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WAR: Nuclear War Against Iran

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posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 08:18 PM
We should strike first! But not with a Nuke and not without warning that they best straignten up! Oh course it will do no good! This guy (the Iranian President) is obsessed with bringing about the end of the world. I don't think we need the number of ground forces that we used in Iraq, massive air strikes should work........... of course we will have to send in Special Op's to make sure the President and all his men go to meet their Virgins.....

It's a good thing for you 'tulip walkers' that there are a few of us 'Cowboys' around so you can live in a free country so you can whine and carp! You sure couldn't do that in a Muslim Country......... in fact the lib's are some of the first they'd kill off!!!!!

And when are you going to realize that the War in Iraq is going extremely well...............

[edit on 7-1-2006 by Scout1959]

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 12:11 AM
Pre-imptive loonacy is the proper discussion topic for the theories here.

If you hit Iran you wont just be at war with Iraq Insurgancy , but Iran insurangancy , Jordan will be on edge , Syria will rally because they are getting sick of the crap in the area , and who knows how many other sympathic factions who are there but noone looks at as a threat.

All these little countries and groups rallied together against the US/European bullies and their allies with a resolve based on fight or die and go to hell philosaphies , who do you think will win , you cant kill their type of thinking with violence , violence only drives them harder and makes them stronger.

A strategic strike is a bite we wont be able to chew.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 04:33 AM
iran needs and other countires needs power for house holds.get off planning to attack everyone who gets cleaner power sources.the dark ages are over let the world have its peace and good power....

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 04:51 AM
This is the latest from Retuers:

It is clear Iran is sticking two fingers up at the UN and everyone else. I think we have a right to be worried. I have no arguement with the Iranian people but the political party in power, the corrupt regligious fanatics and the military needs sorting promto !

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 05:23 AM
router reuters lol.....just remeber the news is the watered down facts and mostly made to get the public confused and buy more products.i do see what you are reading but iran is not the only one to finger the u.n......

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 01:22 PM
So let's see............... here's what we should do...............

Get out of there...........
Continue to buy their oil.............
Let them do what ever they want to Israel................
Let them devise whatever form of weapon systems they want to do...... with the money we are giving them for the oil..... because we can't drill here in the USA we might hurt a caribou!!
Let them continue to build up strength and infiltrate Europe and the USA.....

Oh and last but hardly least...........
Get ready to either:
a) convert to Islam
b) pay an abusively (we're not talking about IRS type abuse either) high 'penalty tax
c) or if you are not a Christian or a Jew (people of the book) you won't even get these choices.............. they will just kill you!!!

Go read the Koran and Islamic Law because that's what you'll be living under! The Koran is pretty straight forward in stating how and what the objectives of the Religion are................. WORLD DOMINATION!

Just because you are afraid and that the going is going to be rough! Very Very Rough!! That is no EXCUSE to run from what must be done!!!! The problem with most of the American society is that very, very, few have the courage and 'balls' to do the tough work that is needed........... let's just bury our heads in the sand and it will all go away!!!! All that's going to do is make a really good target out of your 'ar$e end'!!!!!

Here's the really SAD part!!! There would be no need for this CARNAGE if we had never worried about the 'tree huggers' had explored for energy in our own territories and maximized our own assets and spent the resulting wind fall in exploring alternate energy sources!!

The only way to deal with Islam short of War is to completely cut off their money flow!! AND THAT MEANS STOP BUYING ANY OIL FROM ANY ISLAM NATION ANYWHERE!!!! As long as Islam is weak it is little threat........... when they are strong (or feel that way) they will stop at nothing short of killing you! Those who refuse to learn from history are bound to repeat it!! Go read the Koran!! And yes, I do think that the 'Crusades' were necessary! Unfortunately human greed and interests messed it up and stopped it short of what was needed.....

As a Christian I would love to avoid War at all costs........ unfortunately the Liberal philosophies and resulting show of 'weakness' (also known as girlie men) puts us into a position where violence is needed.........

And sorry 'strength' is what 'violent' people and societies understand and respect.......... not 'girlie men'!! If you can't deal with this.......... it's time you grow a 'pair'...............

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 01:54 PM
All this uneducated talk about Muslims trying to take over the world

I have lived and worked among Muslims many times and never had any problem with them. I treat everyone with the same courtesy and respect and get the same back. Not killing them or trying to steal what is there's may be the reason I get along with them, and they never tried to convert me. In fact, I have had more hassle over the years from various "Christian" sects than I have from any Muslim. Why can't some of these buggers just accept the fact I don't believe and have the courtesy to leave me the hell alone with my heretical ways

As Subz, and others, have already pointed out, there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons programme. All we keep getting bombarded with are the same tired old lies, innuendo and scare stories. I do feel that Iran will be attacked in some way in the next few months, but not for the reasons we are being told. Up until the time that GWB spouted his "axis of evil" crap, the West was making headway with Iran and it's leaders were making concessions to try to fit in more. 10 years or more of diplomacy and talks gone in a minute because of some idiot "cowboy"

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 02:09 PM

If you'd read the Koran you would better understand how and why you where treated that way. Whereas I have not lived in an Islamic society, the College I attended had one of the highest concentrations of Arab students in the US. So I have known and associated with Muslims, the Koran taught me why they behaved the way they did.

If you do not understand the threat of Islam than I pity you.......... especially since Europe including England has such a rapidly growing Muslim population! Soon all of Europe (unless they wake up very quickly) will be lost and in a few short generations Muslim countries. Islam likes to work silently until they are strong enough then they strike! These aren't my thoughts........ these are the teachings and directives of the Koran!!!

Being ignorant of the threat will not make you any less dead!

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Britguy
As Subz, and others, have already pointed out, there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons programme.

No evidence?
I am not sure what is more astounding, the mere factoid that you are relying on the evidences of subz, and others, to base your misguided faith upon, or the simple factoid that subz, those others, and you have and continually do disregard the mounting evidences that Iran in fact has lied about its nuclear weapons program, according to the IAEA, for over 18 plus years.

Subz, nor those others, work for the IAEA.
Subz, nor those others, have been with the IAEA teams when they were in Iran and concluded what I mentioned above.
Nope, certainly no evidences at all....
Ironic, huh?


[edit on 8-1-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 02:28 PM
But for every Muslim fanatic there is an equally dangerous Jewish or Christian nutjob

One thing people have in common the world over, is to live a happy and peaceful life among friends and family. These people, whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu or whatever other denomination, do not all sit around quietly biding their time and planning world domination. They just a peaceful existance.
Sure, there are crazies that do crave power over the rest of us and will use religion as a basis for justification, but that does not mean that ALL followers of that religion are the same or crave power.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 02:34 PM
You misunderstand Seekerof, I was merely pointing out my agreement with Subz.

Where is all the evidence of the Iranian nuclear weapons programme? Show us as you are adamant that it exists. The burden of proof should be on the accuser, not the accused. How can Iran, like Iraq before them, prove they don't have something? It's an unwinnable position and one which the war-crazy buggers in power rely upon as they lie to us all.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 02:36 PM
Look how many post have been made in here in such a short time why is no one voting this up it is an intersting topic.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Britguy
You misunderstand Seekerof, I was merely pointing out my agreement with Subz.

How can I have misunderstood when you openly asserted that Iran had and has no nuclear weapons program, basing it off of subz, and others?

Where is all the evidence of the Iranian nuclear weapons programme? Show us as you are adamant that it exists.

When your hungry, do you fetch your own food to eat?

Accordingly, if your looking for evidences for Iran's nuclear weapons program, research the IAEA + EU + US + Iran nuclear weapons program on any search engine, Britguy. An attempt to do so on your part will eliminate you having to ask for evidences and proofs that have been repeatedly cited and linked within ATS over Iran and its pursuance of a nuclear weapons program.

The burden of proof should be on the accuser, not the accused. How can Iran, like Iraq before them, prove they don't have something?

Allow more IAEA inspections of those above and under ground facilities.

It's an unwinnable position and one which the war-crazy buggers in power rely upon as they lie to us all.

A lie in this matter grows increasingly subjective, remote, and incorrect. Evidences are mounting against Iran and its nuclear weapons program. Start with the IAEA and what it has asserted concerning Iran and its quest to obtain nuclear weapons. The question to those who deny that Iran has no nuclear weapons program is where will you be and what will you say once it is confirmed that Iran has acquired/built its own nuclear weapons? There is no need to reverse the question onto those warmongers, because as indicated by the IAEA, Iran does indeed have a nuclear weapons program, and that the only thing in dispute is 'when' will Iran acquire/build nuclear weapons.


[edit on 8-1-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 03:09 PM

But for every Muslim fanatic there is an equally dangerous Jewish or Christian nutjob

One thing people have in common the world over, is to live a happy and peaceful life among friends and family. These people, whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu or whatever other denomination, do not all sit around quietly biding their time and planning world domination. They just a peaceful existance.


I've seen this argument.......... it used to be mine!!!

Then I read the Koran........... you CAN NOT EQUATE OR JUDGE THE INTENT OF ISLAM by using any other Religion!! There is a VAST DIFFERENCE!! If you haven't read the Koran you don't (maybe won't) understand what I'm saying. I once thought oh it's just like Christianity and Judism..... we all worship the same God just differently............. NO! NOT! Not the same God.... go read the Book!!!!! Islam is pure EVIL!

The main thing (not really but maybe it's the easiest to grasp) is that no matter how much YOU may want to get along with Islam......... IT DOES NOT WANT TO GET ALONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So spare me the "can't we all just get along" line.......... Islam doesn't want anything to do with us except to conquer us!!! Don't believe me........ well as I've said before.......... "READ THE BOOK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh......... and whereas the violence in the Bible and Torah are largely 'past tense' (all except Revalations actually) the violence in the Koran is present, past and future tense............. if you can't grasp the difference then I'm sorry!!


posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 03:21 PM
You think Islam is bad, you should read the Bible.
And check out the history of the Catholic Church.
Don't forget the Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials.
That stuff is PURE EVIL.

My point is that anything can be twisted -
it's the people who kill in God's name who are evil.

[edit on 8-1-2006 by soficrow]

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 03:24 PM
oh looook its a nuclear lunatics convention !!!!

can i play can i play

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 03:26 PM
Well seekerof, I have followed this issue for a long time on many other boards and news sites. Nowhere is there concrete evidence presented.
Sure, there is a lot of rhetoric from the usual idiots in power but, as I said before, apart from innuendo and political doublespeak, there is no factual evidence.
Even the IAEA report snippets that get quoted are usually carefully edited.
Iran was co-operating with the IAEA and inviting inspections of various facilities. Each time a facility was inspected and no nuclear weapons evidence found, the USA spin machine went into overdrive again saying they had moved everything to another location. Just uprooted everything and moved it, yep, that must be what they did.... it's laughable really

If you wanna belive it all then go ahead, knock yerself out.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 05:25 PM
Oh please Seekerof, can you be any more transparent in your attempts to rile me, and other moderates, around here into bickering? Britguy posted that he shares the same views expressed by others in this thread, including me. That does not mean he is basing his entire viewpoint on my posts. Try not to be so insulting to Britguy's intelligence. Do you base all your viewpoints on what other members here post?

Originally posted by Britguy
As Subz, and others, have already pointed out, there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons programme.

Let me explain that for you somewhat as you are (deliberately) misunderstanding it. He shares the same views as already expressed in this thread.

Originally posted by Seekerof
No evidence?
I am not sure what is more astounding, the mere factoid that you are relying on the evidences of subz, and others, to base your misguided faith upon, or the simple factoid that subz, those others, and you have and continually do disregard the mounting evidences that Iran in fact has lied about its nuclear weapons program, according to the IAEA, for over 18 plus years.

Subz, nor those others, work for the IAEA.
Subz, nor those others, have been with the IAEA teams when they were in Iran and concluded what I mentioned above.
Nope, certainly no evidences at all....
Ironic, huh?

All that bluster and no evidence provided. I'd like to point out that you, Seekerof, also do not work for the IAEA and you, Seekerof, also have not been with the IAEA inspection team. Shall we disregard everything you say too? We heard the exact same bullcrap arguments as you've presented here, Seekerof, against Saddam Hussein with regards to his WMD's. All the tulip-walkers were told "you'll look pretty damn silly after this war when the WMD's are found". Still waiting for that embarrassing revelation. This truly is Iraq War version 3.0 - The Iranian Expansion Pack.

Seekerof, what evidence are we disregarding? Here's a nice example of how ludicrous trying to prove a negative is: prove to me you don't own a Michael Moore Book. Go on, try proving it. I have strong beliefs you've got one tucked under your pillow. What's that? You don't have any of his books? Well of course you'd say that. Prove you don't have one.

Getting back to this other proving a negative rubbish, how exactly is the IAEA accusing Iran of trying to procure nuclear weapons? Iran is cooperating with the IAEA.

The report before you provides an update on the implementation of Agency safeguards in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

As the report makes clear, the Agency is continuing with its effort to clarify the nature and extent of Iran´s nuclear programme. Iran has provided additional documentation, permitted interviews with relevant individuals, and allowed further access.

I welcome these actions on the part of Iran. The Agency is currently assessing the results of this additional information. However, I urge Iran to respond positively and without delay to the Agency´s remaining questions related to uranium enrichment, and to the additional transparency measures we have requested. As I have stated before, these transparency measures are indispensable for the Agency to be able to clarify remaining outstanding issues - in particular, the scope and chronology of Iran´s centrifuge enrichment programme. Clarification of these issues is overdue, after three years of intensive verification efforts.

The most the IAEA can muster against Iran is that they need MORE information from the Islamic Republic before they can finally class their activities as peaceful in nature. To you, and your ilk, you see that as proof positive of a cover-up or nuclear weapons programme. Fortunately others, including the IAEA, do no share your slanted and biased view towards Iran and the level of evidence required before obliterating nations through War.

Infact, Seekerof, I here by challenge you to provide evidence that proves the Iranian government are seeking nuclear weapons. Purely saying this evidence exists will not suffice. Either back up your assertions with proof or refrain from posting, what I would class as, disinformation.

[edit on 8/1/06 by subz]

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 05:45 PM

You think Islam is bad, you should read the Bible. My point is that anything can be twisted -

I have read the Bible! Again the violence in the Bible is PAST TENSE.

The difference and MY POINT HERE is there is NO NEED TO TWIST THE KORAN..... it's just pure EVIL! No need to be a fanatic..... in fact if you're not a fanatic then you're not really a Muslim!!! For crying out loud READ THE DAM& BOOK!

Of course people have misdirected Christianity, but Christ did not kill (nor direct his followers to!).... he did not rape..... now Mohammad..........he did all this and MUCH MORE! And he left 'Marching Orders' in the form of the Koran and Islamic Law that this violence should continue until ALL was conquered!

If you don't understand the difference than you are without hope.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by nukunuku

oh looook its a nuclear lunatics convention !!!!

can i play can i play

get out of my head! lol my thoughts exactly whilst reading most of these replies.

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How sad :shk:

[edit on 8-1-2006 by ImJaded]

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