posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 06:22 PM
Okay, the thing that is great about tabmarks is that where ever you go on the net your quicklinks are still on the page.
Bu the downside is that fact that the true web address of any site you are on is never showing (pain in the tush for copying links for posts here, but
not impossible).
Still, I am having second thoughts. I am trying to research the service/site and finding nothing, no way to contact them to see if I can change that,
etc. They do have a place in the preferences that says to make your default an http other than one of theirs, but it doesn't work.
Meanwhile, a web search of them produced a lot of hits where the info showed in the preview didn't follow thorugh (wasn't there). However, one of
them was a search I did last night, even though clicking the link does not show the search.
I'm starting to think there is something terribly fishy with this site, but I am so lazy and don't have time to type in all my sites when I want to
go there, meanwhile Earthlink still hasn't been able to correct the problem with why I can't edit my hotlinks.
Any feedback appreciated.