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The Islamofascist's and the Nazi connection

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posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:48 AM
These pictures clearly demostrate the Islamofascist Nazi plaque that threatens Humanity.
The War on Terror is far far from over, i think we should keep our Armies enmasse in the Middle East , this Draws the Islamofascist's out to the field of Battle and and distracts many who may attempt to strike the homeland.

Berlin-1942- Amin Al Husseini spends WWII by Hitler's side.

Amin Al Husseini Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division

The 21st Centuary Islamofascist Nazi.

The next Generation of Islamofascists are currently being "programmed"

This is but a small taste of what to expect if we become complacent, urge your politicians to keep Army's in the ME.

Flush out the Islamofascists on there own turf, before they come looking for YOU!.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:08 AM
And while you're chewing on this Spreading of Hatred,

you might wanna read this:

Wake up and Smell the Fascism!

I think its too late for these "IslamoFascists" to get you - the REAL FA$CI$T have already TAKEN OVER!


And a Happy 2006 to you too!

[edit on 31/12/05 by Souljah]

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
And while you're chewing on this Spreading of Hatred,

Pot calling the kettle black?

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:50 AM
IT was a perfect match, back in WWII
Common enemy?

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
IT was a perfect match, back in WWII
Common enemy?

Actualy, to the Nazi's, the Jews weren't an enemy enemy at all, to them they weren't even worth being seen as an enemy, they were seen as a pest, like rodents, that the Nazi's wanted to dispose of.
Their plans for creating a single Europe or even world under the "master race"'s rule made everyone who didn't submit to their will, their enemy, but not the jews, they were only there to be annihilated.

Adolph Hitler and his cronies are probably laughing their asses of seeing the EU and the steps towards worldwide goverment bodies, these days

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 10:59 PM
The historical accuracy that NumberCruncher presents seems correct. It is relatively easy to find information about the connections between the Muslim Brotherhood, and Nazi Germany, al Qaeda, and the Saudi Madrasas.

Just type two words in your favorite search engine and spend the evening reading.

Banna Nazi

You will find articles which detail that as early as 1938, Hassan al-Banna, the charismatic founder of the Brotherhood, presented his own version of jihad in an essay called "The industry of death". In this article, he did not describe the horror of death but instead depicted death as an ideal to be longed for.

This particular interpretation of the meaning of jihad did not come about until the 1930's. It should be noted that its concurrence with the arrival of a newly virulent antisemitism is verified in no uncertain terms.

Another excellent example of information, John Loftus publised an article in August 2004 detailing the connections.

To be quite frank, John Loftus information appears to be damning for all parties including Britian & U.S. intelligence.

Osama Bin Ladin's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, came from the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the results of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

There are many flavors and branches, but they are all Muslim Brotherhoods. The organization you know as “Hammas” is actually a secret chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

So the Muslim Brotherhood became this poison that spread throughout the Middle East and on 9/11, it began to spread around the world.

We have to recognize that al Qaeda simply didn't spring up on its own. The route was Nazism. The al Qaeda Doctrine is the same as the Arab Nazis held. They hated Jews, they hate democracy, and they hate Westerners for Western culture.

Al Qaeda is nothing more than the religious expression of Arab Fascism. We allowed this branch of the Nazi trunk to survive, to flourish, and it has come back to haunt us.

[edit on 12/31/05 by makeitso]

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 11:15 PM
Makeitso - Thanks for providing some supporting facts, we must urge our leader's to stamp out these Islamonazi's before they start moving to stamp us out.

The only way the Islamonazi's can win is by having the USA on there side or destroyed, which as we all know will never happen, well not with conventional weapons, but sadly very large numbers of them are prepared to die trying.

The Caliphate is a pipedream that is doomed to abject failure.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 03:42 AM
You give the wrong people ideas and before you know it your nightmares come alive. It is amazing how these neo-nazi's groups come out to parade when convenient.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 03:55 AM
Everybody loves a parade... Who makes the costumes?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by IComeWithASword
Everybody loves a parade... Who makes the costumes?

No costumes here, Just Souljahs post has entertained some digital manipulation.

But i guess you just can't see the truth ?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 05:13 AM
So, what connections with Nazi's and FASCISM does the Bush Clan have then?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Well, what EXTRAPOLATIONS can we make from There?

I am sure that Fascism and Bush Clan go togather Very Well.

And when you are trying to connect the dots between Muslims and Nazis - well, if you did not notice, SS had its Divisions across Europe: Netherlands, Hungary, Romania, Belgium - and the Majority of these Soldiers were White Catholics; wanna find connections between them and the Fascism?

I guess not.

It is "Islamo-Bashing" time these days, right?

So I guess we will see more Crap like these coming out of everybodys mouth.

As far se the little Pictures is Concerned, here are some more Pictures of


Heather, now 7, is relaxed and in control, firing a Smith & Wesson Model 34 'Kit Gun' in .22 L.R. She fired more than 500 rounds in the Nevada desert that day.

I wonder which PROUDY DADDYS took those KIDS to the Shooting Range and Introduce them to all sorts of Gunz!

Such Civilized and Tolerant WEST, huh?

[edit on 1/1/06 by Souljah]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 05:22 AM
Hello Souljah,

Big differance i can see here is Westerner's teaching there children to use firearms i assume to protect themselves from the IslamoNazi's.

The IslamoNazi's are teaching there kids to strap explosives to there body's to kill and maim as many innocent people including themselves as they can.

Chalk and Cheese, apples and Oranges, water and Ice but what ever floats your boat son.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Hello Souljah,

Big differance i can see here is Westerner's teaching there children to use firearms i assume to protect themselves from the IslamoNazi's.

The IslamoNazi's are teaching there kids to strap explosives to there body's to kill and maim as many innocent people including themselves as they can.

I am sorry, but teaching a 5-year old kid, how to shoot with a machine gun, is NOT exactly the way to increase their Safetly.

Still - you have your Perspective and I have mine.

The Enitre Western Community of Children is OBSESSED with guns and killing!

Ever hear about First Person Shooter Games?

Counter Strike - most popular Game on this Planet?

Please spare me the "Tolerant and Caring West Speech"

Bottom line is, two Means to a SAME End - Killing.

[edit on 1/1/06 by Souljah]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Please spare me the "Tolerant and Caring West Speech"

Bottom line is, two Means to a SAME End - Killing.

[edit on 1/1/06 by Souljah]

Ill spare you the speech, but id be interested to hear the Tolerant and Caring speech of Islam, if you have one or if there is one ??

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Ill spare you the speech, but id be interested to hear the Tolerant and Caring speech of Islam, if you have one or if there is one ??

You JUST do not GET it, do you?

It is not about Religion - it is about EXTREMISM.

Are you saying, that the Entire Muslim Religion is based upon Hatred to the West?

Are you saying that Christianity IS a religion of PEACE?

Because, that is all complete and utter BS.

It is the NeoCon Scenario to create a New Enemy of the United States and the rest of the "Civilized West" - and what more Appopriate then to create Anti-Islamic Propaganda (like yourself), which spreads Fear and Hatred towards the Muslim people and countries.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 06:08 AM
I would be interested in examining any present-day links between Jihadist or extremist Islamic organisations and organised Neo-Nazi movements. A union between these groups, whilst doing a good job of playing on people's fears of enemies old and new, seems somewhat impractical and unnecessary to me.

What I mean by this is that, were I in the position of any organised Islamic extremist group or Jihadist organisation, I would consider most Neo-Nazi organisations to be poor allies at best. Modern Neo-Nazi groups represent the antithesis of what made the Nazis such terrifying opponents, in my opinion. They are chaotic where the Nazis were coldly efficient. They represent a loose association of like-minded groups where the Nazis were a singular organisation driven by a common goal. They are typically outlawed organisations - and where they are not, they are generally derided by the public - where the Nazis enjoyed the support of an entire nation. From my perspective, there is little that Neo-Nazi organisations can offer to Jihadist or Islamic extremist organisations.

Seemingly the only advantages they would enjoy would be their ability to counteract profiling data and their ability to carry out terrorist organisations in places other than the Middle East. However, most Neo-Nazi groups are closely observed by the authorities of those countries in which they operate, which would seem to negate their potential for counter-profiling. Similarly, organisations such as Al-Qaeda have demonstrated their ability to operate in areas other than those with which they are familiar, including Western nations.

The pairing of Islamic extremists and Neo-Nazis plays upon people's deeply rooted fears. The Nazis were a brutal enemy who brought about the suffering of untold millions of people. Similarly, Islamic extremists represent a modern threat to Western societies. Naturally, any union of these two groups would be met with a mixture of apprehension and outrage. Despite this, however, I cannot imagine that anything of consequence would derive from such a union. Neo-Nazis are not the Nazis of old, and Islamic extremists are doing a fine job on their own of carrying out their objectives.

[edit on 1/1/06 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 06:11 AM

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Ill spare you the speech, but id be interested to hear the Tolerant and Caring speech of Islam, if you have one or if there is one ??

You JUST do not GET it, do you?

It is not about Religion - it is about EXTREMISM.

Are you saying, that the Entire Muslim Religion is based upon Hatred to the West?

Are you saying that Christianity IS a religion of PEACE?

Because, that is all complete and utter BS.

It is the NeoCon Scenario to create a New Enemy of the United States and the rest of the "Civilized West" - and what more Appopriate then to create Anti-Islamic Propaganda (like yourself), which spreads Fear and Hatred towards the Muslim people and countries.

No Souljah thats not what im saying, that's what your saying.

So who doesnt get it, you or me ?

There no Anti Islamic propaganda here son, just truths.

The lie's fly from the Islamofascist domain to appeal to the Umma and help restore the Caliphate, but it's a no go,they had there chance 1000 years ago but decided to keep waring while the West entered the renaissance and expanded on a global scale.

Now if you cant see the over whelming evidence of masses of Islamonazi's bent on smiteing us all for world domination i cant convince you.

On the Eve of Destruction .... there will be one winner or everyone will be a loser.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Hello Souljah,

Big differance i can see here is Westerner's teaching there children to use firearms i assume to protect themselves from the IslamoNazi's.

The IslamoNazi's are teaching there kids to strap explosives to there body's to kill and maim as many innocent people including themselves as they can.

Chalk and Cheese, apples and Oranges, water and Ice but what ever floats your boat son.

Number are you so blind to see the truth? Define the term "Nazi" first. IslamoNazi or AmericanNazi. It all means the same thing in the end. You are being decieved. Until you realize that you are nothing but a pawn and you are being controlled you will fail to recognize that it is all the same thing. This reminds me of the Left wing, Right wing paradigm. Either you are with us or against us? Manipulation at its finest. Oh ya I forgot in the eyes of Bush god told us to invade Iraq and get rid of these "extremeists" but he forgot to mention that it was us "The US" who armed these extremeists in the first place...... makes you wonder, don't it?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
These pictures clearly demostrate the Islamofascist Nazi plaque that threatens Humanity.

Bunch of pictures dont proof that Islamic extremists are working alongside Nazi's, back then I'd bet Catholic/Christian religious leaders were doing the exact same thing.

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