posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 10:35 AM
I loved my GC, theres absolutely nothing bad I could say about it as a gaming platform, so Id say go get one! If your in the UK, I heard they were
selling them at Woolies for £25, other than that, Ebay is indeed your friend! The Revolution's coming out fairly soon I think, but I reckon you'll
have plenty of gaming hours left in the GC, especially considering the price
Ive got Mercenaries on the PS2 and was pretty dissapointed. It was OK, but you just get the feeling youve played it before, but better, if you know
what I mean. Unless you get it dirt cheap from Ebay (like me) or Game etc, Id give it a miss. Also, the control systems pants, really awful camera
angles. Having said that, I haven't checked to see if you change that in the options