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Osama Bin Laden and Moses Connection

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posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 04:57 PM

Interesting site showing how moses and osama aren't to different from each other

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:13 PM
Interesting find indeed.

If you don't mind I'm going to quote some of similarities: The first of each paragraph is Moses, the second is the comparison to Osama:

Upbringing: raised as a privileged Egyptian by wealthy adoptive parents with powerful connections.
Upbringing: raised as a member of Saudi Arabia's business elite, by a wealthy family with powerful business and political connections.

Grievances: Hebrews are oppressed and treated as a slave race by Egypt, the leading economic and military superpower at the time. Male Hebrew children were supposedly killed in large numbers around the time of Moses' birth.
Grievances: Arabs are oppressed and live in economic poverty despite their vast oil riches, except for those who prostitute themselves to American interests (the wealthy ruling families). Millions of Arabs in Palestine are oppressed and brutalized by an occupying army, and denied access to education. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children are being indirectly killed by American sanctions.

Warning: "Let my people go".
Warning: "America will not know peace until we see it in Palestine".

Terrorist act: poisoning the water supply (turning water to blood)
Not yet.

Terrorist act: destroying the food supply (killing all the fish and livestock, destroying all the crops)
Not yet, but Al-Qaeda operatives showed interest in crop dusters.

Terrorist act: disrupting transportation (trapping Egyptians in their homes through blanket of darkness outside)
Terrorist act: disrupting transportation (trapping Americans on the ground, through fear of air travel)

Terrorist act: biological agent (fine powder which causes boils)
Terrorist act: biological agent (anthrax spores, ie- a fine powder which causes skin lesions and in some cases, lung infections which can be fatal)

Terrorist act: slaughter of innocent children (all the first-borns)
Terrorist act: slaughter of innocent people (the civilian workers, police officers, firefighters, and bystanders in and around the World Trade Centre).

Enemies' kindness: the Egyptian people took pity on the Hebrews and gave them "silver and gold".
Enemies' kindness: the American people send humanitarian aid to the Afghans. Womens' groups in America have been trying to help brutally oppressed Afghan women for years.

Military actions: killing Pharaoh and his charioteers by causing the receded water of the Red Sea to return and drown them.
Military actions: attacking the USS Cole in Yemen, as well as US military barracks and government facilities elsewhere.

Turning on his own: killing 3000 Hebrews10 and forcing their children to drink contaminated water11 after accusing them of betraying their faith by worshipping a golden calf.
Turning on his own: accusing Arab governments who co-operate with the Americans of betraying Islam and calling for violent overthrow of those governments.

Eventual fate: died in the desert.
Eventual fate: will die in the desert

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:34 PM
I was very surprised to find such similaritie's between a highly held character in the bible and a known terrorist from today. By all mean's, if religous people can hold moses in such high esteem, then by that logic, they should hold osama with high esteem also. It's all right there in the bible, both are no different.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:41 PM
In a way they do. Moses is an important figure in the Islamic religion. He was a forerunner of Muhammad who is the central prohet of Islam.
Since Osama is attempting to run a Jihadd against all non-Islamic peoples there is ineed a great similarity between the two.
I know that this is not what you are tyring to put forth going by the various threads that you have posted today jabbing at christians but I thought that you would want to know this

Moses and Islam
Muhammad and Islam

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:57 PM
I just don't get how moses in a way is considered a hero by most religous people, while osama, for doing pretty much similar act's is considered a terrorist and taking the religoun to far etc. How can one guy conducting terrorist acts be good and the other guy be bad? Make's no sense to me. Idk if I should applaud moses for being a terrorist or hate him, same goes for osama... they both did the same thing.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:03 PM
it maybe a historical perspective. You know similar to what hapens with artists.
During an aritsts life, their work in many cases is ignored. After the artist dies though, their works become priceless. Why the difference, who knows.
It is just human physcology. Osama (depending on the outcome of all this) may indeed become revered. Only time will tell.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:10 PM
Personally... I think it'd be just sick if anyone viewed what osama did, 2000 yrs from now as good. Now that I know the similarities of what moses did, I'm even sickened by that... I don't get how there's this whole thou shalt not kill, but in the bible, religous people are killing other's in the name of god. Osama does the same today.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:14 PM
there are zelots in any religion just as there are zelots in all other aspects of life. Christians as well as the believers in other religions do not have the market cornered when it comes to commiting atrocities to others who disagree with them. Good examples would be such zelots as Hitler, Stalin, Moussulini, Ghengis Khan, KKK, White Power, Black Panthers, just to name a few.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:20 PM
Hmmm... I could be mistaken about this, but isn't it incorrect to attribute any of the following to moses:

Terrorist act: destroying the food supply (killing all the fish and livestock, destroying all the crops)

Terrorist act: disrupting transportation (trapping Egyptians in their homes through blanket of darkness outside)

Terrorist act: biological agent (fine powder which causes boils)

Terrorist act: slaughter of innocent children (all the first-borns)

Military actions: killing Pharaoh and his charioteers by causing the receded water of the Red Sea to return and drown them.

These are alleged to be acts of God, not Moses. Moses didn't cause these acts, he merely warned Pharaoh. The analogy is pretty weak, IMO. What you're doing is comparing Osama Bin Laden to God, with the exception of the raised in a priveleged family stuff.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:23 PM
Yea, I agree with you there, but... in another thread of mine it talks about athiesm and morality. I posted an interesting link about it. Another poster sent a link also, after reading it, I do agree with alot of what's said there, but I don't think that has anything to do with moraility, what's right and what's wrong.

While there may be people who commit awfull act's, I don't think religous people should be pinning it on just athiesm like I've been seeing alot. All they have to do is open the bible and see all the immoral act's commited by they're religion. I guess the main problem I have is, they like to force they're view's on me. Such as knocking at my door or trying to get into my public school's I pay for, etc. I don't try and force my view's on them tho. So how am I immoral and they're not?

I guess this really belong's in that other thread

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Produkt
While there may be people who commit awfull act's, I don't think religous people should be pinning it on just athiesm like I've been seeing alot.

My father-in-law is a 'devout mormon,' but it just so happens that he's also a total liar, child molester, and narcissist. So I agree, religion and morality do not go hand in hand.

So how am I immoral and they're not?

As I mentioned, religion and morality do not necessarily go hand in hand.

Thanks for your reply.

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