56, I know how you feel man. Back when I was in High School Physics they taught us pretty useless stuff on motion and changes in energy and such. It
was only once I was in Grade 12 Physics (I was in the double-cohort year in Ontario, so Grade 13 didn't exist for us as it did for the students a
year ahead of us) that we started learning interesting things and new theories and models. Quantum Physics and General Relativity was my FAVOURITE
part - and if you stick in your physics class, though that section will be short, it will be deeply rewarding to finally get into some of the math
behind it
For Frosty, I know how you feel too. Many people have been posting things that are not based or grounded in any sort of rational thinking. They say
things which are about as logical as saying "If metal sinks, and ship is made of metal, then the ship should sink". Unfortunately, there are some
theories on ATS that are ahead of their time, and are equally beyond normal logic, but do make sense. Basically, a metal ship floats because of the
way it's shaped - the person that discovered that realized there was more to physical properties than just basic deductive reasoning - there was also
a visually observed effect of something new called "shape".
So, for maths on my ideas that I've presented here (I'm not calling this a theory yet, since I haven't been able to make any kind of base for it),
I would have to ask you to take a look at the Cartesian Grid. Take the equation x^2. It starts at (0,0), then goes to (1,1), then (2,4), (3,9),
(4,16), (5,25), and basically increases at an increasing rate. When X becomes infinity, the y-coordinate also becomes infinity. However, is there such
a thing as infinity minus 1? Basically, it would be any number in infinity, minus one, or x-1. If x=infinity, and you could have infinity-1, then x
could equal infinity-1, and therefore be (infinity-1)^2. Now, that would therefore be a greater number (or a "greater infinity") than infinity-1.
Any number chosen in (infinity-1)^2 will be greater than infinity-1 if the number chosen is the same in both infinities.
Are you following?
Basically, I'm not asking for new math, or new solutions - but rather for a different way of percieving the way you normally view numbers. Doing so
could probably do a lot for many equations or phenomena that depend on infinite numbers - such as black holes, time, and universal origins.
Now, as for what quantum physics has to do with infinite universes, well - take this idea.
You have a bunch of CDs all stacked on each other. A creature lives on the top one, and can't escape it. As far as that creature is concerned, there
is only 1 CD. However, there could be any number of CDs in the stack. These CDs may even affect the top CD - but they're impossible to see, and so
calculating or envisioning these CDs is nearly important.
The same thing may exist for our universe, but we have 3-dimensional space layered on other 3-dimensional space. Consider it to be the universe an
atom's distance away from you at all times.
Now, quantum events depend on probabilities. You cannot "see" an electron - you can only predict where it is around an atom. It has a probability of
being in a certain position. When an electron recieves enough energy to change orbits, it's probability for being anywhere inside the normal orbit
instantly changes to 0%, and the probability of it being in a higher orbit becomes 100%. From our point of view we "see" the electron literally jump
the distance between the first and second orbit WITHOUT PASSING THROUGH ANY SPACE INBETWEEN!
Supposedly, then, it is passing through some other kind of space that connects the two points - but not in any way that we can observe.
Now, String Theory then goes further and tries to examine this space that we cannot see. It's hit some bumpy roads, but it's progressively getting
better. We are coming to a time where the universe as we know it does not exist just in the normal way we see it - but in countless miniature ways and
forces that affect the very structure of existance.
56, as for this sounding like stuff you saw on NOVA, then I must say that is a big boost to my ego
. I only came up with this idea myself - no
outside influences involved. So thank you for the compliment. I look forward to advancements made in String Theory. I do not care whether my ideas or
right or wrong so long as they stimulate others to think in ways that aren't considered the normal trend. It's in the questions that you can't
answer that you find the greatest insights.