Originally posted by seagull
I would agree with Washingtons premise that political parties are not a good thing. However, I don't see how they can be avoided, since likeminded
people tend to congregate to their core issue, or issues. The only solution to this is to attempt as best we can, to keep the parties honest. That
is the responsibility of the grassroots voter, and volunteers. No one else.
Who says we need political parties to congregate to?
Before there were parties, people congregated to the best person who had the best ideas, he wasn't labelled, sure there were federalists, ect, but
these were independent men who were called statemen. They believed in a better america and laid their beliefs flat out on the table, sure they had to
be good politicians, but the point is, there were no parties.
Half of this country doesn't vote, I used to think of them as the lazy do nothings of society, but I can understand why some of them don't vote. And
i'm leaning towards the same way. I will not encourage this kind of system we have in place currently.
It's almost as if we all know this country will succumb because of these parties, yet we always every 4 years vote them back in because we want to be
good american's and excerice our rights.
but we have the right to vote for alternatives or not vote at all... and the only ones who can control the masses are the 'news' networks.
logical people who want change dont get their voices heard, they are silenced and the ball keeps rolling down hill...
This is why I believe the illuminati are within our borders and are on both sides of the fence, dem and rep. They are destroying this country from w/
in, it's not happening by force, it's silent, and it's a slow movement, look at all the degeneration going on within our borders.
Erosion of civil liberties, Increased military, destructibility of our children's moral and ethical foundation, a dumbed down society who doesn't
ask questions or demand accountability, it's harder to get a credit card these days, Bush and his cabinet members are going around the world asking
leaders to sign agreements for a 'UNI-POLAR/LATERAL WORLD' ask the PM of India and Putin in Russia, they both said no.. This means that those in
power in America want to run the world, they want a one world government with them running the show. This doesn't mean these people are American's,
they could be decendants of those europeans who established the Illuminati back in Bavaria Germany, or they could be American's w/ relatives who are
part of that secretive society and raised this way, Bush Sr advocated for a nwo, and thought the persian gulf war was a good way help get the ball
rolling more.,you can't file ch 7 bankruptcy, these tactics are eroding the middle class who is the life blood of America, the middle class jobs are
going overseas more and more, which is causing the middle class to become poorer. There is going to be a huge gap between rich and poor, and these
tactics are helping widen that gap. Biometrics are becoming more prevelant, they are talking about chipping plates, and even criminals, wiretapping
private citizen phonelines are ok because it helps nsa with finding bad guys who want to destroy america apparantly, yet the ones at the top are
destroying america moreso then the bad guys ever could.
Sure they can blow stuff up and kill people, but they can't take away our freedoms at the rate the government is doing it.
One thing I like about American's is that when it comes to push and shove, American's will always fight back, if terrorists were to bombard your
streets tomorrow, you would pull your guns out and target practice.
But it's like there has to be a physical threat in order for american's to actually do something.
This is a silent wave of destructibility within these borders, I can sense it, and percieve it to be true because the little things add up more and
more everyday.
on wht at 11pm or 1130 est, there is a show called newswatch magazine and they talk about all this stuff, from bush being the doomsday president to
the masons and illuminati, and he backs it up w/ facts.. u dont have to believe me but i encourage you all to watch it some night...
It blows my mind to see this stuff on tv. i believe uc an go to newswatchmagazine.org to see what im talking about aswell... wild stuff.
I just went to that site and you can listen to one of his shows by going here:
[edit on 6-1-2006 by TrueLies]