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Illuminati & Reptilians

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posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:57 AM
can someone please list the examples of tangible physical evidence either the illuminati or reptilans exist ?

something that can be touched, examined, verified, tested, studied ? This would be photos, videos, artifacts, hair, footprints, scales, etc

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 01:47 PM
Yes, I understand that this Reptilian thing is hard to believe, but then, thats the point. If you want to control and brainwash the people, you would want to give them a version of reality that is so completely opposite of what is really happening; that even if the truth does come to light, people will ridicule it, call the people crazy, and dismiss it as a joke. Its even worse than that. We've been conditioned to think everything is a joke. We've been conditioned to ridicule anyone who talks about anything other than what we've been conditioned to believe is real.

And whether people believe the Draconian Agenda or not (I really dont care anymore), there is nothing you can say that will convince me it is false. Ive seen things I will not mention here, things that leave no doubt in my mind. I am desperatly trying to get this vital information out, so we can put a stop to this. But the problem with you sheeple is that you have been conditioned to have to ''see it to believe it'' or ''I need physical proof''. Yet, wait a minute, we cant see 99% of what is known to exist......our vibrational frequency is too low. How many of you are aware of this scientific fact?

The 5 senses/3 dimensional reality represents a very small frequency of existence. Beyond our 3D, there are many many other places of existence.

You ever hear people go ''I saw this UFO and it disapeared in front of my eyes!''. No it hasnt, thats isnt the case at all. All it has done, is it has left the frequency range of the 5 senses, therefore it appears to disapear, that is all!

Anyways, these Draconians reside in the lower 4th dimension, right right above our current one. Therefore, even if a Drac was sitting with u right now, you wouldnt be able to see it. So no, I cant really show you any physical proof. i.e. take a Drac and put in in front of you (which, i think, may be the only way to convince you all). Well actually, thats not true. There is physical proof.

There are occasions, when these entities lower their vibrational field, so that they can enter our frequency range, and we would be able to see them. In fact, there are stories all over the world of Reptilian encounters.....many of which you can read on Read it, for the love of god and all that is just and good, read that website all of you!

I spent all last night reading over my entire high school world history textbook looking for references to these Reptilians, and lemme tell you, it is absolutely everywhere!

The Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Mayans, the Indians, the Chinese, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Aboriginies, the ancient tribes of Africa, all have references to reptilian ''gods'' and sacrifices to these gods. It may be told in different ways with different names, but the same basic things occured all over the ancient world. Supernatural ''gods'' from the heavens come to earth. They introduce a fear-based religious system based on a god-goddess theme. Just look at history.

Osiris-Isis(Egyptians); Nimrod-Semiramis(Babylonians); Thor-Fridda(Vikings). The Greeks had an Apollo-Artemis god-godess system, and the Romans used Apollo as well. But instead of Artemis, it is Diana who is his goddess.

I want you to look at all the statues, all the paintings, all the stories surrounding these god-godesses. They are all the same people under different names! Mainstream history doesnt connect these ''myths'' together...but you can.

If you really are gonna go look for the sculptures, I suggest you start with the ''Statue of Liberty'', actually the statue of Queen Semiramis of the Babylonians.

Eventually, the Dracs instilled even better religious systms on us, one that preaches a single, judgemental god, whom we had to please. But to make it look legit, they were told to do good things to please them, as well as bad. This is what is happening, once you see the structure we are being controlled under.

Im not even gonna go into the human sacrificing that was and is practiced all over the world. You should be able to think that through for yourself.

Yes, I have gotten this information from people other than Mr. Icke. Ive spent my life studying this. And yes, i actually have read some of these documents Mr. Icke and others are talking about. Just go read the USA PATRIOT ACT, or the VICTORY ACT 1 & 2, then tell me there is no NWO, and they dont want complete control over us. Go read PNAC and NORTHCOM. Go read the founding documents of FEMA, its on their website.

But if you already believe in the NWO, but still think this whole Reptilian Agenda is bogus, go read the stuff on There is all the proof you will need on that site.

....and dont forget to spread the word!

[edit on 11-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 02:21 PM

Ive seen things I will not mention here, things that leave no doubt in my mind. I am desperatly trying to get this vital information out, so we can put a stop to this. But the problem with you sheeple is that you have been conditioned to have to ''see it to believe it'' or ''I need physical proof''. Yet, wait a minute, we cant see 99% of what is known to exist......our vibrational frequency is too low. How many of you are aware of this scientific fact?

Are you by any chance getting paid for this?

You make absolutly no sense... You have vital information and your desperatly trying to get it out, but you won't mention said vital information here? Also, your "scientific fact" is abit misleading. What scientific fact? Source's would be nice.

The ufo description, while rather interesting, do you also have any of your so called information your trying to get out but can't do it here on regard's to that matter?

It's rather sad the fan base Mr. Icke has gotten. He did one thing right though, made alot of money off people like you.

The website link you provided:

Doesn't look very credible to me. That's just a first impression. After furthur investigation, this is their true home where they also have a link to buy some books .

And would you look at that... Your original link and TSG Puplishing amazingly have the same address!

TGS HiddenMysteries, c/o TGS Services,
22241 Pinedale Lane, Frankston, Texas, 75763

You still don't believe they are out to make a quick buck?

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:01 PM
Its people like you who help with the conditioning, my friend. STOP PLAYING THEIR GAMES! They have to find some way to feed themselves and their family, in case u didnt know. Not everyone is out to make a quick buck, pal.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:12 PM
This is like the third time someone's refrenced me as being in on it lmao.

You really don't think they're out to make a quick buck huh? They just happen to come up with this amazing information about reptilians from an alternate dimension, but no one can prove it because our vibrational frequencies (which they also can't prove) just happens to be out of tune with this 4th dimensional evil universe. And then to furthur make the claim sound credible they'll tell you that anyone else who's against it is either one of them or working for them or brainwashed by them.

Honestly... I don't think I'm the one who got brainwashed here.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:22 PM
first of can you take a picture of something that is above this 3rd density, our cameras are not programmed to record things of higher vibration/waves

you can refer to sumeria as creation myths all you want..but much symbology from those times are still here today, there are statues of reptilian hominoids..I recall one that is even holding a baby

to those who think it's all made up from out of no where..from all over the world there are many tales and stories

another thing is..think of all the 'devil' descriptions..claws..wings..horns...tails...slithering it that hard to make the connections?

the nagas, serpents, dracos, reptoids, kappa, the devil..whatever you want to call them..more things point to their existence than not...why do people see humans shapeshifting into reptilians after taking mushrooms or lsd(stimulating the pineal gland)?

if there was so much physical proof out there we wouldn't be in this 'system' we are in today..who knows what the future holds..but with vibrations on the rise we'll see what is revealed as some 'others' may not be able to hold up their human form for much longer

thanks for the posts that contributed to this thread instead of making it another ego battle

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:31 PM
I think Credo Mutwa would have some interesting things to say about this subject.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:31 PM

Dick claimed to have connected these creatures to the Nommo, a race of amphibious deities worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali. It is a subject of some debate as to whether or not Dick was suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. His wife allegedly claimed that he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at one point in his life. It has been theorised that his reptilian beliefs were due to a brain disorder, the ingestion of painkillers, or his fondness for methamphetamine and entheogens.

Robert Anton Wilson writes about the Illuminati in the Illuminatus trilogy and other books. The book Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati describes his drug-induced experiences with three-eyed beings from Sirius. He is known for stating various forms of conspiracy theory (he also claims to be a high-level initiate of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis).

Timothy Leary also claimed to have contact with three-eyed beings from Sirius. He is known to have consumed large amounts of hallucinogens.

This really helps the credability factor doesn't it? These are but a few of the people who peddle the concept of reptilian overlord's from the 4th dimension. Hey... isn't there a movie about that?

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:56 PM
That proves nothing except your own ignorance

Who do you think creates the guidelines for what mental illness is? Thats right, the big pharmaseutical companies who sell us their ''medicine'', thats who.

And why do u think there are movies about ETs, and Reptilians (Signs anyone?)? People were just sitting aroung one day, and thought ''hey, that would be a good idea for a movie. Lets spend millions of dollars on it.'' Gimme a break.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

[edit on 11-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 04:13 PM
So now your saying people aren't creative enough to make movies on this subject being sold by people out to make a quick buck off people like you?


posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 04:21 PM
If only you knew who owns hollywood. Its the Illuminati. How? Well first of all, they put up the money for everything. Second, they get control over the celebrities. How? People called Agents. Thats right. They own all the Hollywood Agency companies. And just because you haven t seen it for yourself, doesnt mean its not there. Nobody has ever proven that God exists, still many believe......

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 04:25 PM
I'm afraid to ask... Proof please?

I know I know.... It's on the evil 4th dimension that we're not privy to access.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 05:12 PM
I think proof is the only thing that will convince you, naturally. So here it is.

This is just some of what Ive found....on the net. At least the read links before you dismiss it. Dont be skeptical beyond reason.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Produkt
I'm afraid to ask... Proof please?

I know I know.... It's on the evil 4th dimension that we're not privy to access.

what are you contributing to this thread by acting that way?'s good to raise questions but the attitude isn't exactly needed

instead of referring to it as an evil 4th dimension and rolling your eyes..why don't we try to figure out more about what lies past the 3rd dimension,(if you really don't believe there is anything past it, like previously brought up, what would your explanation be of ufo's 'disappearing' in the blink of an eye?

I wouldn't call it evil, but I'd think the 4th density is still looked at as low vibratory, making us currently even lower vibrating...but I do believe we are going through some sort of ascension/vibratory change leading up to 2012(I know I and many others have been feeling it)...which should really play into our perceptions/reality...

and with this control wanted towards humans..could it be because of our spiritual potential to ascend far beyond the 4th..into the 5th and higher? I definitely think we have plenty of potential that remains to be developed

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 05:34 PM
Wow... Your really making me do my homework!

Let the game's begin!

Here ladies and gentlemen we have a website claiming Al Gore shapshifted into a reptilian. Cool huh? Yea like tottaly. I thought so too, so I kept reading. Then I got to this...

We have NOT seen this footage with our own eyes and thus cannot comment

So, right off the start they admit they have never seen the so called evidence. Then they go on and on and on... blah blah blah etc. All the while, not once to they cite who they're source is nor who these so called witnesses are that "saw" this event happen. Then we got this sweet statement that kills the whole thing.

Caution: if it WAS caused by the Bush League somehow tampering with
video and/or transmitted signals, then what was OBSERVED cannot be
categorized as a REAL "EVENT" at all, but instead would be an incident
of control of consensus reality using deliberately-falsified images
dispersed worldwide by mass media.

So which was it? People saw him physically change in front of them or did they see it on a television screen controlled by the "Bush League"? I'm very very confused at this point.


This one just speaks for itself.


This one your gunna just gush with joy over!

Here, FINALLY! Photographic evidence that Bill Clinton, yes you heard right... Was a *gasp* Reptilian. On with the show!

See the area's on his face hidden in shadows? Teehee, watch!

Amazing huh? Make the picture black and white and you get reptilian scale's!

Let this be a reminder to all! They are out there and they are watching you!

I better stop before I get in trouble... damn that was fun lmao

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 08:28 PM
Hahahah Produkt you are crackin me up....You are doing an excellent job of presenting your case. As for myself, I can see a secret group that wants ultimate power, but some of this stuff is takin it a bit too far and there are too many beneficial "coincidences", for example the reptilians conveniantly being on the 4th demension. But after all that, I wouldn't be surprised if one day I find out they are behind the plot to make muffins really small or really big,(or just everything in general)

[edit on 11-1-2006 by WhoKnows]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 12:14 AM
Please, Let me do a little bit of clarity about this discussion.....
i did not want to open this topic to convince who wants make controversies whitout to think that other truths could exist, because that like produkt's discussions are not of no usefullness as for me as for others.
I opened this topic to dippen and know others things about a argument that i know...we don't need any controversy o ironic commens about this topic...
Since we are opened whichever opinion, without make controversy, i invite you to study something more about this argument before to say useless things.
Knowing enough this topic, i know that everything said from LetKnowledgeDrop is true...
if i had to open a topic to say something to joke, i would have called that topic "the reptilians ...the joke" that way you could say any things.
So, please, if you want to continue in this way..i invite you to talk in other discussion..there are a lot of this type..

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 12:29 AM
when i read what you write, I discover always something of new..

i would like to continue to deeppen this discussion in private...always if want..for example by mail...
I would like to know..what did you see
than, i would like to talk with you always about this topic but in ways more particular... for example.. if you know something about C.T.Russel...but in particular about Daniel Sydlik..and than other things
..if you wolud like to talk with me in private you can contact to me at this [email protected].....
if you don't problem...we can always to talk in a generalized manner of this argument..

let me know

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by LetKnowledgeDrop
Yes, I understand that this Reptilian thing is hard to believe, but then, thats the point. If you want to control and brainwash the people, you would want to give them a version of reality that is so completely opposite of what is really happening; that even if the truth does come to light, people will ridicule it, call the people crazy, and dismiss it as a joke. Its even worse than that. We've been conditioned to think everything is a joke. We've been conditioned to ridicule anyone who talks about anything other than what we've been conditioned to believe is real.

And whether people believe the Draconian Agenda or not (I really dont care anymore), there is nothing you can say that will convince me it is false. Ive seen things I will not mention here, things that leave no doubt in my mind. I am desperatly trying to get this vital information out, so we can put a stop to this. But the problem with you sheeple is that you have been conditioned to have to ''see it to believe it'' or ''I need physical proof''. Yet, wait a minute, we cant see 99% of what is known to exist......our vibrational frequency is too low. How many of you are aware of this scientific fact?

The 5 senses/3 dimensional reality represents a very small frequency of existence. Beyond our 3D, there are many many other places of existence.

You ever hear people go ''I saw this UFO and it disapeared in front of my eyes!''. No it hasnt, thats isnt the case at all. All it has done, is it has left the frequency range of the 5 senses, therefore it appears to disapear, that is all!

Anyways, these Draconians reside in the lower 4th dimension, right right above our current one. Therefore, even if a Drac was sitting with u right now, you wouldnt be able to see it. So no, I cant really show you any physical proof. i.e. take a Drac and put in in front of you (which, i think, may be the only way to convince you all). Well actually, thats not true. There is physical proof.

There are occasions, when these entities lower their vibrational field, so that they can enter our frequency range, and we would be able to see them. In fact, there are stories all over the world of Reptilian encounters.....many of which you can read on Read it, for the love of god and all that is just and good, read that website all of you!

I spent all last night reading over my entire high school world history textbook looking for references to these Reptilians, and lemme tell you, it is absolutely everywhere!

The Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Mayans, the Indians, the Chinese, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Aboriginies, the ancient tribes of Africa, all have references to reptilian ''gods'' and sacrifices to these gods. It may be told in different ways with different names, but the same basic things occured all over the ancient world. Supernatural ''gods'' from the heavens come to earth. They introduce a fear-based religious system based on a god-goddess theme. Just look at history.

Osiris-Isis(Egyptians); Nimrod-Semiramis(Babylonians); Thor-Fridda(Vikings). The Greeks had an Apollo-Artemis god-godess system, and the Romans used Apollo as well. But instead of Artemis, it is Diana who is his goddess.

I want you to look at all the statues, all the paintings, all the stories surrounding these god-godesses. They are all the same people under different names! Mainstream history doesnt connect these ''myths'' together...but you can.

If you really are gonna go look for the sculptures, I suggest you start with the ''Statue of Liberty'', actually the statue of Queen Semiramis of the Babylonians.

Eventually, the Dracs instilled even better religious systms on us, one that preaches a single, judgemental god, whom we had to please. But to make it look legit, they were told to do good things to please them, as well as bad. This is what is happening, once you see the structure we are being controlled under.

Im not even gonna go into the human sacrificing that was and is practiced all over the world. You should be able to think that through for yourself.

Yes, I have gotten this information from people other than Mr. Icke. Ive spent my life studying this. And yes, i actually have read some of these documents Mr. Icke and others are talking about. Just go read the USA PATRIOT ACT, or the VICTORY ACT 1 & 2, then tell me there is no NWO, and they dont want complete control over us. Go read PNAC and NORTHCOM. Go read the founding documents of FEMA, its on their website.

But if you already believe in the NWO, but still think this whole Reptilian Agenda is bogus, go read the stuff on There is all the proof you will need on that site.

....and dont forget to spread the word!

[edit on 11-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

What you just wrote almost makes me wanna cry..why?

because its the truth...and rarely is the truth herd..and if it is ridiculed by others...any person who has ever tryed to change the world has lost there life..martin luther king,malcom x,tupac,jfk,etc..because the rep's want it there way or no way,this is there world,not ours,we are just visiting...everything we can do called freedom is the total oppisite..what you can do is what they want you to do...all of us could be traveling in space now...but they make it seem like we can barely make it to mars, nasa is a fruad...if they can come me we can go there..your absolutely right about proof..everyone wants to see it to believe it..well darn i dont ever see christains talk about "show me jesus,then ill believe" its just something they know must be tru..but the thing is there is more proof of the rep's then there is of not saying he didnt exsist because i believe he did..but no i dont think he died for anybodys sin....everyone sins no matter what.

Im glad to see someone is trying to explain this..even tho we are goin to have those iggnorant ppl who just are to scared to believe,stuck in there own ways.Its really sad how most ppl in this world think...but hey what can i do about it...obviously enuff ppl dont care about the truth..and would rather just leave things as they are..thats why its up the "saints" to keep the hope alive..because if it wasnt for us..this world would slip into complete darkness.

we shine the light into the world,so you can walk without stmbling in the dark!

the greatest deception satan played on us..was to make us think he doest exsist.But i know they/he does.

If we have any hope of survival, its written in Revelations chapter 12.

[edit on 12-1-2006 by MagicPriest420]

[edit on 12-1-2006 by MagicPriest420]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:40 AM
link are the most annoying person ive seen on ATS..if you have no belief in what we are talking about then LEAVE..nobody asked you to be here..all your doing is slowing the progress of what were trying to do..the more we share our input..the more we are pushing ourselves to the next level..then when you come in here and state your take us back down a level just so we can try and explain something to you..for what? you dont believe it ,so move on..find another thread to annoy ppl in.

im starting to think you may be working for 'them" its too bad that you can stop the will great when we all make the next step..and your left behind cooking dinner for the reptillans...hey they might eat you wouldnt be a waist if they did.

geeez man you see what your causing me to not a mean guy..but your iggnorance has pushed my kinda intrested to know what do you believe..whats you you believe in evolution..were are you coming from..i would really like to know?

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