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Who are the Illuminati......

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posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 04:11 PM
Maybe the Illuminati, or who we think they are, originate from survivours of lost worlds like Atlantis, or some of the submerged great cities we have discovered. Maybe Mars before it was destroyed or another star even.
They could be helping us 'advance' to enable them to bring back a world like we had before, the disaster that wiped us out previously may have been a natural disaster, manmade (e.g. nuclear/anti-matter war) or through man-made changes in the environment. If it was our fault they may be trying to redo the previous work without the mistakes, or it may have simply been an accident. Maybe the ancient ways and teachings are not alone in the information that has been handed down to us, maybe an elite few are directly related to some of the most powerful people amongst the survivours of a cataclysmic event that changed our history and sent us back technologically and structurally.
Perhaps the world we are going into is a representation of our previous development, only the process is being 'helped' along - hence so many of us repelling from what is happening around us.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 04:24 PM
The illuminati are actually offshoots of the civilisations of Lemuria AND atlantis. They hold true knowledge and practices, and it has been handed down over the eons of time. They actually became a known society during sumerian times.

Weishaupts is a smokescreen for the true illuminati, a disinfo agent.

They BELIEVE what they are doing is RIGHT, they see chaos on the planet, and they are here to fix it, we the sheep need shephards. If the illuminati were destroyed, then chaos may exist on planet earth.

However..... they are at war with each other, and also the hanabu of antartic... another group of people wanting to install their own NWO.

Kind Regards

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 04:34 PM
well, no matter who or what they are, if they exsist have then drop me a line. i am more than willing to do part to bring some kind of order to this world. NWO or OWO i don't care. it seems good to me.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Merger
The illuminati are actually offshoots of the civilisations of Lemuria AND atlantis. They hold true knowledge and practices, and it has been handed down over the eons of time. They actually became a known society during sumerian times.

Weishaupts is a smokescreen for the true illuminati, a disinfo agent.

They BELIEVE what they are doing is RIGHT, they see chaos on the planet, and they are here to fix it, we the sheep need shephards. If the illuminati were destroyed, then chaos may exist on planet earth.

However..... they are at war with each other, and also the hanabu of antartic... another group of people wanting to install their own NWO.

Kind Regards

I'm sorry, I am new here... possibly you provide me some reputable links to back up your claims, I am very interested in this topic.

Hanabu of Antartic?

Thanks in advance!

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Most of my info is conversion with the author of Blue Blood True Blood. His name is Stewart Swerdlow, check his books out at

Kind Regards

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Merger
Most of my info is conversion with the author of Blue Blood True Blood. His name is Stewart Swerdlow, check his books out at

Kind Regards

Ok Thank You!!!


posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 04:27 PM
The illuminati are the richest and most powerful european families on this globe. Hearst, Rothschild, Dupont, Morgan, Vanderbuilt etc.. some may not be true top pyramid echelon, and may only be part of 300 committe or the 13 bloodlines. The higher you get to the top of the pyramid the more confusing it may become becuase the powerlines are hidden. No one will ever know who or what sits atop the pyramidal structure as far as reighn of absolute power. The illuminati are human and use specific indiviually tailored mind control over the Committe 300 and the 13 Bloodlines (Bushes)to carry out global control functions. There are theories that state that a reptiallian race from the earths core controlls the illuminatti or sits atop the pyramid, but there is much room for debate there. These people always seem to put the focus on the supernatural (reptile people, grey aliens) in order to shift peoples focus away from them.

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Here is the link, I hope it helps.


posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 07:27 AM
There are many reasons to think that in the history the illuminati have governed the fates of the world.
And the are millions of reasons to beleve that the illuminati is the the false adopted name of some aliens came on the earth many years ago, theyr name is REPTILIANS:
who to deepen this topic?

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 07:45 AM
Here's my take on the Illuminati from just a quick basic bit of research on them.

- Quote below from this site.

Neither Robison nor Barruel deny that the professed goal of the Order was to teach people to be happy by making them good — to do this by enlightening the mind and freeing it from the dominion of superstition and prejudice. But they refused to accept this at face value. Where Weishaupt and Knigge promoted a freedom from church domination over philosophy and science, Robison and Barruel saw a call for the destruction of the church. Where Weishaupt and Knigge wanted a release from the excesses of state oppression, Robison and Barruel saw the destruction of the state. Where Weishaupt and Knigge wanted to educate women and treat them as intellectual equals, Robison and Barruel saw the destruction of the natural and proper order of society.

It's not the Illuminati who are evil. It's the church and conspiracy fanatics bent on the idea that someone's out to get us all, that are evil. The whole reason for this "evil" secrecy of the Illuminati was thanks to the tyranny of the church back in the 1700's. The very same church that killed innocent live's if someone was accused of being a witch or having made a pact with the devil. So, one can understand the need of secrecy when promoting the idea that people are equal's and don't NEED religion to teach them howto be moral and work together for the best interest of all people.

All this crap you see now, NWO this, NWO that. That's NOT the original Illuminati. That is some guy's opinion he gathered thank's to the propaganda of te church to discredit any idea that people can be good to other people without the need of religion and such.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 07:58 AM
Who were the Illuminati?

Illuminati (ĭlū'mĭnā'tī, –nä'tē) [Lat.,=enlightened], rationalistic society founded in Germany soon after 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at Ingolstadt, having close affinities with the Freemasons and seemingly organized on a Masonic plan. While briefly very popular among German rationalists, it had limited influence. The Roman Catholic Church, which Weishaupt left in his youth and rejoined before his death, condemned the Illuminati; in 1785 the Bavarian government dissolved the organization. It did not long survive. In Spain and Italy in the 15th and 16th cents. the term Illuminati, or Alumbrado, referred to persons claiming direct communion with the Holy Spirit, so asserting that outward forms of religious life are unnecessary. Their claims led to persecution by the Inquisition. Other groups using the name have included the Rosicrucians, and certain followers of Jakob Boehme and Emmanuel Swedenborg.

No mythical Atlanteans to be seen.....

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 08:12 AM
Reptilians? No, they are just your central bankers, bored people with too much money and too much poison in the system.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 05:50 PM
I like your avatar Uncle Pete

I just came across this site by chance a few days ago and I have to say there is alot of interesting stuff here. I tried to google Illuminati but all I came across was religious sites ranting about how they are the devil and want to destroy the world. Can anyone point me to a good read about this Illuminati theory?

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 06:16 PM
This is what I've learned of the Illuminati so far

The original group is dead. What you see now are offshoot's all claiming to be the original Illuminati. As for the conspiracy part about them, the only conspiracy concerned here is the church and concpiracy fanatic's giving them a bad name becuase they're all too paranoid and think everyone's out to get them and take control of them.


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