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could the pyramids of egypt be a door to the center of the earth?

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posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 09:24 AM
It is not the center of the earth, just underground, but they are reptiloid.
It is the best tale of underground earth dwellers I have read. though admittedly I haven't read many

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 08:35 AM
If your interested I made a blog post on my ats blog analyzing Admiral Byrds famous Hollow Earth claim and found some interesting facts.

Link is in my sig.

My opinion is that scientifically it does not fit.. however that does not mean it is not possible.. there are many things that seem scientifically impossible and yet they exist.. so I say anything is possible but acct's that are bias such as Admiral Byrds do not help the educated individuals in accepting the idea.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 09:07 AM
I have read up on the hollow earth theory for a few years now. I for one, believe that it is more possible than the solid earth theory. I do not think the pyramids are dorways to it. Openings being at the north and south poles seems logical to me. A lot of people toss the idea aside as being silly. A long time ago a lot of people tossed the idea of the earth being flat aside too. Fact is, they can not prove that the earth is solid. They have tried and the results they come up with prove their theory wrong. I suggest that people read up on the hollow earth theory before tossing it aside. I get so irritated when schools teach theorys as fact.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
I would like to see how these tubes can get through the magma, that technology would be amazing.
As for the tomb theory, I can pretty safely say that there was no one buried in the great pyramid of Giza, according to the accounts of the first time it was broken into. They saw no signs of previous entry, and the place was spotless, which is unlike tomb robbers to tidy up.

my personal theory is that the pyramids were tombs, or were distractions for grave robbers.

also, those accounts are very innaccurate. there were signs of previous entry, but not recent signs.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
I have read up on the hollow earth theory for a few years now. I for one, believe that it is more possible than the solid earth theory. I do not think the pyramids are dorways to it. Openings being at the north and south poles seems logical to me. A lot of people toss the idea aside as being silly. A long time ago a lot of people tossed the idea of the earth being flat aside too. Fact is, they can not prove that the earth is solid. They have tried and the results they come up with prove their theory wrong. I suggest that people read up on the hollow earth theory before tossing it aside. I get so irritated when schools teach theorys as fact.

ok, i think you meant to say that people assumed the earth was flat a while ago.

but there is no conclusive evidence to back up the hollow earth theory.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
ok, i think you meant to say that people assumed the earth was flat a while ago.

but there is no conclusive evidence to back up the hollow earth theory.

Yea, thats what I ment

They have not been able to prove the solid earth theory either. They are just two different theory's.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 12:47 PM
Eh? How deep do they need to go to prove the solid earth theory? So far they have drilled down 15km which is pretty deep!

Hart-Davis, Adam. Deepest Mine. BBC and Open University, 2002. "The deepest mine in this region (Witwatersrand) is currently Western Deep mine, a network of tunnels which penetrates 3.5 km into the Earth's crust." 3500 m
Structure of the Earth. Geography Exchange, 7 March 2003. "The deepest mine in the world is only 3.3 km deep, and nobody has ever been able to drill down further than 15 km." 3300 m
How deep is the deepest mine? Grid Club, 2003. "The deepest mine is a gold mine in South Africa; in 1977 the Western Deep Levels reached a depth of 3,581 meters. 3581 m
Lotsberg, Gunnar. Mines. The Worlds Longest Tunnel Page, 2003. "It has the world's deepest mine, 3585 m below surface at the East Rand mine." 3585 m
Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. Environmental Science. 1996: pg 210 - Figure 8.17. "This open-pit copper mine in Bingham, Utah is wider than 35 football fields and more than twice as deep as the Empire State Building." 896 m


posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 01:30 PM
You guys ever hear of Plate Tectonics? We have pretty much figured the composition of the earth out. Not to discredit some really big underground caves, there is no hollow earth. Show me more than a few low budget, no name web sites that show some real research.

I remember something about volcanos, earthquakes, etc...all being caused by the plates that make up the outer layer of our planet. They shift/slide around on magma. If the earth is in fact hollow, the hole if filled with molten rock.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
[my personal theory is that the pyramids were tombs, or were distractions for grave robbers.
also, those accounts are very innaccurate. there were signs of previous entry, but not recent signs.

I have yet to see a single credible account of any previous entry. The articles I have read are consistent in the sequence of events that led, first to the lower passages, then, tunnelling around the granite plugs, to reach the upper chambers. Sure, there is the vertical rough shaft that likely was the escape route for the plugblock placers. This shaft was a later discovery, and too small for it to be a loot removal route. The interior was spotless, except for a couple of small bits of wood and cloth.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 07:30 AM
I saw where they were going to do a special on “the hundreds of miles of tunnels” under the pyramids on the science channel, didn’t see when but I saw the commercial, if that’s true (the hundreds of miles of tunnels part) then whose to say that they don’t led to the center?

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 07:53 AM

[edit on 13-2-2006 by sensfan]

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 11:44 AM
Is that supposed to be all the tunnels in the pyramid? Because ive heard that there are hundreds of secret passages and stuff like that in there.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 12:04 PM
I believe the picture above does indeed depict all known caverns and tunnels in the pyramids.

Messed up that post though, it originally also stated...

The pyraminds were indeed built as tombs for the pharos that had them build, and their families. However, all mummies were removed from the pyramids (there are over 90 pyramids in total) and moved to new, secret tombs in the valley of the kings. This was done to thwart thieves. So, yes, there are tombs, but empty as everything was moved.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 12:52 PM
the inner earth described bears a striking resemblance to one of my favorite books, "at the earths core" by ERB. My mom is named Diane because my grandfather loved the book so much

The world is hollow, you say? An absurd idea! But at one time many believed this to be the case. Some still do.

Edmund Halley is most famous for the comet named after him. He also thought the earth was hollow, a theory he proposed in 1692. The biggest push for the idea, though, came from John Cleves Symmes, who published a pamphlet in 1818 describing how access to the interior could be achieved by traveling through openings at both the north and south poles. Symmes even petitioned the U.S. Congress to fund an expedition to "Symmes Hole"! Alas, Congress wasn't interested.

By 1913 scientists were pretty much in agreement that "the earth is neither hollow nor stuffed with sawdust" (as one of them wrote) but the idea of another world beneath our feet was too good to let die, so in that year Burroughs resurrected the hollow earth in At the Earth's Core. David Innes and Abner Perry build a giant mechanical prospector with which they hope to uncover vast mineral deposits far beneath the surface. On the "Iron Mole's" first trip, however, they discover that their vehicle can't be steered! Death seems certain, for doesn't everyone know that the center of the earth is a molten mass of white-hot magma?

Instead what Innes and Perry discover is that the earth's crust in only 500 miles thick and that the inner surface is inhabited. This is the land of Pellucidar, a place where dinosaurs roam through the jungles, and where saber-toothed tigers hunt the mastodon and mammoth. A tiny sun, the molten core of the earth, hangs in the center of the heavens, shedding perpetual daylight upon Pellucidar. Because the sun never sets, because it is always* now*, there is no such thing as time in Pellucidar! Stranger still, because Pellucidar rests on the inner side of the earth's crust, there is no horizon. The land curves* upwards*, as if you were standing on the inside of a gigantic bowl.

I believe this version is a little more plausible

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 07:41 AM
Good information but the thing about the government not being interested caught me, maybe our governments and the governments of the center have a pact or agreement that they should not invade into each others territory except for occasional times, which explains ufos, big IF but who knows.

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 08:00 AM
I visited the Great Pyramid about a month ago! and I still can't make my mind up why they are there!

I too thought that they didn't use them as tombs? because thats what the valley of the kings is used for, But once I was inside the Great Pyrmaid the only thing that was in there was a coffin like object made out of stone in the centre of the pyramid. Nothing else???

I'm still confused???

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 11:37 AM
That’s why I think that the pyramids are more than what they tell us, because why would they create a great structure and only put one room in it with one dead guy or maybe his family? It seems to me that it was a clever distraction form what they are really used for. And if this idea of putting dead guys was only in Egypt then why did the mayans and Aztecs build pyramids how did they know about this great idea if no one had contacted them maybe the people in the center contacted the mayans through giant holes in the ground and they just built “man holes” over them which happen to be our common day pyramids.

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 04:23 PM
You need a hollow head to believe in a hollow earth.

Oh, sorry

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 07:45 AM
Well….. you have to have a solid head to think the earth is solid(it’s the best I could come up with)

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 08:58 AM
To those in this thread that find it hard to believe they would build surch large pyramids just to hold their bodies when they word for you. EGO.

Each Pharoh thought his tomb should be larger than the went on that way for a long long time. Over 90 pyramids in egypt, and they all get progressively bigger.

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