I believe the concept of Shekinah may parrallel the concept of "Lilith" the first Eve.
Here is what I think of the symbolism of it:
Let us replace the turmoil of the concept of "God" with a word that is less prejudiced. Since the word "God" is interpretted by so many people to
be so many different things, then let us replace the word "God" with the label of
Truth is Truth was the first, alone.
TRUTH created the second power out of necessity. Because, the truth is the TRUTH did not want to be alone, and the truth is the TRUTH needed it in
order to survive.
The TRUTH decided that the TRUTH was good and the TRUTH
Truth is the TRUTH needed to LOVE the TRUTH in order to continue to exist.
TRUTH created LOVE with just a thought.
However LOVE needed it's polar opposite in order to continue to have a purpose to exist.
What is the opposite of LOVE?
Nope, you are wrong.
Seriously, HATE is not the opposite of LOVE, you are just too conditioned to decieving your own brain.
HATE is not the opposite of LOVE.
Why? Because you can not justify your hate without first fearing that that which you hate has the potential to take that which you love away from
FEAR is the opposite of LOVE, hate is what we mask our fear with because we are too cowardly to face our own fears.
TRUTH existed, alone.
LOVE existed (Shekinah)
LOVE needed FEAR for balance.
But, TRUTH can not fear TRUTH!!!!
And, TRUTH can not Fear LOVE!!!!
So how then did FEAR feel?
Love, you see I fear?
L u c i fer
L = Love
U = you
C = see
i = i
fer = fear
Fear was divided upon fear, like phi, never ending and always getting smaller.
So, FEAR HATED TRUTH for not understanding FEAR.
And FEAR then Created HATE.
FEAR and HATE were Loved by LOVE.
FEAR and HATE needed to fear and to hate, but could not fear and hate TRUTH or LOVE.
FEAR + HATE = Creation.
But, don't be afraid.
TRUTH is not willing to part with LOVE, so this is why FEAR and HATE still exist.
Seal of Solomon?
TRUTH was the seed, put it at the bottom.
Top right put LOVE
Top left put FEAR, TRUTH's fear of loosing LOVE.
Bottom left, put FEAR, the fallen FEAR that feared and hated.
Bottom right, put HATE.
Top, creation.
"i am"
if fear and hate are negatives, and Love and Truth are positives, according to the above scenario:
Truth (+1) + Love (+1) + Fear (-1) + Fear (-1) + Hate (-1) = All creation, all existance, then:
2 + -3 = 1 . .. because even though i should not be, yet "i am".
Truth is that -3 +2 =1, or humanity's thought processes of judgement are not what they should be.
[edit on 29-12-2005 by Esoteric Teacher]