posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 12:56 PM
Hmm, i don't really know if it is fake or not, but i can give some points to make us think.
Someone said that the video changes it's color.Well, it can be because someone edited it, like the news show that had this tape, or the cell phone
can make color adjustments.Mine does it.And notice, it gets brighter.It's a common thing with cellphones, remember that they don't have any flash or
The video quality is understandable.Do you own a cell phone with a cam corder?Mine is recent, and the quality isn't good, it's better than that, but
it ain't great.So, older phones would have even lesser quality.
Notice that i don't want to brag around about my cellphone lol.
Another thing that i noticed is that the alien is hiding behind the pole.How can he fit behind that?It just looks like cartoons.But the arm is really
big, and a "street" hoax, if you know what i mean, wouldn't have the capacity to make a hoax look that real.
About why does the camera stops filming, well, it can be either because they got pretty scared and ran away, wich is the best shot, because i would do
the same thing - and i'm pretty well informed, or the camera stopped automatically. I don't know about your countries, but my operator has
definitions to stop the filming at a specified number of KB's, wich are around 350 KB's.In some phones you can disable this, but in older ones - and
remember the quality of the film - you just can't.
Now, if it is fake or not, you can never know.