I was about to start a thread on this strangeness regarding fires in OKC, but then I ran across this one. It is interesting that of all the other
people posting in here that live here, only know of the fires because of what they have heard and/or read in the media. Myself included.
I notice that out of all the posts in this thread, except for yours, everyone who has sources, has quoted them as some news station or newspaper. Not
as first hand.
If I hadn't read your post, I was
really about to believe that the whole thing is some wierd kind of a hoax, however, you say that in Tulsa,
you have actually first hand seen the flames for yourself. I guess that is reassurring, in a way.
I live in Oklahoma City - right in the "Metro". I am getting sick of having (O,K., I must admit) my soap operas interupted constantly to talk about
fires that I have yet to see any signs of. I have been all over the city (except for the NE section, and that is only because I have no reason to go
there). I realize that that is the section that was supposed to have had some people evacuate, and I suppose that they probably did. No telling.
However, I have been all over the rest of the city in the last couple of weeks for one reason or another, and have never smelled smoke, seen ashes or
flames - or
any sign what so ever that the fires even exist, except for what is constantly in the media.
Seriously, I figured that there were probably really some wildfires in some rural areas, but I can assure anyone who reads this post that while I
have no sources to quote - because if I did, they would be wrong - I can tell you firsthand that Oklahoma City is NOT going up in flames!
And, get this - now they have even added the elevation of fire danger day by day to the weather report! It's even color coded like that stupid
"terror alert level" that I'm not sure if they still use or not.
I don't know what's really going on, but I have seen in the Internet, on my home page, which is just a portal with news off the AP & Reuters mainly
that constantly puts up new headlines for the entire world to read, several to the effect that, "Oklahoma City Engulfed in Flames!" NOT TRUE - I
live here! I would know. The only indication I have of anything fire related is the fact that the coverage of it is so extensive that it is
ridiculous. I was wondering if they were for some reason actually trying to convince the residents of OKC that we really are engulfed in flames.
Pretty ludicrus way to waste time, but why else are they exagerating it so very much?
And Nativeokie, even you say that you live in Tulsa, where you have seen the flames. With all the extensive news coverage here in OKC, I have not
heard a word about Tulsa being a factor. I believe you, I don't believe the news. Something fishy is up, is you ask me.
//edit to add://
Sorry Roper, I see that you also have some first hand knowledge of the fires. I hope that you and your family will be safe.
Still, on another note, (sort of ), both people who have seen the fires do not live in Oklahoma City. So, why is the world being told that it is OKC
that is burning up?
[edit on 1/7/2006 by CyberKat]