posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 03:47 AM
I always get bad stuff for Christmas mostly. I mean the only good thing I got in a while was this laptop that I am currently typing on. If I don't
ask for stuff, crap just somes flying under the Christmas tree. Stuff my parents think I need, not what I want.
Alright done whining like a little rich bioch (sort of like my sis) and just got those emotions out, now moving on.
Okay, also I have no fricken idea what I am getting for Christmas. Their is nothing under the tree. That scares me. My parents, oh I hate this, they
pretend that they can't afford some stuff but then like they were gonna buy this like 2,000 dollar pool. So after thinking that my dad could not get
me this one thing I want that is like 400 dollars, I was like okay your BSing me now buddy. But then I find out that they are impossible to get, which
makes more sense at least.
No, but still I don't know what I am getting. I mean this one vid-game maybe but I am not just getting one fricken present. I mean really I am
getting at least three this year and they better be a good three.
Guys don't say I am a rich you-know-what cause I'm getting a total of three presents so thats not that rich really.
I am middle/verge of upper class.