posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:48 AM
with the telepathic resonation of these higher aware entities known as lgm (little green men) the prospects for the relevance of intellect spur forth
a greater amplitude of recognition. the continual heightening of subjective premonition on the telepathic wavelengths pertaining to the mind. as three
lightwaves converge on a single point they forment electrogravity, which then spur radicle alterations in negative response energies. energy that
moves through time unhindered, creating free flowing volumes of time. the negative energy that is manifested from the human mind as thought, and
recognized as these thoughts to the recieving end at faster then the speed of light coherence suggests the manifold for telepathic responsive
intuition is hindered only by lack of awareness for such oncoming response. the paramountcy to the situtation resides in the clarity of body and mind
in you.
current hobbies include...
electrogravitational meditative fluxuation
think of it this way, we are all comprised of the same matter floating around in the same universe adhering to the same properties and qualities of
conduct. there is no limit to how fathomless the universal constant pertaining to the human mind might be. being privilaged enough to have been in the
company of an extraterrestrial i can tell you with absolute certainty these beings have a level of awareness supersceeding your wildest imagination,
wether it be drinking 40 ounces under the bridge or toking a fine mary jane blunt on a morning drive they will confound your every thought with out
even saying a word.
what do you guys think/know/experienced with telepathy?
lets make this an inclusively abundant directed discussion regarding all things alien and telepathic.
peace and good luck