posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 12:50 PM
Very intresting post. Thanks for this view.
Growing up in a nation which affords such stability and security compared to many other nations...youth can often afford many values which are of
conveneince..not necessarily responsibility. This is obvious when viewing many of the statistics concerning teenagers. Also to take this line of
thought further it shows when many become young adults and even adults into older age which still think and have consumption values like teenagers.
Only such artifical security without responsibilty can get teens to think this way for so long about their parents. Mind you now..not all teens think
this way but it is in much of the media and constantly bombarded to them 24/7 with a sense of entitlement. Many people dont change this pattern even
when they are into like..age..45years olde.
A proper parent loves their child/children and wants them to be able to stand upright for the day when they will no longer be able to pick them up
when they fall and bloody thier nose. They want to know that their children overcome all this entitlement rubbish and go on to have children of their
own...and know how to make them stand upright too. To see and know that thier children can define themselves..who and what they are by a good decent
standard based on good sound judgement..not by what they consume or what they think they deserve in life as we see so many doing today.
A proper parent hopes and prays that thier children will be able, with what they have instilled in them and what they have learned in thier walk
through life, stand up for their name sake.. This is parental love....beyond the flesh. It is a love that will serve their children when the
parents are no longer here to help them... when the parents sleep with thier Fathers.
This is what children who finally grow up learn when they begin to think beyond themselves and their egos.
Good line of thought you have begun here Mizar.