Unrecognized Talent
I know it's customary to belittle ourselves and speak modestly of our lack of talent, but screw that.
I was busy cranking out my podcast yesterday evening and now have had a chance to catch up on some of the podcasts my fellow members have contributed
and I just want to say: wow!
Yeah, I know there's some gagging and funning around, but I'll say flat out, some of you are not giving yourselves enough credit.
I know all about being shy about singing: it's the story of my life. But seriously, some of you who say you “can't sing” are – and I hate to
be so blunt about it –
It's obvious as hell to me that you can.
I'll single out two members who really demonstrate what I mean.
First off,
Val, it's plain as day that you know what you're doing. If you honestly think you're that bad,
you're wrong. I'm not the
only one who knows it. You've got a great voice.
Use it!
And then there's
howmuchisthedoggy, who says “I don't sing”, then duly sets about not just reciting but
singing awesome verse.
Dude, anyone who can recite verse like that can
Trust me on that or call me a liar.
If Louis Armstrong and Billy Corgan can sing,
anyone can sing. But just like any musical instrument, it takes practice.
The #1 reason people “can't” sing is because they
don't sing.
Practice makes better. There is no such thing as perfect.
Queen's English
UK Wizard is “far too English” to sing.
What the bloody hell?
Is it the vaunted English stoicism that holds you back, or the inexplicable embarrassment over accents that I keep hearing from my beloved friends in
the Commonwealth?
I am truly and incurably baffled over the phenomenon of members being somehow
ashamed that they actually speak
real English.
I am utterly unable to comprehend this.
Maybe it's because I'm an American. In my country, Commonwealth accents are considered exotic and people with these accents are sought after for a
wide range of voice work, including advertising and the
stereotype of Aussies or Brits doing MC work at concerts, which I lovingly lampooned in
my podcast.
In short,
Americans love Commonwealth accents. So if you're thinking we don't, you're mistaken.
Yes, we have fun with accents here in America, because we have
so many. I love them all: from the nasal edge of the legendary “New Yawker”
to the twang of the Western Cowboys (in my neck of the woods) to the syrupy drawl of the Deep South to the easy clip of the New Englander, each
dialect gets its love – just as in the different parts of the U.K.
And just as we enjoy American accents, we also love “foreign” accents (many people with these accents are actually American citizens and thus as
American as any other).
So I say: Speak with pride,
sing with pride!
Studio Majic
Meanwhile, speaking of that, I couldn't resist doing a “studio mix” of
The Sun Will Rise Again (WOS) which omits the intro and crowd
It also has a little more post-processing to give it a fuller sound and smooth out some of the “liveness” I wanted to project in the original (all
the vocals are first-takes, for example). Studios tend to compress out dynamics, which has its pros and cons, but the “studio mix” sounds more
like what studios crank out these days.
I mixed the new version and posted it to
music.majic-12.com, and originally felt it would be vain to do a
separate podcast for the same song.
However, vanity or not, I decided to podcast the “studio mix” on the BTS Music feed anyway, both to keep it from distracting from the intent of
this thread and to allow separate commentary on the song.
The podthread for the “studio mix” is:
BTS.music: Majic: The Sun Will Rise Again
The Best Of Times
For my fellow members worried about timelines...
I initially worried about “missing the boat”, but then I realized that yes, WOS will be receiving an initial “care package” of a CD burned
from our podcasts. So for that, the sooner the better, I'm sure. As
Val says, in the next few days.
However, it doesn't need to stop there, nor should it. WOS will be getting more updates and (hopefully soon) will be able to log in and check
out WillyPalooza 2005 himself.
So my advice is to not worry about time per se. Do your podcasts as and when you can, and don't sweat “deadlineitis”.
This thread's going to be around for a while, and I'm sure WOS will appreciate every submission, regardless of when it's submitted.
So don't worry, be happy.