posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 08:08 AM
xmotex said it. I am against the war because it is destroying our world perception. We are a peaceful nation. We are the "melting pot." We dont
conquer nations. This administration doesnt speak for most of us.
Also, I made the joke about Canada because it is much more liberal politically than the states. Someone who moves to Canada doesnt necessarily have
to be a "coward" as you put it. I have some best friends who moved there for healthcare, good schools, less violence, and an overall better quality
of life on average. Let alone they arent out starting wallstreet wars. I still live here. I LOVE AMERICA. I am proud to be america thanks to the
MLKs, the Malcolm Xs, the Chief Josephs, JFKs, Cesar Chavezs, etc... There is a long history of the population standing up for whats right and
changing the status quo. You cant do that everywhere.
Our biggest strength is our unity, or at least it used to be.
When there is injustice, whether home or abroad, the people have united to change it. Whether it was slavery, womans rights, or a currupt leader, we
can make a difference. History will show this as another one of those situations that has peppered our short time as a country. We will fix this and
make America a better place. We WILL bring her back to her glory. I will be able to say I am a proud American because the people stood up for what
is right, and things were changed.
You call us crybabies, and liberal idiots.
I call us the backbone of this great nation.
It is people that question leadership, and fight to make things right that have made you so proud to support this goofball president. You wouldnt be
so proud if your women still couldnt vote, and blacks had seperate bathrooms, and Native Americans were non-existant, and there were no unions, or
workers rights. These are just a few examples. I wont write a manifesto (I'm definately not a writer), so I will wrap this all get my