posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 09:08 PM
Wow. what a light sentence for a murdering cannibal.
I saw on CNN yesterday about how this man was going to jail for 12 years for trying to extort money from Wendys!
A murdering madman? Well, he gets 8 and a half years. No biggie.
See, thats how it works. They keep the non-violent offenders in, let the violent
offenders out, the violent offenders attack people, and you hear ''we need more prisons, we need more prisons.'' This isnt just Germany.
We (USA) have more prisons than Russia does: 6.5 million! World record!
Actually, thats not true. China doesnt call it prisons, but they have 35 million in ''re-education centers'' so I guess Im wrong about the world
[edit on 18-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]