posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 01:22 PM
Its kind of hard to sum up WoW in what would be considered a decent post, because there is so much to the game. If youve got prior experience with
MMORPGs then some things are a given like quests, groups, etc.
You have trades you can learn such as blacksmithing (to make armor and weapons) leatherworking (mostly armor, clothing and other type things),
enchanting (enhancement of weapons through magic) and quite a few more. You can pick up skills like first aid (which allows you to create bandages
that restore health quicker than the normal rate at which it comes back), cooking, fishing, etc.
The grouping system is very cool in that you can form a normal party up to I believe six people, or when you want to engage in large and difficult
quests you can form raids of 20 people (or perhaps more, I'm foggy on the numbers) to make short work of larger bosses and more difficult tasks.
Joining a Guild lets you identify with a large group of people which often will help you in quests and other things when necessary as well as
providing a source of learning if your new.
Seasonal events such as the Darkmoon Faire come around during the holidays and provide unique quests during a specific time frame and gives out
special items that are only available during the event. Decorations come out depending on the holiday and add a unique twist to the standard
SIZE!!! I cannot begin to explain just how freakin huge the world is in World of Warcraft, its got two main continents with a third coming in the
expansion pack. If your playing a trail get on a gryphon (or other flying creature depending on your location/race) and take a flight to another
zone, its the only way to really appreciate how huge things really are.
Not a complete summary but it hits on some of the very cool aspects of the game I think, for a better descriptiong of things head over to and read around, there is a wealth of information there.