Updated Instructions for Making an Avatar
Hello, I just put up my avatar and found the documentation in this how-to thread as well as in the video tutorial to be out of date, in that some of
the buttons/options discussed don't seem to exist anymore.
Below is a run through of what I did. It may seem a little verbose in parts, but I wanted to be precise and spare no pertinent details.
0) Contrary to some rumor, you don't need 25 ATS points to create an Avatar.
1) Find a jpeg image, no bigger than 160x320 pixels. Save this image on your computer
2) If you are already logged into ATS, then go to "Tools+", from there to to pictures and click the "view" button; if a newbie, there should then be a
big black blank in your photo album
3) Next, click "upload photo"; this will give you some boxes to fill out, including "Picture Caption" and "Description", "Photo Album" (the
default/initial one is called "My Photos"), and most importantly the "Upload Photo" box, which should have a Browse button next to it; clicking the
Browse button should bring up a window of your computer's file system and you then find and pick the image. Using a Mac anyway (I assume it is
similar in Windows), click on/choose this image and then click "open"; the path name of this image on your computer then pops up in the "Upload Photo"
box. At this point click the green "Add photo" box and the picture is uploaded to your photo album.
5) You should see the uploaded picture in your photo album; click on it and below it will be a grey box with the URL address of the picture, above
which is the title "Use as ATS Avatar"; copy this address, then you can click on the link in the above title, which will get you to your account
settings (or you can just click on "Tools+" again to get there as well; n.b.: to get the "Tools+" option you'll have to hop back to regular ATS page,
as this menu is not available in the photo album page).
6) In your "Change Your Account Settings" page, there is a section "Your Avatar"; in the "Avatar URL:" box, paste in the address copied previously for
the picture in your ATS photo album, then click the "submit" button below this. You should now have an Avatar.
There may be an easier/faster way to do this, or short cuts in the procedure I outlined; however, I haven't found any.
As an aside to TPTB at ATS, wouldn't it make sense to eradicate the older, out-of-date instruction posts for this as well as for other such thingies
as it only causes confusion and wastes people's time? There shouldn't be four pages of a thread on "creating an avatar" to wade through --
particularly if it is all out of date and there is not a correct, updated post at the end of the thread.
edit on 2-7-2011 by MrInquisitive
because: (no reason given)
edit on 2-7-2011 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)