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posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 11:13 PM
You, sir or Madame, whichever fits, are a bufoon...

And I LAUGH in your general Direction!

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Springer
You, sir or Madame, whichever fits, are a bufoon...

And I LAUGH in your general Direction!

Well im laughing back at you as i must teach to you your native toung.

Not bufoon, it is BUFFOON.

Btw, do you want to explain why are you insulting me?

How am i a BUFFOON?

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Springer
I beleive the President of the MOST POWERFUL, JUST and FREE Nation on Earth told you what the "Connection is" Either you satnd AGAINST terrorism or YOU get KILLED...


Terrorism - The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

What the US has done fully fits that description. So I guess Bush and his administration should be killed then?

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 12:06 AM
Most actions of imposed aggression do. Look at other actions other than those of America.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 12:08 AM
What Bush gov. has also done is:

Killed thousands of Iraqi and Afgani civilians.

100-200 times more than were killed in all the acts against USA. (including the embassy bombings..)

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 12:09 AM
While i do see your point in "literal" terms I don't think it applies here. Anymore than the erradication of a plague would incriminate the medical community...


posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Springer
While i do see your point in "literal" terms I don't think it applies here. Anymore than the erradication of a plague would incriminate the medical community...


ummmmm ... *looks at you funny*

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 10:31 AM
Um Bandit,

Castro is not a nice guy. Period. But he has the right to be a bad guy. He isnt bothering anyone else, so why bother him?

Same with Saddam Hussein. He isnt bothering us, nor was he bothering us, so now we live and breathe our mistakes.

Springer, I never realized you were such a rabid blindly hotting Bush supporter! After all this that has happened, you still support our biggest true enemy in existance today?

Youre right, stand against terrorism or die. Yet youre supporting terrorism. Youre supporting the man who either committed, or knew and allowed, the 9/11 attacks. Youre supporting the biggest threat to American security and well being. Youre supporting a mad cokehead who played with dead people in college.

Do you support the Patriot act? Then you dont support the constitution. You dont support freedom. You support a fascist dictatorship in its beginnings.

Bush is a criminal. Forget his waste of American lives and money that he threw at the war. Forget the troops he sent to thier deaths, or the troops still over there getting used as target practice, and none of it for a good cause, none of it making America any safer. What about what he has done on the home front? What good has he done for this nation? Were no more employed, no more happier, freer, or better off. Were falling apart at the seams. And guess what? it aint gonna get any better with the next election.

Stop supporting a traitor, a deserter, a criminal, for gods sake! Forget the UN, I could care less if they approve our actions or not. All the lives that have been wasted by this regime in itself is criminal.

Bush is a #ing #bad monster, period. The war in Iraq was a waste of lives and money. Saddam was not our problem. Saddam was isolated for ten years from the rest of the world, with continued sanctions, he would have withered away on his own. The terrorist trainign camps? the Al Qeada connection? With all the other lies and faslehoods that the media and the admin have presented us with, and Im supposed to believe those? What is the truth any more? All I know is that Saddam was the least of our worries, and this war was fought on fraudulent grounds. This we already know, with the British being smarter than us and really ripping Blair apart for his false and misleading reports. We are catching up very slowly. But not fast enough.

Bush lied about this war, and I could care less what saddam was doing to his own people: America needs to worry about America first and foremost, and not go about "liberating" other people who really could care less. It is not our problem, and we need to stay the hell out of other peoples biz.

And Lostware, really, you should find out what the hell it was that you blew up. Blowing up a bunch of drums of unknown substabce is not wise, not for you nor the future of your fellow soldiers and marines. Not only that, but, had you left them intact, then the barrels could have been brought about as evidence of WMD and made your guys lives and jobs alot easier. Think before you fire.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 10:40 AM

cia says no WMD ?

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 11:01 AM
But I think it would be safe to assume that those doing the destroying and killing with smart bombs and raids,(US) look a lot like terrorists to the Iraqi and Afghani civilian folk,both of those countries have been reduced to rubble,they will fight until they have their lives back or are killed off,just like anyone else would.
There isn't anything complex about the trouble the US has been causing in the world,the results of our meddling are easy enough to see,and before the meddling it could have been assumed to get the current results,increased terrorism in the world,if there is even really such a thing.
It looks like the US has allowed itself into this mess,if the US turned back to separatism,non-pre-emptive attacks,sweeping it's own front door-step,keeping the goodies for the US population to use and forgetting about the rest of the world until the mess is cleaned up at least.
There is a hidden pupose for all of this that is not obvious yet,we'll know it when terrorism is used to take the rest of our liberties away.
Then it's too late to fix the problem....

posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 03:21 PM

Like the Chechens, Kurds, Kosovon Albanians (if they need to have a nation, they can move to the Albania.)

Telling them to move to Albania if they don't like it... judging by your previous posts, which you know damn well I have read, I would have to say that is the single most hypocritical statement I have seen since signing up for these forums.

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