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New Plasma based life-form

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posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 02:15 AM
Scientists have been able to create a new 'lifeform' that is energy based in lab conditions mimicking ancient Earth..
Check out the following link to the New Scientist Website:

This could mean we have to re-think our theories on how life started on Earth and what we look for when searching for E.T.s!!!

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 04:48 AM
It has always amazed me that humans seem to think that life is the same everywhere, based on us as a model.

Who is to say that there isnt life on other planets that is silicon based? Or some other kind of life form? Even one which isnt an oxygen based life form, or one that DOESNT need water to survive.

As the above article shows, life is increadably complex, and we dont know sufficiently enough about our own possible beginnings to make sufficient judgement on other planets.

posted on Sep, 27 2003 @ 12:33 PM
Im trying to find more info on google, but nothings coming up. I need some photos

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 02:59 AM
In regards to mulberryblueshimmer's post, dido.

"Aliens" could have a phenominal variety of speculative differneces based on our benine assumsion of reletivity.
Just think, they could be bigger than us. -> such that we are meerly a molecule in there food,
Smaller than us. -> their univers could exist within ours, or within one of us.
Time based, they could move so fast we don't see them, or so slow we wouldn't notice them.
Like wise there are other things to take into effect.
They might not need water. Silicon Based? Heh, hows about based on an element or elements we are not yet aware of. Scientists here on earth have found bacteria that exists in Lava. Just think about that for a second. Obviously it contains no water, because it would evaporate if it did, heh boil? and whatever the bacteria does consist of it isn't organic to us by what we normaly, consider organic because in that heat, it would burn up. Well, that is all for now, I am tierd, and it is 12 50 am. hehe, bbyes

posted on Sep, 28 2003 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by mulberryblueshimmer
It has always amazed me that humans seem to think that life is the same everywhere, based on us as a model.

Who is to say that there isnt life on other planets that is silicon based? Or some other kind of life form? Even one which isnt an oxygen based life form, or one that DOESNT need water to survive.

As the above article shows, life is increadably complex, and we dont know sufficiently enough about our own possible beginnings to make sufficient judgement on other planets.

I agree. I've always wondered why scientist set very narrow guildlines to life.

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