posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 12:33 AM
Doorways to the Otherworld; This is an excerpt from a research paper I wrote for a graduate level folklore course. It specifically addresses the
similarity between seemingly unrelated experiences at the actual moment the spirit separates from the body (Old Had/sleep paralysis, near death,
astral projection, fairy encounters, etc.)
When comparing the actual physical details, related by those claiming to have had out-of-body and near death experiences, the sequence of events are
extremely similar. The descriptions begin with feelings of heaviness, restriction and paralysis as described in The Old Hag studies. If a person is
frightened or struggles against the sensation, it appears to prolong this stage of the experience as described in one of Hufford’s case examples:
“I feel that I'm not only paralyzed but that I'm almost not in my body . . . I feel as if I'm trying to rise back into my body." (Hufford,
1982:238). As long as the person is afraid to let go and flow with the sensation they seem to experience a feeling of confinement and attachment to
the physical body. A first time experience may be more frightening, but as a person begins to recognize and relax they move into the next sequence,
which is the actual separation from the physical body. The separation can happen with varying degrees of success, in which the person experiences the
sensations of falling, floating, and flying. In another case example, the person explains: After the second time it happened I was no longer
frightened of it . . . (I tried) to move my finger. . . And once I moved it I could feel myself falling out of the sensation . . . I was always on my
back. (Hufford, 1982:74)
The subconscious desire to physically move the body will quickly end the sensation, while recognition of the situation and submission to it will bring
about complete separation; the reference to being “always on my back” is significant and will be discussed further. As Hufford explains, “Most
of the features reported were similar . . . including the 'feeling of being separated from the rest of my body' and 'a tingling sensation.’”
(Hufford, 1982:159) The tingling or vibrational feeling may be experienced with various levels of intensity, and may be related to the “falling
dreams” that can physically jolt a person into consciousness. A milder experience is related from interviews in Astral Encounters, “A strange
sensation ran all over my body. Then I felt something like a warm wind coming . . . out of my body from head to toe. (Astral Encounters, 2002:1) The
various external contributors to an Otherworld experience will be discussed in length, but it may be that a combination of circumstances can lead to a
more powerful, and dramatic experience. More intense vibrational feelings have also been reported, and can be so overwhelming as to cause the person
to physically shake as the spiritual body separates from the physical one. The reference above to “a warm wind coming . . . out of my body”
describes the powerful wind or roaring sounds that can be associated with more intense experiences. Reports from, Astral Projection and Out-of -Body
Experiences, states that, Many people report a high-energy vibrational feeling and temporary physical paralysis during separation; this is often
accompanied by an intense buzzing, humming, or roaring sound. (OBE, 2002:2)
While the vibration appears to be related to the body separation, the wind and roaring sounds are more related to the entrance into a tunnel of light.
A Hufford case relates, “(During) a nap he saw a light. ‘The effect when the beam struck my entire body was to . . . cause it to shake
violently’ or vibrate.” (Hufford, 1982:242) The tunnel seems to represent the actual doorway from the physical worldWhile the experience within
the tunnel appears to be relatively short, the sensation is extremely powerful and overwhelming. The tunnel of light is not always mentioned in all
out-of body experiences.