posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 12:10 PM
From where i am from, the local freemasons had an 'open day' at their lodge.
And don't worry, they didn't lock the doors and murder us all.
We saw stuff like their meeting room where there is a rug on the floor in a checkerboard style pattern, with raised globes in each corner. And the
lowest ranks have a rough stone where they sit to symbolise that when you enter the freemasons that is your 'personality', and the higher ranks have
a smooth stone where they sit saying that is what they are like.
In the corridors are just pictures of people acting out murders, and that is what they claim they do: act.
In the meeting room also is a golden 'G' on the roof, standing for 'God'. They claim that to be a freemason you must believe in God, but it
doesn't matter which religion (which God).
The guy at the top of the ranks by the way is the baliff of the island where i live : Guernsey in the Channel Islands. I think that the baliff is
higher than the governor. Talk about masons having people in high places
I hope that info hasn't been posted before, but i was just wandering if this is what it is like elsewhere in the UK, or whether were i'm from that
is not the real lodge.