posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 01:39 PM
According to a US scientist studying the islands off southern Sumatra for several years, it is very clear that the region can expect more big quakes
and tsunami in the coming decades.
That is something more to worry about.
The following extended article is worth reading. Take a look to the sonar images. Amazing!
Furthermore, a year later, scientist were able to see that the whole island has been tilted by the force of the earthquake, causing coral, submerged
beneath the ocean for thousands of years, to be thrust out of the water on the east side; bays in the west have been drained.
-We were astonished to find ourselves walking through a pristine marine ecosystem, missing only its multitude of colours, its fish, and its
water,-said Professor Kerry Sieh, from the California Institute of Technology.
full interesting story
I would say that 1 year later, we are still unaware of all the effects of the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami.