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channeling, meditation, astral projection...??? what the hell am i doing?

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posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 07:25 AM
hey, this is my first post on this forum been lurking for ages but i think its time to contribute.

what happens is i goto bed thinking about all this paranormal stuff (it ushally helps) and when im just about to fall asleep but still concious something happens. its like a shaking that i can control, i can make it stronger or weaker but its hard to get out of as i cant move by body when this happens. its not sleep paralysis as theres no presence or chest sitting but anyway if i keep it cool and clear the mind something clicks and im somewhere else (this has only happened to me 2 times now) Where i am is hard to explain, but im standing up somewhere, theres a strange electrical hum, i can see a strange color all around me, grenish brownsih but right in front of me is a figure, well an outline of one in a black shaddow. this is where i chicken out and click im awake

the other time i was lucid dreaming and im like "lets try that astral projection thing now that im in a dream" click i was in some sort of church with this shadow thing infront of an alter up some staits. again i chicken out but its harder to wake up i see some cat eyes and wake up freaked out

well now im convinced of alot of things new age as ive had my expierience but im still very weary of it all.

That was my expierence but i wanna know what im up against, how do i know that im doing ap and not meditation, or channeling. What i really wanna know and have been looking for is channeling and how to do it so i don't do it as i dont wanna be taken over or any of that kind of stuff. From what ive been lead to understand is that channeling has the highest risk of the channel staying open and the channeler getting possessed. I have also been informed that something like this is possible in meditation but the least risk is in AP.

im still all new to this and some of what ive been told and said here im not 100% on like what kind of stuff will get you possesed as my mum and friends are religious and have advised me to stay away from channeling and meditation etc.

hope you guys can shed some light on my situation

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:02 PM
cmon people, anyone have anything to contriute?

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:24 PM
Usually, your dreams are influenced by what happened that day, and what you're thinking about before bed (or at least some people think). I personally would go with that as probably being the cause.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:00 PM
Hello there veespec and welcome.First off I am going to say that i do not astral project I planeswalk.There is much information of experiences and journeys of the mind.Due to being what we are we can only obtain what knowledge of such things that is available as you said.

I would say that your family is right.Most followsers of the basic christianity belief (I mean work 9 to 5 live a good life pray and go to church kind of people) Know enough about such things to know that they are dangerous.

See the problem is that such things as a.p. and what not are not accepted as being liable veins of science.Therefore there are few studies and testing done that is very accessable to the public.

But that is only in science.In belief there is many many age long studies.
One that I know a little about is reiki(sp?)
It covers alot of ground on A.Pand meditation.

On other hands as many are tied to "god" others bear the mark of other things.I would say listen and observe with any kind of paranormal experience my suggestion is observe.Would this have happened to you normally?from the sounds of it no.Therefore you provoked this experience.

The biggest problem the world of hopeful witches and shaman has is inexperience.It is much more easy for ill willed beings and forces to intervene with "mortals" when they are open.Without any favour from external sources whatever they might be..God..Elements..Demons...
You might very well be out there on your own.

Its like take the biggest mountain and turn it at its point above you until it blocks out the entire sky Now look up and shrink down to the size of an ant.......That is what you are up against......If you want to see some of it..It all might come down on you.

In regards to a being against you....mabey its hard to say as long as it seems to be in another realm fine just think about what youre doing and
question your every move towards it.In my experience though usually good things conact you not the other way around..
But seriously trying to find or seek or project is to say ok I dont care about the rules anymore..And trust me youll find out that the rules are just the rules we made.To keep from going insane....mabey...

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by veespec
hey, this is my first post on this forum been lurking for ages but i think its time to contribute.

Hello and welcome to ATS veespec!

I hope you enjoy your stay here as much as I have.

what happens is i goto bed thinking about all this paranormal stuff (it ushally helps) and when im just about to fall asleep but still concious something happens. its like a shaking that i can control, i can make it stronger or weaker but its hard to get out of as i cant move by body when this happens.

If you want to consciously astral project then I suggest you do not pay attention to the sensations that you will experience while falling asleep. Just focus on your chosen technique, until you are ready to test to see if you are in the astral. Once you believe the split to your astral body has been made then simply get out of your bed as you would in the morning, and jump with the intention of flying.

Where i am is hard to explain, but im standing up somewhere, theres a strange electrical hum, i can see a strange color all around me, grenish brownsih but right in front of me is a figure, well an outline of one in a black shaddow. this is where i chicken out and click im awake

You are either in a dream, or you are conscious in the astral.

The key here is to not be afraid. The figure cannot hurt you. The only power the figure has over you is to make you afraid, which will make you go back into your physical body. If you simply clear your mind, and then think of a familiar place, you should be able to get away and travel there.

That was my expierence but i wanna know what im up against, how do i know that im doing ap and not meditation, or channeling.

You are most certainly having astral projections; whether unconscious or conscious is a different matter.

Meditation is a technique to liberate ourselves from the mind, from the incessant stream of conditioned and repetitive thought patterns that create so much suffering.

From Gnostic Meditation:

"Meditation is a very common term nowadays, much like Self-realization. But there is widespread misunderstanding about what meditation really is, and there are varying ways that people are applying the term.

Some say meditation is a relaxation technique, some say it is "satanic." Many are afraid of meditation and believe that someone who meditates opens themselves up to dangerous influences. Some say that meditation is the only way to Liberation. Some say that it is a way to get high or to have sensational experiences.

The confusion has arisen because we in the West have not had a longstanding, robust tradition that has carried on the real practice of meditation. It has been present in different schools and religions, and meditation was well known to all the early Christian groups (and remains so to a handful of the modern ones); the Jews have known about meditation for a long time, and of course the Native Americans knew about it. But in general we have no real idea what meditation is, or if we have an idea it is merely a concept, not something we know from experience.

Meditation will not open you up to posession. It will only allow you to aquire information by the consciousness, free of the interference of the mind. It allows oneself to break free from thought, and rise to a new level of consciousness.

Chanelling however, is a different matter altogether. Opening up yourself to other entities is a dangerous thing to do, so I don't recommend you try it. As I already said though, Astral Projection and Meditation are perfectly safe.

From what ive been lead to understand is that channeling has the highest risk of the channel staying open and the channeler getting possessed. I have also been informed that something like this is possible in meditation but the least risk is in AP.

You are right about there being a risk in chanelling, but let me clarify that meditation and astral projection, if practiced correctly, hold no such risk. People who tell you this are simply repeating what they've been told, without any real experience to be able to talk with confidence.

Meditation will only allow you to break free and rise above thought. It will allow you to achieve a greater level of awareness. Unless our conditioned thought forms somehow protect us from other entities, there is no risk in meditating. There are only advantages.

Inverencial Peace,

[edit on 6/1/2006 by AkashicWanderer]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 06:16 PM
righto, thanks heaps guys for that, hopefully i will make some headway soon

now, for the channeling thing

does anyone know how to channel so i can not channel, ive visited those channeling websites but theyre not much help

its a good point you have theyre thet other cultures and religions, like budists etc meditate and all that with no side effects exept an enlightend expieriece

i also have a falimiy friend that conducts reiki sessions as a side job so i should talk to her about it

edit: also when i was luidid dreaming in the first post i had just watched like 10 top gear epps in a row, so i was in a car next to clarkson shooting kangaroos, then i reloaded his gun and was like "i can do stuff" so i tryed ap, and was ye... it was in the first post

[edit on 6-1-2006 by veespec]

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 08:29 PM
The way to learn how to channel is to open up your paths of psychic communication. A book I can reccomend is "Divine Guidence" by Doreen Virtue. It's a little new agey and Doreen can get a little preachy, but if you ignore all that and just pay close attention to the parts where she talks about opening up the different psychic channels and exersizes, it's really helpful.

I am also working on opening up to channeling so if you finally have any experiences with channeling I would love to hear them. Good luck on your journey.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 07:23 PM
cool, theres not much at all on channeling on ats, hopefully we can change that

would you mind basically summing up what to do to channel and whats involved with setting up a psysic channel as i would like to know how not to do it, but others might want to take it on and try it

for yourself, good luck and thanks alot for the reply

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 10:38 PM
Well basically channeling is recieving messages from spirits or other beings from other planes of exsistance. You recieve these messages through various psychic abilities. Some people see pictures (clairvoyance), some people hear the messages, either in or outside their head (clairaudience) and some people recieve messages through feelings (clairsentinence).

It is debated, however many believe that we all have the ability to practice any and all of these abilities, where are we may be naturally inclined to one or the other. I have read many methods of opening these channels from chakra clearing to asking God to remove the fears that block us from receiving channeled messages. Besides those, the best way is just like anything else...practice makes perfect.

Again there are many books out there on the subject such as the one I mentioned earlier and also I am currently reading one by Echo Bodine called "The Gift".

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 08:36 AM
I don't know veespec, maybe the shaking is your astral body getting loose or something, or this might also be tensed emotions, emotions that need to be freed, this happens when kundalini strikes.

just let it happen I'd say, the shaking, and go through it.

my opinion, keep on looking.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 12:33 AM
Doorways to the Otherworld; This is an excerpt from a research paper I wrote for a graduate level folklore course. It specifically addresses the similarity between seemingly unrelated experiences at the actual moment the spirit separates from the body (Old Had/sleep paralysis, near death, astral projection, fairy encounters, etc.)

When comparing the actual physical details, related by those claiming to have had out-of-body and near death experiences, the sequence of events are extremely similar. The descriptions begin with feelings of heaviness, restriction and paralysis as described in The Old Hag studies. If a person is frightened or struggles against the sensation, it appears to prolong this stage of the experience as described in one of Hufford’s case examples: “I feel that I'm not only paralyzed but that I'm almost not in my body . . . I feel as if I'm trying to rise back into my body." (Hufford, 1982:238). As long as the person is afraid to let go and flow with the sensation they seem to experience a feeling of confinement and attachment to the physical body. A first time experience may be more frightening, but as a person begins to recognize and relax they move into the next sequence, which is the actual separation from the physical body. The separation can happen with varying degrees of success, in which the person experiences the sensations of falling, floating, and flying. In another case example, the person explains: After the second time it happened I was no longer frightened of it . . . (I tried) to move my finger. . . And once I moved it I could feel myself falling out of the sensation . . . I was always on my back. (Hufford, 1982:74)

The subconscious desire to physically move the body will quickly end the sensation, while recognition of the situation and submission to it will bring about complete separation; the reference to being “always on my back” is significant and will be discussed further. As Hufford explains, “Most of the features reported were similar . . . including the 'feeling of being separated from the rest of my body' and 'a tingling sensation.’” (Hufford, 1982:159) The tingling or vibrational feeling may be experienced with various levels of intensity, and may be related to the “falling dreams” that can physically jolt a person into consciousness. A milder experience is related from interviews in Astral Encounters, “A strange sensation ran all over my body. Then I felt something like a warm wind coming . . . out of my body from head to toe. (Astral Encounters, 2002:1) The various external contributors to an Otherworld experience will be discussed in length, but it may be that a combination of circumstances can lead to a more powerful, and dramatic experience. More intense vibrational feelings have also been reported, and can be so overwhelming as to cause the person to physically shake as the spiritual body separates from the physical one. The reference above to “a warm wind coming . . . out of my body” describes the powerful wind or roaring sounds that can be associated with more intense experiences. Reports from, Astral Projection and Out-of -Body Experiences, states that, Many people report a high-energy vibrational feeling and temporary physical paralysis during separation; this is often accompanied by an intense buzzing, humming, or roaring sound. (OBE, 2002:2)

While the vibration appears to be related to the body separation, the wind and roaring sounds are more related to the entrance into a tunnel of light. A Hufford case relates, “(During) a nap he saw a light. ‘The effect when the beam struck my entire body was to . . . cause it to shake violently’ or vibrate.” (Hufford, 1982:242) The tunnel seems to represent the actual doorway from the physical worldWhile the experience within the tunnel appears to be relatively short, the sensation is extremely powerful and overwhelming. The tunnel of light is not always mentioned in all out-of body experiences.

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