posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 01:02 AM
From the CUFOS/UFO Coalition publication "Giant UFO in the Yukon Territory" by Martin Jasek:
"On December 11, 1996 an incredible "UFO event" took place along a 340km stretch of the Klondike and Silver Trail Highways in the Yukon Territory,
Canada. The sightings occured in four major areas: Fox lake, The village of Carmacks, the village of Pelly Crossing, and the village of Mayo, each
having 6, 9, 8, and 8 witnesses respectively. This total of 31 people is a minimum number and only includes those identified to the investigator by
name. There were other witnesses (or vehicles) reported on the scene...
"The majority of witnesses were awed by the giant size of the UFO and some related it to the dimension of a sporting arena.... This comparison is
conservative, as... A reasonably accurate estimate of the size of the UFO was accomplished through triangulation [of observed data]."
The report goes on to state that the UFO was between .88 and 1.8 km long. It was a large 'saucer' or 'disk' type, though its top or dorsal area
was dome shaped, while the bottom was flat. Essentially, a truck driver first noticed it as it crossed Fox lake, then began to fly in a path parallel
to the highway he was on. As it progressed, several more motorists noticed it and pulled to the side of the road to watch it fly by. One man described
it as being so large that he had to turn his head to see it in its entirety... that is, it was so long that, at close range, he could not take in the
whole sight of the thing.
Some discrepencies regarding the size occured because, as it was flying, the lighting pattern on its 'outer hull' or fuselage began to change...
thus, though a carefull observer would note that its true shape had not been altered, its illuminated profile was. Still, even with 'lights out',
the craft appeared to be at least half a mile in diameter.
A reasonably accurate idea of the shape was determined because witnesses reported seeing it ftom both 'head on' or abaft angles and from directly
below it (those seeing it from below noted it was indeed circular and appeared to have a glowing, rotating 'ring' under it.
The most mysterious part of this extended sighting was, perhaps, the repeated 'beams' or searchlights the craft sent out. Several witnesses reported
seeing concentrated lights that, emanating from the sides and bottom of the craft, pointed directly at remote spots in the woods. Several beams were
reported as 'sweeping' areas near the craft while -- in an even stranger and arguably more disturbing vein -- other beams pointed directly down into
individuals who had stepped out of their cars.
So what was this thing? Most UFOs that cannot be identified as natural phenomena or aircraft are usually small, very fast, and avoidant of humans
(though there have been many cases where UFOs followed aircraft). This thing obviously noticed that it was being spotted by human observers.
Was it a secret government transport dirigible (as many of the 'Big Black Deltas' spotted over the years are said to be)? Well, it never made any
attempt at stealth... and, due to the fact that lights abounded across its fuselage or hull, it doesn't seem to be mostly a giant gas bag.
Was it natural phenomena? Well, it did point lights AT people for extended periods, which I believe rules out ball or heat lightning.
My conclusion is that it was a piloted extraterrestrial craft. So, why would they make such a show if they're still trying to remain secret? Well,
one theory could be that they want to gradually expose themselves to humans. Part of such a 'familiarization' could involve creating obvious and
unimpeachable UFO sightings among relatively large populations in rural areas. You see, a massive sighting in a developed, urban area would be so
obvious as to directly be taken as contact... while common UFO sightings by one or two rural people are dismissed as hoaxes. A large sighting in a
rural area, on the other hand, is both believable and remote, which serves the purpose of intriguing the larger population while not scaring it.
Or... The UFO could have been in distress of some sort... or on a mission to retrieve ETs from the woods of Canada. Any ideas?
PS pardon my spelling. I type this up while watching the Bears lose. Also, I got my info from a written publication... So I'll drop by later with
internet links.