posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 01:16 PM
Hey!!! A chance to use my schooling!!
There are many vitamins that need help in our bodies: to either be absorbed or converted to a different form. Vitamins A,D,E,K are fat-soluble, which
means they need fat to dissolve in the body. That is why nutrition expects don't recommend fat-free dressing with salads, because you need a little
fat when you eat to absorb the nutrition of the salad.
A component in carrots include beta-carotene, which is the orange color you see. Beta carotene is converted to Vitamin A ( also called retinol) in
the body. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness. Alot of people feel that carrots are not a good enough source of vitamin A and that you
should seek out richer choices, like dark green/yellow fruits and veggies.
Vitamin A is known for repair and growth of new epithelial cells, and is needed for good bone growth. Often people who get adequate amounts of
vitamin A often have nice shiny nails, hair and skin.