posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 02:10 PM
Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
so you're NOT going to even attempt to show one instance of god de-throneing anyone?
How would that contribute to the thread? A post made earlier on this thread demonstrated the necessity of actually reading the post instead of
commenting on the subject:
....this is relevant to pat robertson possibly being insane HOW?
So I guess the question is, are your one or two line zingers and questions that attempt to shift the focus of the thread followed closely with one or
two line zingers and questions attempting to shift, again, the focus of the thread is contributing to the conversation somehow.
So I'll ask again. How does demonstrating in the Bible somewhere that God dethrones a ruler unfit to rule prove that Robertson's Biblical assessment
here is inaccurate? That is, after all, the point of the thread, isn't it? Assessing what Robertson said about Sharon's stroke, and how that does or
does not demonstrate his mental state, right? If anything, I would say that the media's willingness to turn a blind eye to the context in which he
spoke, instead vilifying the man based on a single line taken out of context, shows
ok, well, at least you didn't give me an answer riddled with fire and brimstone.
Same question again: this contributes how?