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ancient practitioners

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posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 11:08 AM
To all those who have mentioned my story. I realized not long after my folly of ways aswell during all that time,I did not just summon demons all the time to spite my enimies.I delved into the darkness of my own heart and hatred and found them there.As they reside within all humans.I have also been shown much light and helped many a number of people.I had no connection with those in the small town I grew up in because the general mentality was of money and hockey I grew up in a very very small hockey community in canada with few ethnic numbers and alot of slack jawed yokels.Thats not to say they are bad people.I had to learn that just because others viewed me as a different species sometimes that that does not make them any different from me.

Many people read what they read here and take it as factual,without thinking of the context and meaning behind they words that people say.I wrote this as a test as to see how people view the very very small discription of all the events that transpired.I do not have all the time in the world here people.Necromancer 9 wanted a story descripting the background of some peoples studies.I chose to describe how I came to become connected with a very small amount of my spiritual background.

If anyone wants to know how I tormented myself and stayed away from those who I personaly from experience knew didnt understand me.Heck I didnt understand me.Also If anyone wants to know I through those years did much to help as many as possible realizing that many people did not know how to care for others and usually took advantage of me being kind.I do not hold this against them for does anyone really know how to truly treat all others with respect and dignity...Well I dont think so.

I am glad to get a reaction from others and want them to know,I know how I have been and can also do so now(very spiteful and self centred).I try hard these days to be a better person than I am at any given point for I have gone further down (way further)than most do,and let me tell you you get what you give!

Here is the thread for my latest podcast!
Podcast 4 goes up in three days!
[edit on 20-1-2006 by toraylin]

[edit on 20-1-2006 by toraylin]

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 12:23 PM
small canadian town, yokels, outsider, that all sounds too familiar, and I have the feeling there is much more in common. The only thing I don't have nearly as much of is this 'spirit' stuff, I have some, but it sounds like you have way more. I would love to hear your experiences, learn from you. that would be great.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 04:48 PM
I believe that a balanced world is one with both Negative and Positive energies and entities in and around it.

I am not 'into' the Dark Arts, as you put it. I have studied a bit and have found information from creditable and reliable soucres to be lacking and very hard to find.

Where did you study? Learn?
Can I ask?

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 05:08 PM
I THINK that ppl and especially, kids, can be very cruel. I saw the effects of kids ganging up of another.

There was a boy, 2 grades higher than I, he was a bit slow, though, not 'handicapped' . He was shunned and cruelly picked on by EVERYONE at my HS.

He eventually could not handle it any longer. He took his mother and older sister 'hostage' in their house and he shot himself with a shotgun.

Now, that's a downer.

If he had lived to adulthood, I am SURE he would have had issues with his peers for his entire life..............

Children are HIGHLY sensitive and need a nurturing we have read.............the shockwaves can he HARSH and DARK.

I can relate and yet, not, (lol).

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:01 PM

You're right about material. Some of it is very far off the page while other can hold some truths. There are some book that can give you a feel for whats out there. Depends on exactly what you want. invokation, evocation, necromancy, geomancy, runes there are many different practices. I suggesst you reading a few book and when you read think about how you feel doing this. Perhaps subconciously your mind will steer you in the right direction.


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 10:37 PM
Azathoth is right the main source of my teachings has been the world.Not neccessarily learning from specific sources but using them as guides to come to your own conclusions.

I have great parents who never really gave me direction.Well I didn't anyway. As for my learnings I dunno.I have been exposed to much in my short time here.I never really choose to do what I do.It just happens.

The more I paid attention to everything the wider my view became.As I would take time to focus on one thing that lead to another.The problem about understanding is that it is like we are at the centre of a circle as we learn in one direction the whole circle grows well kinda.I dunno.

Ive had many teachers in my time.Even the lowliest person in the views of scociety can hold the key to unlock the secrets behind that which is hidden to us.

I have lost my mind numerous times contemplating the world and how things work.I have basked in the glory and revelled in the darkness.All I have ever really tried to do is learn about myself.As I have said many times and will put here now..Search on the outside for the keys to unlock the doors within....Scarecrow

[edit on 20-1-2006 by toraylin]

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 04:03 PM
I wanted to make sure this thread has this statement included...
Sometimes people are able to communicate - it isn't a 'bad thing'. I'm not saying we should sit and try to conjour them, but there are times they do need help and seek us out. There are also times, especialy in grief just after the death, that those still living need something, even a few words, from their loved ones to help them get through the tramma. It can be a good thing.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 11:04 AM
In many cases the spirits of the dead can protect you from evil sources.Just because something is looked at as evil doesnt neccesarily mean that it is.

Like the yin and the yang exsist within equal balance the hearts of humankind do need help.I simply have not limited myself to certain aspects of learning.Trying to expand my knowledge on as many facts and thoughts as possible.Not really going on what others say,but my own intuition.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by necromancer9

may i have ur email id please,mail me at [email protected]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Text BlackTextNecromancer 9, I seek your knowledge and your whereabouts. I have left the others and I wish to speak with you before the awakening.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:35 PM
Necromancer 9 I challenge you to come out of hiding before the awakening. The other nines believe they are close to discovering your hiding place and I came close to seeing you in the lower realms at the gates of the Necronomican, your guardians protect you well my friend. I hope you get this message and answer me soon, I left the other nines and I'm sure they are hunting me at this very moment. One more thing before I go, they have released the demon of the ninth house and I don't have to remind you what that means. Good luck and I hope to see you soon , my old friend.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by necromancer9

I am necro9 you know who i am i need to meet with you "brother".

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