posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:52 PM
I have recently had a major epiphany. I now understand the women issues that men are always complaining about. And I can’t believe it took me this
A little background--- I have always been considered one of the guys. And while I am 100% a girl, 100% straight, and I 100% love it, I have always
managed to get along better with men than with women. Maybe it has something to do with my love for football, my willingness to spit, and the fact
that I can beat a guy at arm wrestling without an issue, but nonetheless, I’m considered one of them. Even when it’s the famed “Man Night,”
an event held when one guy in our circle of friends gets dumped and they feel the need to be manly, I am always invited. I am an honorary man.
I’ve been around the guyest of guys for so long now, I’m even starting to think like them to a certain degree. I don’t want to be spoken to
when there’s a sport on television, I think that beef jerkey is one of the greatest inventions ever, and the fact that I think action movies are
awesome. But I never did understand what was so hard for them to understand about women. They never get it, and I didn’t see why not.
One of the biggest complaints I’m always hearing is that “She wants me to just know. How the hell am I supposed to know if she doesn’t tell
me?” And normally, my immediate reaction is “Duh, stupid. She tells you; she just doesn’t say it outright. Take a hint, loser face.” I vow
never to drop a subtle hint and expect full results ever again. Men of the world, you may thank my mother for this one.
My mother is not considered a friendly woman by any meaning of the term. She can, by all means, be friendly, she just more often than not chooses not
to. And in my family, we have come to accept this and are very aware of moods. As soon as my mother walks through the door, we can tell what to say
or to say anything at all. Lately she’s been in “I’m the only one who ever does anything” mode ((which, by the way, is untrue-- I have people
who can vouch for the contrary)), and has come home every day expecting things to be done that she did not ask for. When she asks why the dishes were
not washed, and either my sister or I respond with a “You didn’t ask,” her immediate response is, “Well you should have known.” Yes, if
there is a sink full of dishes, I agree that one should know that they need to be washed. But I have, on more than one occasion, assumed that this
was so, and ended up being fussed at for not waiting until after dinner. Am I supposed to be a mind reader and know which days it’s okay to wash
and when it’s not? It also is of no importance if three loads of clothes were washed, the bathroom scrubbed, and the house vacuumed. It’s those
damned dishes we were supposed to know to wash.
So now that I’ve thought about it, I agree with the men--- We women are out of our minds if we think that they’re just going to know. When the
hell did God give them the powers to just know, and why didn’t He give them to me too??? Sure, it would be really nice if they could know exactly
what we want and do it, but alas, we are all human. And when I think about it, I realize that I assume a man should know things all the time. He
should know to call me at this time, and he should know that I’d rather green than pink, and he should know that I don’t like peas. But how is he
going to know if we don’t tell him??? I’m baffled at the thought that I’ve done this so many times and never noticed. I’ve always scoffed at
the men when they complain and told them that they were crazy- Women don’t do that! But we do! And then we expect the world in return. It’s
another example of “you get what you pay for”--- Only give a small hint to what you want, only get small bit of what you want. And so many guys I
know say that if their girlfriends would just tell them, they’d be more than happy to do what they ask. They just don’t know what we want.
Either I’ve been enlightened or corrupted. Men will say enlightened, feminists will say corrupted. Pick your piece. I am not taking the men’s
side by any means-- I still agree that we women are right on just about everything else relationship wise. But this has been a revelation among
revelations for me.