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posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 01:36 AM
I have read many articles in this forum of paranormal activities and I see many examples of sightings and first hand experiences. What I don't see are stories from my fellow ex-practitioners, students, or current practitioners of the dark arts. I studied and practiced for thirteen years, and no I didn't have to sacrifice anything living or dead. As my user name suggests I am a Necromancer 9, and as such am a natural, and a seeker of truths. I do not practice the dark arts any longer but I still retain all the knowledge. I state this as a fact, can others of my kind do the same!

mod edit for spelling in title

[edit on 1-1-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 07:24 AM
No experience with 'Dark Arts' or anything like that, but I know how the occult practices their own 'magic'. Personal experience and other sources....

What is a necromancer? That is a new one to me.

Kind Regards

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 09:50 AM
A necromancer worships the dead . A Necromancer 9 is a title given to a select group of warlocks who have the natural ability of magic at their disposal. In other words our powers were born with us and the thing we had to learn is how to control them. Thats all the information I can safely give you without stepping on toes or upsetting the others. After all seekers don't like being thought after themselves.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 01:00 AM
I guess there are not any others out there, just as well I guess. Good day to all.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 01:49 PM
Now I dont know exactly what you menat but here is a bit about me.

I have been more then open to the paranormal from an early age.
I started seeing and feeling things alot and i was on a different level then
everyone else.Because i didnt pay enough attention to school and do my work
My doctor had me put on ritalin in grade 2.I flowed so differently to life that they put me in a speacial hyper active class to better learn about scociety and how to interact with people.Not long after due to how apparent it was that i was different I was outright exiled from normality.

I took on rage and hate as friends.I was one of them but not allowed to be with them.So I looked for revenge.I started to call to certain demons such as addidas(sp?) and the lesser demons of death and war.I pledged to pestillence.Soon I was shown much light as my father attempted to satart me going to a church group(bribed me with a hamburger after every time hehe)I stayed with the group for a long time and.Although I never really learned too much.I learned how to be a kid.I soon took to the forests and grew alot running around and playing.I have seen many things in the forest.I started to get into witchcraft and voodoo.Cursing my enemys with simple blood oaths and candle prisms.

As my life went on I was continueously walked on and betrayed by all my friends.Too wrapped up with socialism to hang out with a wierdo like me.I was betrayed by my friends under the banner that I betrayed them and while i was away they ruined my life.This is when master Trent first called to me.Were in this together now.The fragile album. I will say this. I knew then that something big was going on.I didnt understand then but i do now.

I started to get twisted and hateful.Revelling in pain and suffering as i cut my flesh over and over.I started to hail to those things in the dark for I knew now why they were the time i was seventeen I had become a complete loner travelling and searching for clues.I started to sin by desire and self pleasure.I quested for evil things and grew slowly dark and cold around the edges.As I tried to speak of my concern for others conduct in regards to the earth I learnd that most didnt care.Too wraped up in human life i was scorned and left in the forest alone(I was working and living at a reasort and eventually no one liked me)I lost my sanity and started talking to myself.

That is when master Trent found me again.This time it was further down the spiral that made its way into my hands.AS I clutched my knees and rocked back and forth.A safe warm place kept me alive.While Mr. self destruct made me want to do something about how i had been treated.
I never had nobody love me but something i can never have made me miss
My life and my love for it.

Many people with the halo of a self righteous exsitence had stained me.No one or nothing stopped them. I always tried to be good and help.But no one really cared.I started to think that they couldnt.
I had never had anyhting to make me feel like i wasnt alone.I now had something. A cause someone else out there knew me knew what i was going through.I stopped caring for mankind all together and started to worry about what we were doing to ourselves and the world.But alas I was slipping further down the spiral....It gets better but i think ive said enough.

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 05:33 PM
Hello, I really enjoyed reading your history of yourself. I't sounded so much like my beginnings except I hated much less than you did the system around me instead I think they were afraid of me more than they hated me. Still none the less I can relate to a lot of the things you've written about yourself. I guess as I got older I cared less about the doubting thomas's and more about proving to my friends and family that I did have special gifts and every chance I got I proved it to them. As you may have guessed I made a lot of people nervous around me and some I believe were even afraid of me.If I think back hard enough I do believe there was a lot of anger built up inside of me also. What helped me more than anything else was learning Zen meditation and Tibetan Chantra's, which helped me release the anger from within and thus qwell the raging beast that was trying to take over my Soul. Reading this it sounds like something out of a science fiction book, I wish it was, but unfortunately it was'nt. Well you've managed to get me to reveal more about myself than I planned, so until next time have a good and blessed day.

[edit on 8-1-2006 by necromancer9]

[edit on 8-1-2006 by necromancer9]

posted on Jan, 8 2006 @ 05:42 PM
In regards to what you said.I was sitting at home earlier after this post thinking about how much i said.Also how much I left out.So much that I left out.

Then I started to think about my level of openess and it led me to think.
openess goes both ways.The more you want to find the more you better show.I am only a little cautious of people who wish me ill.But I really dont care.I like to tell everyone everything about me and my life and what i think..anyway later....

posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 12:11 AM
I can go into some detail about my past, but I have to leave out a lot about my practice about the dark arts. The other n-9's have heard about my openess on this site and they would like nothing more than to be able to trace my present location. When I read the part of your story about calling out different demons I worry whether or not you used the correct rituals to conjure them. If you actually brought them forth you should be able to physically see them and you should be able to send them back to wherever they came from. If you did not send them back then they are still here in our dimension and they could be the cause of your pain and suffering. The conjuring of real demons is a task that takes many years of training and perfecting before any attempt is made. I could give you specifics but that would go against all I have learned. The easiest way to send them back is to pray and to really mean it. I know others on this site [non-believers] will mock me for saying this but it's true. Well I have to get up early so hang in there, keep your chin up, and live life to it's fullest.

[edit on 9-1-2006 by necromancer9]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 07:52 PM

I have wondered about what exactly I am for most of my life.I find my self searching continuously(sp?)for something that isnt there.

Now I have recently come to realize that I am a Scarecrow. This is more my meaning but It describes my role in this world alot.Although much of what I am to do in this life has yet to come.But I already see it in many shades and forms.As if i look back on life from the future and am remembering it.

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 09:09 PM
I really don't see ho necromancy is a dark art as speaking wih the dead is not dark. i guess considering you kind of wake them from their peace is why it would be considered such . I have a nice book called forbidden rites: a necromancers manual of the 15th centry. pretty interesting read. But with all forces primordial or primeval, you takes the good with the bad. I don't practice dark arts but i do collect alot of the books. I collect even the white versions (considered good magic). I just recently came back to from where i grew up and I was told by a psychic that it pleased the land to have me back. I've always felt connected to the land where I am from and around me. I guess if you could call me anything I'm more prone to naturalist ritual then anything else. But all forms have their uses. You can have darkest unless you have a light to judge it by thats my two cents.


posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 10:45 AM
That I believe is completely true the higher or deeper you go down one path is to no the depth of the other.Its like the higher up you go.The further down you can see.

AS far as strict good and bad is concerned.The more powerful in light you are the stronger the darkness will be that you face!!!

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by necromancer9
A necromancer worships the dead . A Necromancer 9 is a title given to a select group of warlocks who have the natural ability of magic at their disposal. In other words our powers were born with us and the thing we had to learn is how to control them. Thats all the information I can safely give you without stepping on toes or upsetting the others. After all seekers don't like being thought after themselves.

Actualy, I believe necromance reffers to a person that can communicate with the dead (or shall I say, non 3d). I've been called this (and worse - lol!), but to 'worship' the dead? Absolutely not! The terms that were used long ago seem to get tagged with new age ideas and wishes.
I'd be ashamed to call anything that I've been given/blessed with a 'power'.
I'm not one to flame, but this post reeks of unleaned and wishful thinking.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:42 PM
Toralinn, have you ever stepped back and looked at yourself objectively??? Your description of yourself, of your behavior and how you treated others lends me to think that people shunned you for good reason. Kids are especially sensitive to those that are not pleasant.

I remember being in school and having my feelings hurt. I didn't go around conjuring demons to hurt them though. I wouldn't have ever thought of that.

I know I would be very against my children hanging around with another child that did these kinds of things. It just doesn't sound normal.

Sometimes I think we need to look at ourselves not as special for being different. That the reason people think we are different is because we are above them or have super powers. It may be because one might be unpleasant to others.

I have been around children that just aren't right in the head. I babysat one at age 4, who was such an evil child that I wouldn't babysit him again. That child wasn't "special" nor was he empowered with things. He was an evil child. No 4 year old should look at someone who is being nice to them, stare them in the eyes and say "I want to take a a pair of scissors and poke out your eyes, and watch the blood run down your face".

That isn't right. That is the vibe I get off of your personal description. I could be way off base and if I am, I am sorry. If I am not, you need to take a hard look at yourself

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:51 PM
The bright blessed day
The dark, sacred night.
Black is the most common colour for ancient depictions of God.
It is the colour of authority, priests, judges, lawyers, police, etc.
The colour of formality, black tie, black evening gown, etc.
It is the colour of infinity, space, the void, the mysterious.
I think it is the most powerful colour of all.
Light is what the figure lucifer is said to bring, the name itself means light bringer. Illumination, or enlightenment, being what the serpent brings.
Which is good, or bad, or is either one?

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 04:04 AM
I appreciate all comments and corrections of definitions that I may have made about necromancy but the other part is not wishful thinking. Just because you dont believe in something doesnt mean its not true. I was being quite honest about my abilities, I dont live in a make believe world. While I respect your opinion, I do not respect the way you wrote it. Also just because one is born with special abilities it doesnt mean they were gifts or for that matter blessed from some higher form of life. Well I spoke my mind and I feel a little better now. I am going to go and meditate for a while and relax.

[edit on 19-1-2006 by necromancer9]

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 01:41 PM
I think my post may have sounded as if it was attacking you personaly. I certainly didn't mean it in that tone. It was your post itself that left a bad ??? in my gut. I would never ditch someone about anything they believe in or proclaim something good or bad or wrong becuase of my own beliefs. I only believe alot of the things I know to be true because of my own experiences. Believe me - I am NOT the kind of person that 'believes in ghosts' LOL! Yet, I know, for a fact, that I can see them, feel them, smell them, know an emotions from them.
I am not the kind of person that would believe you can talk to the dead. Yet I can get pictures from them, understand thoughts and ideas and feelings.
I am not discrediting any gifts or abilities you may have. And it's important to me that you, and everyone else here, know that I am not the kind of person that would be so unkind as to embarrise(sp) another for sharing.

It is the word 'power' and the atitude that generaly goes along with it. It makes me feel as if those who read will get the wrong idea - and I want very much to defend those of us who are more sensative to things. Some posts bring with them a certain 'feel'. When I pick up certain kinds of energy, my own energy gets a bit overzellous and I respond in a blunt, few worded way that I need to save and edit before I post. Other posts bring with them a feel that brings from me these looong rambeling responses... (I try to avoid this)
You did a great job letting me know you didn't like my post. I will certainly be more careful to be sure my meaning is clear before I post with such need to make a point. And I agree with you, my responce to your post absolutely stinks. I was unclear and unkind. I am sorry.It was the feeling I recieved from the post that got my feathers ruffled, not the topic or you.

And your right - there is none of us that is better, higher etc. We are all the same, we all have gifts. Some are better in some areas than others - but you know what? Before I work on my truck I have to stop, read the book (again), grab a helper that knows what they are doing, then hope someone will come rescue me before I begin. We may have strengths, but there are weaknesses too.

Originally posted by necromancer9
I appreciate all comments and corrections of definitions that I may have made about necromancy but the other part is not wishful thinking. Just because you dont believe in something doesnt mean its not true. I was being quite honest about my abilities, I dont live in a make believe world. While I respect your opinion, I do not respect the way you wrote it. Also just because one is born with special abilities it doesnt mean they were gifts or for that matter blessed from some higher form of life. Well I spoke my mind and I feel a little better now. I am going to go and meditate for a while and relax.

[edit on 19-1-2006 by necromancer9]

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 07:36 PM
llpoolej....Please ...ha.keep your judgement to yourself.The actuality was.I went through public school going to three different schools in small towns being the new kid i was an easy target.As time went onlike from grade three to grade nine I was always the outcast.It was in high school that I started to really delve far into the darkness.When three of my friends decided to take my life away by saying i was a rat and that i ratted on my best friend.I was away at the time for two weeks by the time i came back my whole home town thought i was a rat.I eventualy dropped out of school and went out west.

As far as Me being an evil child.When I account some of the stories from my life understand like in anything that we are only getting a piece of the pie so to speak.I can be quite in your face and down right rude when my ego deems neccessary but if you were to look around these posts Im sure youd find some people who think Im pretty nice!

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 03:08 AM
Thank you for the kind reply, now it is I who must apologize to you. You are correct I should have read my original statement a little better and worded it so as not to sound so menacing. If I use the word power I only mean ability, I apologize and will be more considerate of others who may be reading what I have to say. And your reply didn't stink it was just blunt like you said. Anyways have a good day and oh, I didn't mean to imply that I ever practiced necromancy or talk with the dead. Necromancer9 is just a title it has nothing to do with necromancy itself. Well have a good day and perhaps we will debate other issues in the future, I see I ramble on too ha ha.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 06:57 AM
Some of you here are truthfully 'Outcasts' of society. And You claim to have summoned the supernatural 'demons' to spite your enemies. Instead of jumping to the supernatural for help, instead look inside your selves to find whats wrong and fix it. Some of the guys here are extremely emotional which I don't find surprising if you never had a girlfriend.

That's another reason today why I should give up internet discussion.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:53 AM
If you feel really negative about these things, it will likely only cause friction for all if you stay. I have not been able to evade the supernatural, and I have spent most of my life focussing on non-paranormal learning. But it has not left me alone. It has always been my view that these matters are not to be toyed with. I don't know that, it is my feeling. I am extremely emotional. My relationships have been incredible. The most amazing things I have ever experienced have been with my current fiance. It has blown away my conceptions of love. I was so unprepared for the immensity of our bond. Never could have known without it happening. All my previous partners were great, but this.... beyond beyond. And after 20 years of sincerely, albeit not in a friendly manner, calling on the devil to show up, I have had no response.
So, in my case, you got the emotional bit right, and outcast is apt too. But the rest... it would be hard for you to state a more opposite idea from my reality.

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