Taken from riffraffalunas sig
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the princes and principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world
and against spiritual wickedness in the high places"~ephesians 6:10-12~
Development in respect to consciousness is an effort which takes one into the unknown, the cause for it being unknown is not related to you (plural)
but rather to why you were never told.
The question then becomes is the awareness you posses inherently functional to an extent. Achieving altered states of awareness is a natural part of
your (again plural) development, or are there actually rules based upon the strict adherence to dogma and religious principles which need to be
adhered to?
Magestica, I understand the concerns, which exist with respect to spiritual development, to be honest, what I am presenting. Is not to suggest
contemplating non-existence but rather, developing a personal relationship with God though an orientation which places emphasis upon symbols, with
respect to the hidden meaning each have, inherent to an individual.
Applying a process such as presented in the text (links) I have attached is basic and fundamental to what is accepted within the auspices of all
belief systems offered.
The implications are not of experiences, which actually fall outside a norm (that norm being with the field of those who commonly engage is such
practices, for example monks).
My main point is that the human condition has an inherent purpose, one that is a result
of the accumulation of knowledge since that purpose was considered valid. This purpose has been sidestepped. What is being presented is suggestive of
evidence to that effect, so as to allow the membership of this board to consider not only the issue but as well the consequences.
To actually engage in spiritual development as a result of what is being presented here is quite another story but not another topic.
I see the human form and what we perceive of reality, from the context of the capacity of that form to percieve as the part of a spectrum. Part of a
spectrum which in combination with all other aspects of this spectrum produce white light. White light. in this context, being an orientation to which
encorporates the extent of the individual to perceive and interact . This orientation to infinity is inherent and pre-existence to life as we
understand it. As such, despite we (plural) at present do not acknowledge the capacity to perceive in this way and or interact, does not mean it is
currently dormant.
The matter of infinity is a calculable construct, as presented by Einstein, the Universe is Finite but Boundless. As established by Bell, all things
created at the same time react to all others created at the same time, despite an apparent separateness and despite any perceived distance in regards
to that separateness (Bells Theorem with the word theorem
being defined as fact)
That all things what we see as existing are interacting, despite the fact they appear separate, respect to these things an underlying unity must in
fact exist. What we see of reality is akin to what can be seen of a glacier above the water beyond our ability to perceive, is a reality, in which
separation is a factor only to those which have not developed to the extent it is no longer apparent.
My personal experiences in respect to such things, does suggest caution. To be certain what I am implying is that a manual does exist but that manual
has been broken up and separated between cultures. Clearly this is a puzzle, in which the pieces have been broken up in such a way, as to make putting
it together very, very difficult.
Any thoughts?