posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 02:19 AM
There is a logic to such a conspiracy. If Pharmaceutical companies were to discover the cure to a disease, then there would be a limit to the amount
of money they could collect from their users. So long as you are sick, you will continue to take their drugs and make them ever richer.
There is little profit in a cure, but much profit in illness.
About the herbal remedies and pharmaceutical companies....I've read something recently that one company was going to start testing an herbal for a
particular application. You have to realize that there is almost no money at all in herbals. When anyone can grow the cure to their ailment, then
the pharmaceuticals surely can't charge thousands of dollars for them.
As an example of the cost of one wife last year needed to undergo 12 treatments of chemo. Each treatment was $10,000.
If someone else found that an herbal would carry the same results or better, do you think the pharmaceuticals would tell us about it?
Through the course of this cancer, my wife and I have learned that there are a number of options and perhaps even cures if you have an idea of what to
look for. Most of us look at cancer as a disease. We are now beginning to consider the possibility that cancer is a symptom...the result of a
deficiency somewhere within our bodies.
My wife has decided that she will follow the directions of the doctors, but she also takes vitamins, some herbals in moderate amounts, fresh foods and
LOTS of WATER. Water is a key to recovery from any ailment. Water flushes the poisons and dead cells out of your body.
When we examine the circle of life, we need to be aware that all living things feed off of other living things. Some things live in a symbiotic
relationship with others. We have bactereas that live within our bodies and are essential to our survival. There are other bactereas that can make
us sick or kill us. Most all of us have parasites living within us....I learned that from reading at the CDC(Center for Disease Control) website.
Some parasites cause us no harm or may even benefit us, but many do harm and the medical profession knows very little about them. There are over 300
known parasites and there are a handful that the CDC estimates that 90% of the population are infected with. I don't know if these are harmful or
not and neither does your doctor, but if your doctor thinks you have a parasite, he will prescribe Flagyl or something like it.
However, there is an herbal combination that will knock out nearly 100 of the 300 known parasites in a single dosage. Usage of that herbal
combination should be done in an educated manner though. For more information, you can look into some herbal books. There is a woman, Dr Hulda Clark
that has done a fair amount of research in that field. The pharmaceutical companies hate her and have driven her practice out of the country.
I've said enough, but enough to open a few minds to the possibilities.