posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 05:20 AM
I�m researching secret bases - Facilities in south Africa, that�s were n live, I done n search of it on the net but only found nuclear bases that is not that secret
If there is any secret bases�

Maybe someone now of any bases�or Facilities.

posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 05:35 AM
I guess if they were known then they wouldn't be secret anymore now would they?

posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 05:45 AM
no i havent heard any facilities there they are usually us run though so mmmm

posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 05:53 AM
I herd at one of my friends that there is underground tunnels in Pretoria that stashes weapons and stuff �don�t now if that�s true� but I will dig deeper into this�

posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 06:20 AM
I know that they have some of the deepest mines in the world. They also have some of the best mining technology out there. It would stand to reason that they may have an abandoned mine or two that have been converted for military use. Try looking for history of their mines. Find out which old mines are not in use. Then find out which ones have disappeared. They would probobly try to hide the history and info on the ones they would be secretly using.

posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 06:48 AM

Its true we have the deepest mines and the mining technology is some of the best.
I like the id�e of old mines converted to military bases sound interesting I will look around and put on what n find�

I work for Sasol most people now of the company
Its Dees days all over the world mining for gas and Cole I also herd that the sasol Company also have some stuff to hide what n don�t now but me working here I hear lots of stories one is of satellite navigation systems and hi-tech stuff, I now for shore of an satellite that take pictures of the sasol plants, some of the pictures I sow but was on the network and couldn�t copy them they have lost of restrictions on our pc�s and me as n IT Professional and Programmer couldn�t get past the security to copy the pics this was on some of the servers sasol holds about 65 terabytes of data on the servers..

Well will go and look for more info and stuff be nice�

[Edited on 30-9-2003 by vaswegpg]


posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 02:46 PM
Here are some clues for you.

1. Speskop Military Base in Pretoria (Various activities)
2. Hoedspruit Airforce Base. (Entire base and runways underground)
3. Camp 13. Nimibian desert. (Now destroyed, exact location unknown)

I've had my suspicions about a place just outside Bloemfontein called 7 DIV MON SEN. (7th Division Mobile Centre)
Various naval bases in the Cape but I was never involved with those.

Have fun with this info.
These were not American bases or have ever been.
Pure SA engineering skill and talent unlike anybody has seen.

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 03:22 AM
Thanks man I will check it out�

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 03:27 AM
That would be an interesting one - but so many airbases have been closed down or converted to partial military use here, I wonder if the government still has the funds to maintain them? It would have to mean some kind fo secret agenda on the part of the SA government.

I'll poke around and see what I can get, but I have a hunch you're on the right track.

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Lampyridae]

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by Jo
Here are some clues for you.

1. Speskop Military Base in Pretoria (Various activities)
2. Hoedspruit Airforce Base. (Entire base and runways underground)
3. Camp 13. Nimibian desert. (Now destroyed, exact location unknown)

I've had my suspicions about a place just outside Bloemfontein called 7 DIV MON SEN. (7th Division Mobile Centre)
Various naval bases in the Cape but I was never involved with those.

Have fun with this info.
These were not American bases or have ever been.
Pure SA engineering skill and talent unlike anybody has seen.

I've heard rumours about SA high energy weapons, such as laser weapons. I know that SA companies are quite advanced with laser tech - do you know anything about this?

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 04:05 AM
Here thy talk about an incident in the Kalahari �Thor-2 Maser canon�




[Edited on 12-11-2003 by vaswegpg]


posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by vaswegpg
Here thy talk about an incident in the Kalahari �Thor-2 Maser canon�




[Edited on 12-11-2003 by vaswegpg]

The Kalahari is in Namibia. Camp 13 was in the Namibian or Kalahari desert.

The incident you are refering to is about a UFO that was shot down by a South African jet fighter carrying the then experimental THOR Laser.

There was indeed an incident but no jet fighter was scrambled to intercept it as the radar stations knew before hand that the UFO was flying too fast for anything they had at the time to inercept it.

Fighters were merely sent up to close off possible escape routes and by doing so they sent the UFO in the direction of Camp 13.
A ground based laser at camp 13 was used to shoot down the UFO.

At the same time the Americans were also monitoring this incident and when the UFO crashed they dispatched a "clean up crew". It is also from this incident that the Americans got to learn of the THOR laser and now a different version of it is mounted on the nose of a 747.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 05:28 AM
Hi Jo

Gust think it was interesting because I never hared of it before... the UFO and that it was shot down�

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Jo

Originally posted by vaswegpg
Here thy talk about an incident in the Kalahari �Thor-2 Maser canon�




[Edited on 12-11-2003 by vaswegpg]

The Kalahari is in Namibia. Camp 13 was in the Namibian or Kalahari desert.

The incident you are refering to is about a UFO that was shot down by a South African jet fighter carrying the then experimental THOR Laser.

There was indeed an incident but no jet fighter was scrambled to intercept it as the radar stations knew before hand that the UFO was flying too fast for anything they had at the time to inercept it.

Fighters were merely sent up to close off possible escape routes and by doing so they sent the UFO in the direction of Camp 13.
A ground based laser at camp 13 was used to shoot down the UFO.

At the same time the Americans were also monitoring this incident and when the UFO crashed they dispatched a "clean up crew". It is also from this incident that the Americans got to learn of the THOR laser and now a different version of it is mounted on the nose of a 747.

Yeah, interesting one. I'd heard of ground-based lasers here, and also the THOR weapon. I doubted that it could fight on an underwing hardpoint as I'd heard, though. The Americans and Germans both had developed and tested similar chemical lasers. However, the difference with THOR seems to be that it can fire at long ranges without suffering significant atmospheric scattering - just the way the ABL COIL does (although it also flies at altitude).

Thanks for the info, bru!


posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:15 AM
I found this here -
I cannot vouch for the sight as I have only just found it.

Mystery and subterfuge shroud 'The Kalahari UFO Crash'.

The incident has been reported in daily newspapers and UFO magazines alike. Some sources date the crash as 7th May 1989, others sources quote the same date for 1988. The UFO was allegedly shot down by a South African Air Force Mirage jet and crashed near the border between Botswana and South Africa.

Quest International, a well known UK magazine printed a Special Edition devoted to the subject in May/June 1993. According to their reporter a joint S.A.A.F.-U.S.A.F called OPERATION SILVER DIAMOND was mounted to recover the occupants and debris. A former Lieutenant-Colonel of the U.S.A.F. is quoted as saying..."My contacts in naval intelligence have informed me that we [The United States] have given the South Africans advanced technology in exchange for a U.F.O.".

Among the threads of evidence is a printed photocopy of a faxed response to a query from Wright-Patterson Airforce Base which refers to a satellite re-entry on 7 th May 1988 and a confirmation of a 'fireball or satellite re-entry' in the same area on 7th May 1988. A researcher at Quest claims to have phoned N.O.R.A.D. and asked the duty officer to provide any information relating to this date and location. The officer allegedly replied that 'an unknown object was tracked on entering the region'. The magazine goes on to state that ..."two totally independent researchers made their way to South Africa to conduct their own enquiries into the case". Each reported that a crash landing of some kind had taken place in the Kalahari Desert. The one report was from Dr. J.J. Hurtak, an American ufologist and Professor of Science, the other was from J. Von Buttlara, a German researcher. Both were able to confirm Military sightings of an 'object' over South African airspace. There are also reports of a nameless researcher who travelled into the Kalahari region where he spoke at length with local tribesman who confirmed having seen strange aerial objects in the area.

A report during 1993 in 'The Argus', a Cape Town daily newspaper, told of claims of an international 'cover-up' and 'disinformation exercise' that is blocking attempts by researchers to uncover the 'truth'. It also named Botswana's Environment Minister, Dithoko Seiso, as confirming the incident.

Cynthia Hind of Zimbabwe, a world famous UFO researcher and author of a book on UFO's in Southern Africa subsequently wrote an article that was published in the 'UFO Times'. It was titled;

"Anatomy of a hoax. The UFO crash on the South African/Botswana border".

This article exposes one, James Van Greunen, as the originator of an extremely elaborate hoax. She points out inconsistencies and discrepancies in the alleged documents as proof. Amongst these are 14 spelling mistakes in what claimed to be an official document. When Van Greunen was confronted he admitted he had faked some details but still insisted it was a true story about a downed object on the border repeated to him in confidence by a friend of his, Hendrik Greef, a pilot in the S.A.A.F, who had overheard it at an officers mess.

From all this it is clear to see that case has been fraught with controversy and bizarre reports continue to add to the confusion. There have recently been claims that a French Intelligence officer was murdered whilst investigating the case.

Additionally, when the author attempted to track the sources of the above newspaper article he was told by the librarian at the Argus. "The file has been 'borrowed' and is now 'missing'"


posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:29 AM
I'm certain there are these kinds of facilities, South Africa did develop nuclear weapons with Israel so some modicum of security would be needed for these labs, perhaps they just buried them well

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 03:29 PM
There is a place in the eastern cape near a town called molteno its a road that goes off and is marked restricted area the place is huge nobody is ever seen going in or out even neighbouring farmers dont know anything about this place i have asked alot of people about it even the local police captain and they have lived there since they were born there are many stories of UFO sightings i have not seen anything like that in that area the whole time i was living (which wasnt very long) and there is a place there were the earth is practically cracked on one side there is one type of stune the other has a different kind of stone sorry i forget the name....but anyways if you take a compass there it spins around there are a couple of pigeon racers in that area and they say that not 1 of there birds that they have let go in that area have ever come talking about a place were there is about 4000 people in a 150km radius there is NOTHING THERE but there are far to many stories in that area and considering that most of the people there havnt been to school alot of them cant even read.......i really dont think that it is made up!!!!!

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:13 PM
I was looking for the location of a now closed base called Vreemannshoop. Spelling questionable. Maybe someone came across it.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:58 AM
I'm doing some research on underground bases and i was wondering how they can build these massive underground bases so quietly. I didn't even know about the official bases

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 05:53 AM
Most military communication and computer sites were underground. One of the larger ones in Pretoria was about 16 storeys down. Speak to people who worked at Blenny, also to the old South African guys that did military service in the signal units (Army) or communication units (Airforce). Yes, they were secret bases, but just secret as far as the military goes, don't think that is what you are looking for.

I have heard of an underground base in Cape Town area, but have not details to give as proof. It is not the Silvermine base near Simonstown, everybody knows about that one.

Oh-yes, you can research a company called Houwtek (think the spelling is correct, but could be Houwteck) they had a rather large place just outside a town called Grabouw. They were building satelites but rumour is that they were also involved with the nuclear missiles we were building. Those are no longer real secrets, but I think the area is still restricted from the public. I suppose with Google Earth it might be possible to see if you can see anything in the area... follow the N2 highway out of Cape Town, and just over the St Lowry's pass before you get Grabouw, check the area between the highway and the coast on top of the mountain.

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