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Parallel Universe. Does it exist? What is it?

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posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 07:44 PM
Does parallel universes exist? What is it? Is it an exact same replica of our universe?

I remember watching a program about how in parallel universes, we do the exact same thing, but things aren't the exact same. (heh confusing I know). Like for example, when we grab an orange drink, we see it as orange in our dimension, but in another dimension, it would be a different color but they would see it as orange.

Can anyone explain parallel universes and what it is about?

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 08:49 PM
I believe its part of quantum theorey, notibley the 'Schrodinger's cat' scenario. Instead of the cat being both dead or alive, it is both dead and alive, albeit in 2 parallell universes. Evertime a quantum state is observed forced from a state of uncertainty into certainty, the universe 'splits' for each possible state. (My understanding is hazy, so my explanation may be incorrect).

An analogy: lets say I roll a die, and there are 6 possible outcomes. Now, once I roll, only one outcome can exist. However, what actually happens is that 6 parallel universes are created, one for each outcome of the die. From my point of view, I traverse down one particular branch/outcome. So, lets say I roll a 6. Now, in 5 other parallell universes I have rolled a 1,2,3,4 and 5. I've traversed down the branch that results ina 6, but theres 5 other mes who have traversed down the different branches, i.e. there's one universe where I've rolled a 2 etc. etc. etc.

I can't vouch that the above is 100% factually correct, but I hope it helps

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 12:15 AM
The idea is that there's a quantum universe for every quantum/random event in any universe. So, for example, where an electron is when energy excits the electron, which will change which direction that the resultant photon will travel in when the electron releases its energy. That is one quantum event.

These things will slowly amplify the further and further out from our quantum universe you go. Eventually things will change enough that a die roll of 5 might become 6. And then that rolls may be for a lot of money, or for almost no money, or any infinite number of possibilties.

So basically, everything that can happen, will happen, in one quantum universe or another. So yes, there's a world where Hitler won WWII, but there's also a world where the United States is truely a blessed and righteous country, and yet other worlds where life does not even exist on Earth.

Infinite possibilties, infinite universes, infinite creation.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 12:49 AM
My angle is not that of science but of spirituality.

In the eyes of god-mind, 'everything' must occur for it to experience itself and thus know everything. This is only possible if every thought is manifested in someway. In physical reality (which is only 1% of total realities out there ie, non-physical realities) is an error in god-mind, and only certain things can occur. However every thought is carried out...and yes, its carried out in an alternate reality. or parralel universe.

It is said that this particular reality has 7 offshoots. In 'actuality' it has an infinite number of offshoots, however the 7 offshoots were co-ordinated by man in this own physical reality. For example, WWII was won by the Nazi's, however due to the unrest after the war, they decided to alter the course of time and make the west win. The world is STILL under control by the SAME people, yet its a different timeline/reality/parrelel universe.

Hope this helps.

PS: Note to people I may offend. This is what I believe in and what I researched, you are free to believe whatever you want, I am not trying to convince you, but trying to put forward another point of view on the matter.

KInd Regards

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 02:18 AM
Hmm...I don't put much stock in parallel universes, but only because physics SHOULD dictate there was only enough Big Bang Particle to make one. (Universe that is.)

ON THE OTHER HAND....maybe that's the missing repository for all that "missing matter" scientists insist still exists.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 05:43 AM
where every thought.. is reality... and reality... its reverse.

think of a hair comb. imagine that your "life", all that you see before you and believe is "real", is one of the points on your comb. a parallel universe, is just another point, or the opposite side of the same point. now the nature of the backbone of your comb, that is the real question, and the very existance of the comb to begin with, is still stranded in the ever illusive "space", held up by a hand. religious, paranormal, linear, scientific, existensial, orange, sublime, supercalafragilistic, temporary,? hah. no classifications accepting all possibilities unaccounted anomalys and their prediction thereof.
is a parallel universe

"a hair on your head is not enough, but one in your soup is too much" -Einstein on relativity

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 08:42 AM
If there was a parallel universe, there wouldn't be only one. There would be an infinite number of them, because quantum theory dictates that particles are in a superposition of all possible states.

Personally I do not believe that Quantum Physics are correct, in the sense that quantum uncertainty is there because we do not have found (yet) a way to correctly observe what is happening below the photon level. Our best efforts in observing phenomena is done by using photons and observe the consequences. But using a photon to 'measure' what other particles is doing may affect those particles, and thus we get the quantum uncertainty. If we could use a sub-photon particle to observe behaviour of photons (and other particles that we now call 'foundamental'), then we could find that there is no quantum uncertainty or parallel universe, and that 'uncertainty' was observed because our experiments had factors unknown to us.

[edit on 27-12-2005 by masterp]

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 07:44 PM
According to Christianity, do parallel universes exist?

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 08:27 PM
Well, if you require that christian beliefs fit into this, christianity does not DISallow the possibility of such a thing. In all truth, christianity does not disallow reincarnation either (the idea of being born again - though rising from the dead is only attributal to the son of god). Christianity, in its basic form, is actually very accepting of many different faiths and beliefs - it's the religious institutions, the fundamentalists, and the wicked who attempt to limit the beliefs and thoughts of others that make any religion horrible.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 11:39 PM
But, according to Christianity (i believe) parallel universes cannot exist. Well, if parallel universes do exist, then technically in another parallel unvierse, Jesus did not get crucified and did not die... So, if one believes in Christianity, this whole subject would be nullified, am I right?

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by k4rupt
But, according to Christianity (i believe) parallel universes cannot exist.

According to who? What passage in the bible specifically states that it is impossible? And how did they know? Did God tell them?
If it is in there why does it automatically have to be true? You a literalist or something?

Remember Humans wrote the bible not God. Just as humans found the equasions supposedly showing us the possibility of the existance of parellel universes. Both are most likely flawed in some respect, but only time will tell...

If we consulted the bible to see what is possible and what is not then we would not make progress...ever.

[edit on 27-12-2005 by sardion2000]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Sardion is right. What in the bible says that parrallel universes do not exist? And if so, what does it matter if Jesus, in those universes, did not die? It wouldn't matter, because it's not OUR universe. Our universe is the important one, for the simple reason that we exist in it. Your house is the most important house in the world to you, for the simple fact that you live in it.

So, if I went literalist, so what if Jesus didn't rescue mankind from their sins in another universe? It sucks to be them - but we're fine because we're saved.

Mind you, I'm not a literalist, and I am very adamant about people choosing to believe what they will. You know when the priest says "Let us renew our faith, 'I believe in God, the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth... yada yada yada...' "? Well, when it comes time to say "I believe in the Roman Catholic Church"... well... I don't say anything. My creed and my faith do not involve the church, but I believe everything else there.

Uh oh, if I continue typing, I'll be getting all into the religious debate. Only continue if you want to read that kind of stuff.

Jesus did not create the church. He did not form an underground movement of christianity. He did not ask to be worshipped. He did not seek to conquer and invade and force his beliefs on others. He came to talk, and to tell us about a better way, and He came to die and forgive us of our sins - not just for the people then, but for all time and all eternity. We are all forgiven - not just those proclaimed Christians.

The church, organized religion, and much of our world was created by man, and it is the sins of man that has hurt the world. War over God is a sin of Man, the sin of a church that looked to dominate rather than to enlighten. As Sardion said, God did not create the Bible - man did. Even if you say it is the word of God, then you must realize this - it is the word of God, as interpreted by man. And man is sinful. And man is stupid. And man makes mistakes.

There is only one part of the New Testament I would recommend people to read, and that is the list of the beatitudes. Blessed are the meek. Blessed are the humble. Everyone who is a good person, is blessed. There are no holds bars on what Jesus said.

Where does the bible say that women can't be priests? Where does the bible say that there must be priests!?! Where does the bible say there must be a pope, or a church? Where does the bible say you must go to church? Keep the Sabbath holy, that is what was said. What is holy? According to Jesus, you are holy if you are blessed, and you are blessed if you are a good person. Be a good person, and you will be keeping the Sabbath holy. Even the Sacrament of the Eucharist, is but in memory of Jesus, "This is my blood, the new and living covenant, it will be shed for you and for all. Do this in memory of me." It is in memory of him, it is a celebration of his time for us, and a renewal of faith in the forgiveness of sins. It is not required that you do that, but is asked (rather politely too, if I might add) that you keep it in your thoughts.

No, I do not follow the church anymore. It is not what I believe in, and it sets standards which were not meant to be set. I will believe in what I will now, and I will keep the spirit of the living covenant - an agreement that is not permanent, but which can evolve and accomadate. And I invite others to share in that kind of unity and peace with God through yourself - not through an institution.

If I had to pick out a religion that most resembled mine own now, it would likely be closer to Hinduism and Buddhism than Christianity - but being raised Roman Catholic, I still have my basis of beliefs in the New Testament and what was said there.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by k4ruptBut, according to Christianity (i believe) parallel universes cannot exist. Well, if parallel universes do exist, then technically in another parallel unvierse, Jesus did not get crucified and did not die... So, if one believes in Christianity, this whole subject would be nullified, am I right?

By the same token, the "you" in a parallel universe could be the opposite sex! Perhaps in a parallel universe, you're a doctor, or gay. Perhaps, in a parallel're not even human. (at least not strictly speaking, in a zoological sense.) most people's notions of parallel universes, THEY stay pretty much the same, except for ONE WHACKY TWIST OF FATE. (Winning the lottery, shacking up with Britney Spears, etc., etc.,)

Hey, that's half the fun of pondering this stuff, right?

Another thing you're not considering is there may well be a FINITE number of other universes. OH....let's say....forty-two! (Our universe happens to be #16...whateva...) If you exist in these other universes AT ALL, odds are that the history over there played out exactly as ours. To that end, Jesus DID exist and was crucified.

[edit on 28-12-2005 by Toelint]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 03:58 PM
If parallel universes DO exist, then there would not just be one of us, but more of us, the same person (the same soul). So technically, if parallel universes exist, parallel heavens exist also (if you believe in Christianity). For every parallel universe, a parallel heaven has to exist. If there were, lets say, 200 parallel universes each with me living a different life, then some of me did not live a good life, some did. So some of me would be in hell (if you believe in Christianity) and some of me would be in heaven. Doesn't this go against the bible?

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 04:18 PM
Does it? Technically, it's not some of your soul, but a bunch of different souls that are like you, but aren't. And it's not necessarily parrellel heavens - as the same heaven (and more important for keeping the Christian faith, one god) could exist for all universes.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:09 AM

If parallel universes DO exist, then there would not just be one of us, but more of us, the same person (the same soul). So technically, if parallel universes exist, parallel heavens exist also (if you believe in Christianity). For every parallel universe, a parallel heaven has to exist. If there were, lets say, 200 parallel universes each with me living a different life, then some of me did not live a good life, some did. So some of me would be in hell (if you believe in Christianity) and some of me would be in heaven. Doesn't this go against the bible?

I think you mean parallel souls, and yes, in that case, some of your parallel selves COULD end up in Heaven and the others in Hell, but remember the key phrase here is "parallel souls". In that regard, you're all different. Of course, the notion of parallel Heavens brings with it, the argument of parallel Gods. Do you really want to open THAT can of worms??

[edit on 29-12-2005 by Toelint]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 03:59 AM
Technicall, everything you have ever done, doing now or are going to do has already happened.

There is a parralel universe for every single possibility you can think of.

When you have a premonition or have a bad feeling about something, that is your future self telling you they have already done it and you shouldnt.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 10:19 AM
I saw a program like that and they were saying exactly the same.

There are infinate paralel univereses and they are all happening now.

Another thing i read about is there being no such thing as time and everything that has happened or will happen in the future is happening now, just vibrating on a different level.

Dont no if i believe in any of it but im not ruling nothing out

Who came up with the idea of paralel universes anyway?

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 11:22 AM
maby it a outer space with menny other universes. but its 2 of me and you.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 12:14 AM
I don't think the parallel universe would consist of the same physical properties we feel and see.

I think a universe exists where there are beings that consist of pure energy. Able to move about at the speed of light and cause phenomena that we see as ball lightning, auroras and such.

Just my opinion.

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