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911 Eyewitness

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posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 09:50 AM
Just wondering if anyone had seen this film yet? I'm having trouble finding the link to where you can download it from and i just wanted to make sure this wasn't already posted somewhere in here....


posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 09:54 AM
Next time maybe look a little closer, or use the search function.

Link to the thread

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 10:39 AM
sorry bout that, it's been noted

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:36 AM
Hey, absolutely no problem. I'm not of a strict nature like some of the mods, and completely welcome people who're genuinely interested in the 911 matter, which is certainly the crux of a lot of things going on politically. One little advice: you'll come across several people that appear to be too stubborn to warrant discussing with them endlessly, so don't get mangled up with them too much. You appear capable of spotting them by yourself, so I won't mention names

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:48 AM
actually i like this forum, so far, a lot better than the myspace group.... you constantly get people, usually kids, just dropping in saying "your a F$%^ idiot blah blah i have no real argument and can't rebute any of your statements" of course they don't say the last part, just being a little sarcastic.... but the best thing i find you can do is just make them look really dumb by not attacking character, because that's not a debate of the issues.... .so to say the least, i can go back and forth no doubt, i even tamed some of the nastiest people in that group, that were just there to cause trouble and not listen but always attack, and then you just bust them out with good points and they leave... of course that's not the intention, the intention is to have good sound debate about very important issues and at the very least... agree to disagree

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by derdy
you constantly get people, usually kids, just dropping in saying "your a F$%^ idiot blah blah i have no real argument and can't rebute any of your statements"

Oh, trust me, you find these on here as well. They're a tad more sophisticated though, and won't yell. They will, however, sidetrack from meaningful discussion, and generally adhere to these rules. I know it sounds a little incredible that there would be people dedicated to spreading disinfo, but the events of 9/11 are incredible at first, too.

the intention is to have good sound debate about very important issues and at the very least... agree to disagree

Word up and once again, welcome!

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 09:37 PM
The torrent doesn't give you a clear enough view of the helicopter over the south tower when it fell, and some apparently have been doctored to create disinfo about the evidence. What can you expect when the evidence has so far proved debunk proof.

Haven't seen the torrent you listed though. Anyway may give you an idea of whether it's worth getting the DVD. If you have trouble with the torrent I found a 150Mb authorized download at so at least you know it's not a disinfo version.

The website has like 40 evidence clips that you can email to local politicians and stuff. If enough people load up their mailboxes they are going to have to start paying attention.

I saw some lame debunking on another thread by Agent Smith claiming the projectile motion was wrong because of the position the debris started from.

But I checked again and it seems that the video doesn`t try to locate the source of the debris just tries to compare the shape of the arc to show that there was some upward angle, which could only be explained by
explosives since everything is moving downward in a real collapse.

Of course the downward movement over time would move the origin upward of the freeze frame used for the shape of the arc analysis but Smith tries to beat this up as a straw man and say the whole program is null and void as a result. What a joke.

He used a couple of frames to hide the fact that the top debris falls close to the side of the tower and of course avoided the demolition squibs etc.

I just can't understand how anyone could look at the fountain of dust and think it was anything but a huge explosion.

This DVD is definitely worth adding to your collection. Can't wait til it gets into court someday and nails the evil bastards who murdered 3,000.

I don't understand how the covert coverup crew can live with themselves unless they are all brainwashed beyond repair or are criminally insane.

[edit on 15-1-2006 by chris t]

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 10:58 PM
this is the best 911 video out right now because it's mostly just real time footage (amazingly clear and good quality) of the towers with simultaneous news casts because the guy who shot the video, rick seigle, had the radio going on while he video taped.

he actually catches the audio of i think 9 bombs going off just BEFORE the collapse.

the footage of the collapse is the best i have seen and you can actually see a #load of cutting charges (flashes) going off in the core as it disintegrates before your very eyes!

this video is a must have for every 9/11 researcher.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 11:48 PM
oh and there is no question that 100's of tons massive steel chunks of the exterior were sent flying 100's of feet in a parabolic arc.

it is proven by the fact that steel was found that far away and the ONLY way it could have gotten that far is in a parabolic arc!

there was nothing deceptive about that.

check it.....

here it is flying in a parabolic arc. (you can see it real clear on the video too)

and here it is at the winter garden building 600 feet away.

see how huge those chunks are?

and how many there were?

for scale to show how thick that steel is...look a the dude touching it in the bottom left corner.

you can bet that pancacking or load shift didn't cause that!

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 06:46 AM
I'd like to see Agent Smith try to debunk the parabolic arc on this missile leaving an evaporated steel trail behind after the 4th generation (or 5th) fusion weapon went off in the basement.

and here it is at the winter garden building 600 feet away.

see how huge those chunks are?

and how many there were?

for scale to show how thick that steel is...look a the dude touching it in the bottom left corner.

you can bet that pancacking or load shift didn't cause that!

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